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Everything posted by M_rock

  1. YES I GOT IN, I can't download the gallery (keep getting error codes), but someone posted my entry on miiverse My entry is the one with Ketschburg and Moustardin! Any votes are very much appreciated!!
  2. I'm really happy we're getting an on screen map, that's all I wanted
  3. idk, if the quality is really like the ones they showed off at E3, the price seems reasonable for me. Can't wait to get my hands on the villager and toon link
  4. I'm really happy with this stage, the gen V games were my favorites of the whole series, so it's nice to see that they are being celebrated as well
  5. January might be a better time tbh, I can't see myself doing anything else than playing smash bros around the end of 2014 haha! Still looking forward to this title as well though!
  6. Yeah but the nintendo uk twitter posted today that you can go voting now. Weird haha but typically ninty
  7. It will be interesting to see how this does after nickelodeon decided to pull the show off the TV shedule. (Still a weird decision to me but oh well). This has a lot of potential, and it could become a really fun game! I like the graphics too. Also quite a bit of a shame this isn't coming to WiiU
  8. @RedShell The contest results are supposed to be up now, you can vote for your favorite! I can't seem to receive it, but it might be my horrible connection. I'm super stoked for the results though!
  9. It's not strange if they are in fact from alternate dimensions/ time zones
  10. Oh btw! @RedShell do you know how you are supposed to clear the bomb sensing minigame? I always failed so far! The bottom screen gives you a hint (red does not equal danger!), but I can't figure out what that means? Any tips, or is it just really pure luck?
  11. To be honest I wish I had a playstation as well. I've always been a nintendo only gamer, and until the Wii I was perfectly fine with that. I loved the gamecube and didn't feel like I was missing anything. With Wii and WiiU however that's a different story. I bought both 3DS and WiiU relatively short after release, and payed the full price. What I got in return were systems with incomplete OS's and even worse, without any games. Eventually both consoles got a price drop with way better bundles. So yeah, I'm not making the mistake again of being an early adaptor until nintendo proves it can actually handle a decent launch lineup. For handhelds I will always stick with nintendo, their game output is still very strong, and I do enjoy every game I play from them. It's just that nothing is as exciting as it used to be? I mean I look forward to smash bros, looked forward to mario kart, look forward to pokemon ORAS etc. All those games will be great, receive good reviews, but you can't compare them to something truly relevant and exciting like for example the launch of Mario 64, The wind waker and even Mario Galaxy. For home consoles I'll probably pick up their new system, but a decent amount of features will have to be present. I'm not buying a console again because of a promise for good titles. Nintendo learned nothing from the 3DS launch and WiiU still has a huge shortage of games. Don't get me wrong though, I love the console! Pikmin 3 was the best game I've played in years! But it's not enough to warrant a new console purchase at a full price. On the other hand I'm missing out on wonderful titles like Journey, The last of us, Ni no kuni, Kingdom hearts, Final fantasy.... In the gamecube area, nintendo's first party titles would easily cover all of my needs, but lately it's just not the case. They need to realise that they DO need third party support, and fast as well. They maintain a balance on their systems, so you don't get tired of only playing first party titles. It's a good thing for nintendo that I can't afford 2 home consoles, but if I had the money I would love to pick up a playstation as well, if only for those good 3rd party games. I still do believe in nintendo, I hope they'll turn around the tide and become exciting again. E3 this year was surely a step in the right direction, and 2015 seems to be a good year for WiiU owners. If they stop making WiiU (and 3DS to a certain degree) mere sequel machines and bring some real good exciting content (like splatoon!) to the table, I'll be good!
  12. I've played earthbound for the first time when it came out last year on the eshop. Calling it a great game is a grave understatement, it's a true classic! The fighting system is actually rather fun and interesting! Locales are great, atmosphere is amazing, the story is enchanting.... I recommend it to anybody and especially for such a cheap price!
  13. Yeah got it last night when I loaded my file again, can't believe I didn't figure that out by myself :p My favorite by far are the ketchup and moustard chefs! Their dialogue is so brilliant, and the way they care for each other is just too much too handle! I also really loved the lion statue in the garden. They way he tries to smash the little black pests made me laugh out loud haha! I've got about 5 nostalduds, they can occur anytime but are most common when your sync rate is around 60%. I'm not 100% sure what they do, but some forums say that when you gather 9, it gets converted into a silhouette film. (That is kind of lame tbh :/ ) But yeah, the game obviously has some flaws, but if you are willing to look past that you'll find a very rich experience. Especially for such a low price! The minigames are super fun, the areas are fun to explore, characters are interesting. The camera gimmick is a neat concept, but is failing in some regards because of the hardware limitations. It still is Skip at the top of it's game, try it out!
  14. I also want to stick with nintendo, but in no way day 1. I bought both 3DS and WiiU at launch price, only to see it being dropped immensly later on. There were no games to play, the systems felt not ready until later software updates... Being an early adopter didn't pay off at all. In the end the games made it worth it! I love pikmin 3, wind waker HD, mario kart and there's much more to come. 3DS already has an amazing library, but could use some new inventive titles in stead of sequels. I love nintendo's IP's and games way too much to ditch them, but if they want me to buy their new console on day 1 they will need to have something truly amazing in every aspect.
  15. The contest is supposed to end today, so I guess we'll get the voting gallery sometimes soon? Did you enter? I did, I'm super excited to find out if I made the cut haha! I also wonder if the contest is for the whole of Europe, or would it be a seperate one for each country? I wish nintendo would give some more information but oh well :p I ended up clearing it this morning actually! I REALLY took my time with the game though, and I had to cheat for some objects as well. It really is a shame the 3DS camera is so bad, because that's the only complaint I have! The story was so cute, and I loved the characters of course! All the visual splendor makes me crave for a WiiU skip game. I also loved
  16. I wonder how they will implement Wind waker stages/ enemies/ characters. They are a drastic different style after all. I hope they don't just end up totally excluding that game.
  17. The first nostaljunk contest hosted by NOE is about to start! You can receive the contest mode by turning on spotpass for the application. The winner gets a costume for chibi-robo! Super excited for this haha!
  18. While I do agree that charging for something as simple as a costume change is in fact quite cheap, it's not as simple as "copy pasting assets from the older games. These are clearly all new models with new textures built from scratch for this game
  19. I've had enough of Dedede's Drum Dash for the rest of my life, but cool for the fans I guess :p
  20. Been paying some more! It surely has to be your cup of tea, or you won't like this game. Thing is, I love it! I love cleaning up condensed areas, I love the characters, I love the minigames and I love searching the right shapes for the pictures.
  21. SO I GOT THIS last night, played for about 2 hours! A bit disapointed by the lack of exploration so far, but that might come later on? Anyways! The characters are as fun and quirky as ever, the animations are super funny, and the game looks AMAZING! The frame rate is a bit lower than the butter smooth 60fps, but it's still very stable and enjoyable. Taking the pictures is more fun than I expected! Also all hail the return of the butt :p
  22. Not yet, I don't have a credit card, and the eshop cards are super hard to find here. But I'll get my hands on someone's credit card this weekend probably haha! I'm looking forward to play it so much!!!
  23. I personally love Iwata, and I'm very happy he got re-elected. He might be a bit dense and conservative, but at least he has good honest intentions with the game industry.
  24. Because Paper Mario DOES use a hammer maybe? :p Man he would be so cool as a seperate character, but I don't see it happening.
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