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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Looks like we're getting Wiiware soon as well then?
  2. GAME.co.uk are awesome, I've always got my pre-orders on the Thursday, plus double reward points is nice. I've ordered this via Gameplay as it's £29.99 after using a voucher, but I got to pay an extra 99p for first class postage.
  3. Yeah they played it online, said it was better than local play (no mention of LAN mode mind, I guess it doesn't have it). Offline multiplayer only supports 4 players, the rest are bots.
  4. Ngamer rated this 88%, my subscription copy arrived today.
  5. Nuts, I missed requiting Aran
  6. The game is pretty hard to find these days, unfortunately. Good look finding a copy.
  7. Basically, any characters that appeared in PoR (with the exception of Sothe) gets some stat boosts depending on what their stats were in the PoR save file. it also unlocks a support gallery with all the support convos you had unlocked in PoR. Difficulty doesn't matter. Although there was a bug in the US version that made the game crash if you transfered an easy mode save. No idea if it's been fixed for the PAL release.
  8. Your not kidding: Micaiah dies after 1 hit. I've had to reset alot as well. @spoiler, if she retreats you didn't miss anything. Except maybe some bonus EXP. And yeah you get stat boosts from supports. Move 2 characters close by to gain the boosts. You can check what boosts you get in the characters status screen.
  9. Fixed the component cable issue.
  10. My copy arrived, just done chapter 1.
  11. yay! My Gameplay order status has changed to "complete" so I guess that means it's shipped?
  12. What? They haven't sent mine yet @yesteryeargames: Radiant Dawn continues the story after PoR.
  13. And suffers slowdown :P
  14. Yeah it's a scam. The main page didn't look believable anyway.
  15. I decided to go ahead and pick up a copy since £25 is a pretty good deal for a month old game. Probably won't have time to play it for a while though.
  16. DS DD 64 I've only played 3 And not much of 64 at that.
  17. I can't even find the freeloader on VGP. Have they sold out already?
  18. You were denying that date a little while ago. Has your source confirmed it or something?
  19. pre-ordered mine at Gameplay. I was gonna pre-order at GAME but it was cheaper at Gameplay, now I find GAME has reduced it to the same price (£29.99). So I was debating canceling at Gameplay and ordering at GAME but I can't be bothered. I paid for 1st class so as long as I get it Thursday I don't care.
  20. Shop called Grainger Games. They only have stores in the North East and Scotland though. They have an online shop, but I've never used it before.
  21. Wait, so you can't move your SSBB data to your SD card, so we're gonna be stuck with a 128 block save file forever?
  22. I've just seen this for £25, for 1 week only. Should I buy it?
  23. Simple. Marth (and Roy) hasn't starred in any English games. (yet). Ike has.
  24. Wouldn't it cause a problem if the JP/US version installs an update for the PAL Wii?
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