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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Display port is pretty interesting, suggests it's capable of higher refresh rates.
  2. @Dcubed what do make of this “SuperSEGA” fpga console. Real or scam?
  3. For a fleeting moment I was somehow in first. And then, suddenly, fourth.
  4. Famicom Detective Club: Famicom Detective Club at home: Sorry Yuji Horii, please don't cancel DQIII. I guess those deigns are bit of a trope since Ace Attorney also has similar.
  5. Here we go again...
  6. Probably hoping people won't stretch to buy the drive and become conditioned to being all digital. Curious to what the attachment rate is for the Slim model.
  7. Curious if it will eliminate the need for separate performance or high quality options. Apparently Sony has increased the RRP of the Dual Sense by £5. Sauce: https://www.eurogamer.net/sony-quietly-increases-price-of-playstation-5-dualsense-controller
  8. Square Enjx is doing a DQIII 2D-HD panel at TGS on the 29th with Yuji Horii so something will probably be announced then.
  9. It certainly looks fantastic.
  10. I don't remember it getting bad until Fishman Island. Probably because they stopped doing fillers arcs, which everyone hated. At least you could skip them. They've improved since Wano started though. They've increased the animation budged for action scenes which look great. You still get recap episodes every so often, but it's not too bad.
  11. How's your Dragon Ball watch through going @Julius?
  12. More info coming next Wednesday about the stuff hinted in the Partners Direct.
  13. Finally DQIII on the eShop. Last to the party.
  14. In for Power Stone.
  15. Oh, the Trails in the Sky remake coming already? Edit: seemes to be a new game as it's action based?
  16. Maybe the rare occasion at work with some younger colleagues. I'm pretty sure it's a newer slang, never heard it used in that context when I was younger when everything was "sick". Banger was used with mash, as in sausage and mash, or an old car to me.
  17. Yeah, good games. I'm still trying to work out how Bayo's f-smash hit when I was behind you. Oh good, I was worried I was intruding.
  18. I was surprised they even bothered with a physical release this time, and the fact that it's the PS4 (with it being last gen and all...). Also, a demo is available. Save transfers over. https://www.nintendo.com/en-gb/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/Ace-Attorney-Investigations-Collection-2589276.html
  19. For some reason, only the PS4 version is getting a PAL physical version.
  20. That was a rollercoaster of emotions.
  21. April 24th. Mai trailer with new outfit (a bit more) suitable for good boys & girls? Crossplay confirmed so will probably pick it up on Steam.
  22. No idea why SEGA can't produce it themselves, they are more than capable. In other news, they've made the first 10 episodes of Sonic X Japanese dub with English subtitles.
  23. I would have been all other that if it wasn’t Limited Run Games. The Chao figurines!
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