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Everything posted by Ike

  1. You won't be charged customs as they lower the price of the item on the package.
  2. You need to get the national dex but beating the elite four than then you must have seen all the pokemon in the sinnoh dex
  3. yep, they uploaded it to the server already.
  4. Yay finally, I haven't been able to get hold of the item to evolve Electrobuzz. Has the Magmortor code been cracked yet and does any one know it? Edit: nm found the code. Edit 2: Working links if any one wants to do the long way: http://ms.nintendo-europe.com/pokmysgif/enGB/shocking/ http://ms.nintendo-europe.com/pokmysgif/enGB/heated/
  5. Nintendo also denied that baby peach was in Mario Kart Wii.
  6. Ngamer reviewed the Japanese version with a score of 93%.
  7. Yes, since it was based on the TP model, this Sheik may be female, while the OoT Sheik was male. That's my theory.
  8. I pre-ordered from Gameplay for £29.99 using a voucher.
  9. Well there's another confrence on Friday right? We might find out the date then.
  10. Here and here. edit: and also Here.
  11. They were supposed to offer replacement disks in December, but I'm not sure if it happened or not.
  12. Why? What did they do?
  13. NoE have confirmed the release date, which is indeed 14th March! Apparently it's going to retail for £36/€50. Which seems a bit odd. Source
  14. The artwork makes me suspicious, but I want to believe the April 11th release :P
  15. NoE's assests library has Radiant dawn listed as 14th March! I'll take that as confirmation thank you very much.
  16. Interesting. I think we will get this in April, personally.
  17. I got my game rack and keyring yesterday. The rack is awesome, but the keyring was kinda disappointing. it's a lot smaller than i thought it would have been.
  18. Anybody used rightstuf.com before? I'm thinking of ordering from them but apparently they want you to scan and send them some form of ID which i don't want to do if I can help it.
  19. FUNImation's first One Piece DVD boxset is due out May 27th. It also looks like they are starting from episode 1 rather than the Jaya arc where they picked up after the 4kids dub.
  20. How come we're only been getting 1 new VC every week?
  21. The club Nintendo soundtrack is available for pre-order from Play-Asia.com for £15.01 + shipping (cheapest is £2.01).
  22. Question about the music. i was reading through the list of tracks and it has Ashley's Song (JP) and Mona's Pizza (JP) listed. Does this mean we're getting both the English and Japanese version of the song?
  23. I did. Due to the bad translation the opening confused me; but I think I know what happened. The music is also very annoying I find. Good game otherwise.
  24. Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem (or Fire Emblem 3). Also, Sheena from FE3 is a sticker so i dunno if that implies Marth's return or not.
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