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Everything posted by M_rock

  1. This is a thread about the Gen III remakes, not an evalutation of Serebii's site. He does a good job, and I don't see why it's needed to call him out all of a sudden?
  2. I think a decision like that would only make the brand confusion even bigger? They invested so much in the gamepad, they must have had at least some vision for it. I think it's best to just do as they planned and deliver the games.
  3. I just noticed that image says " Game in 2D, some areas also playable in 3D" seems they'll be continuing that nonsense from X and Y then :/
  4. Aaaah awesome! I really liked gen 3, and it's been ages. I can't wait to see all the cool locations in the 3D engine, they could really do great stuff with that! It's a bit weird to announce this before E3, but I really hope we get to see some actual game footage then (also well done on the global release, I love that!)
  5. I really liked the song from the netherlands, because it's just a simple good song :p Don't ever talk about Belgium's entry because I will cry
  6. meh I would really mind it if they already announced a 3DS successor. I mean the console already did a great job, but it still has alot of potential to fullfill, I don't feel done with it at all. Also we basically haven't had much third party support even though it's selling well now (although I'm doubting if we'll ever see that...) A new home console that makes the WiiU outdated is crazy, nintendo would never do that to the people who spent all that money on a WiiU so recently. They have new titles coming out like X, Bayonetta 2, smash (and hopefully a lot more we don't know about). It just wouldn't be logical to abandon the WiiU after they are finally stepping up their game. If it's new hardware I'm guessing it would be a 3DSi, although I have no idea what that would add, 3DS basically has all major functions it need and I don't think it would benefit from a small upgrade like DS to DSi. So I'm calling the rumor bullocks :p
  7. I'm a bit scared the disney game isn't going to be quite as good as Animal Crossing. I've been watching some playthroughs on youtube and it seems a bit dissapointing/ a bit of a technical mess/ and a bit of a cash cow (mini transactions) I do hope fantasy life ever makes it to Europe though! Also Tomodatchi life is going to be fabulous
  8. Games are entertainment, I think people should experience them in a way that makes them happy, even if that involves easy modes or cheat codes. Online matching is a different case of course.
  9. I'm glad I finally can have the exclusive public work projects hahaha! They are so adorable!
  10. I still remember getting my gamecube when I was a kid, it was so much fun! The first game we got was smash brothers and we literally spent days and days playing just that. Also that intro movie <3 The game that defined the gamecube for me was the wind waker though. I had never experienced anything like it! The gameplay was fun, the story was engaging, characters were interesting, I loved sailing on the great ocean, exploring stuff and just doing whatever you felt like doing, all while a great adventure is unfolding. Besides that I really enjoyed Chibi-Robo, Pikmin, Sonic Adventure 2, Ocarica of time (my first time playing it), Animal Crossing, Crystal Chronicles, Tales of symphonia and much more! It's still my favorite nintendo console ever, and I still boot it up from time to time. It's also worth noting that even after 2 generations the gamecube controller still feels like the best controller ever made
  11. I would love if they released Mother 3 on the WiiU vc, it seems only logical after releasing earthbound. We'll probably get a Zelda U trailer, but I don't think it will be playable. Hopefully more info on X and Bayonetta 2. Wild guesses/ wishes: -Metroid 2D sprite game for 3DS -Metroid prime for WiiU -FINALLY flipnote studio 3D -Localise the chibi robo eshop game+ new wiiU title -A sequel to Wario Ware: DIY -Majora's Mask 3D (just seems logical) -A new Mario game for Wiiu comparable with the likes of galaxy, sunshine and 64 -I would cry from joy when they launched a wireless gamecube pad for WiiU along with smash bros...
  12. Does anybody know if the WiiU version will be compatible with the Wii classic controller (I'm not talking about the WiiU pro controller)? I would love to buy an adaptor for my gamecube pad to plug it into the Wiimote, but I really want to be sure that smash bros will work with wii classic controllers. (The adaptor makes the WiiU think the gamecube pad is a classic controller)
  13. This is the quirky weird nintendo game I've been waiting for, I can't wait to be a rockstar haha!
  14. aaaah this was awesome! The visuals look great on both versions, game modes look fun, they actually listened to fans! Best direct ever. I want this game NOW
  15. I would love to see these characters make an appearance as playable characters at one point: Yoshi (with baby mario on back), Chrom (or even better, Lucina), Tingle, Wonder Red, Alph/Brittany/Captain and Chibi Robo! (wishfull thinking on that last one hehe) Assist trophies that I would love: Flipnote studio frog, King of Red Lions, Loftwing, Chibi Robo, Tom Nook, Ravio, Trixie kong Anyways, can't wait for tonight. I'll probably watch the US youtube stream, since european Ustream was a horror last time hehe.
  16. Wacom tablet pens actually do exactly that, they also measure the position when the pen is not touching the tablet surface, and they also measure how much the pen is tilted + pen pressure. It should be noted that these pens cost around 100 euros though :p If I remember correctly the original DS (brick) had a pressure sensitive screen, but nintendo didn't allow devellopers to use it. (It was used in homebrew though) Later revisions of the DS didn't have a pressure sensitive screen. It could be cool to see that feature return, although I'm not sure if it would add alot to gameplay exept for drawing apps.
  17. I'm quite baffled they managed to turn some of their niche series into mainstream succes games. (Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem) It makes me rather happy Also I adore my 3DS, and I was the happiest guy on this planet when they released earthbound on the WiiU. I'm still hoping for mother 3 to make it over as well.
  18. But 720p IS half HD. It's not that I don't agree that resolutions above 480p are much better and more pleasant to look at. And I know high resolution screens are used on tablets etc. It's just that these tablets/smartphones/whatever don't actually do alot of realtime game rendering (or at least not comparable to any full gaming on 3DS/ Vita as far as I know). Playing a movie in HD on your tablet requires less processing power than actually rendering a polygonal game at 60fps. If a gaming handheld would have to output graphics of that dimension, the processing power would have to be so huge and very very very expensive? The battery would be frickin enormous to support that. I'll be very happy and excited if nintendo is able to pull that off and sell the system for a decent prize, but I just don't think it's possible yet.
  19. But 480p sounds bad on an actual HD computer screen, not on a smaller screen like 3DS! I don't understand how people can expect a handheld console to have such a high res screen? WiiU, PS4, XBone all have output in 1080p 60fps (or at least I think so), so it's not very reasonable to expect that from a lower cost handheld? (unless you all want to pay 700 euros??)
  20. I love the dual screen setup, and I really hope they'll keep it. It just feels very natural. I couldn't bother less about the 3D, it's fun for a minute, but then everybody just turns it off. I'm not sure if 1080p would have a great impact on such a small screen size though. I agree a better screen resolution would be nice, but it doesn't have to be rediculous. I'm not quite done yet with 3DS though, I mean it obviously has alot of good games, but nowhere as many as DS had. I hope it will stick around until 2016/2017 at least!
  21. but art style just IS important, and it determines alot of the atmosphere in a game, so I would rather have a great game with an actual great art style that complements it. They did this with all their previous games so this shouldn't be an issue at all
  22. Of course! I didn't mean to ditch OOT's art direction at all. It does look very good. I just prefer the more creative art style of WW, TP and SK. I don't think they should pick one art style and stick to that at all! That would basically mean all zelda games would look the same, and I really believe that would limit the team to develop new ideas. So yeah I'm all up for experimenting with the visuals if it complements the gameplay.
  23. Chrom would be such a great addition! Although I would prefer Lucina more, since she's a female character for a change. I'm still rooting for Chibi-Robo, although I realise that his actual size makes it almost impossible to be a character. But even an assist trophy would be nice! Also the flipnote studio frog needs to be an assist trophy.
  24. I think of all the games OOT has the least interesting art style, it's kind of generic/ standard fantasy? I don't mean it's bad, it's very well made, but in terms of visual design I find Twillight Princess, Wind Waker and Skyward sword much better looking
  25. Anything Smash related is good news haha! Looking forward to this, and I'm also glad they announced it abit beforehand, so I can actually plan things and be able to watch it (although the hour is pretty late haha) I really think/ hope for a release date, I mean why else would they do a direct about smash at this point?
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