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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. This chap speaks truths. I was lucky enough to fall in to a halls of residence so monumentally amazing that it hasx warped my very perceptions of space, time and cosmic justice ever since. I am aware,however, that we were an exception and a greater deal of my fellow student body found common ground with compatriots in societies and satellite socialites. I recommend you aspire to sample both techniques.
  2. the last line of Wanted is nought compared to the book: adorning a picture of Wesley Gibson, butt naked screaming and giving the finger to the 'camera' there's a caption of: AND THIS IS ME FUCKING YOU IN THE ASS The film is not a great deal like the book. At all.
  3. Yeah it's mad. I've known some pretty heavy drug users in my time but nothing I'd call an addiction, not like that. It was bad enough though. I guess with medicinal heroin they're cutting out the cutting process and they can start cutting down the dose to manageable levels and going from there. Frankly, I'm amazed it hasn't already become standard practice. I might ask some of my Murse friends what they make of it- they've all worked with heroin addicts before.
  4. So I'll be getting this scott free some time in the near future. I'll let you know how it goes.
  5. I think that's the dealio, yeah. Apparently something like 98% of people never get off Methadone too so...it's a bit shit.
  6. That's not it at all. That story is about a clinic that is treating addicts with Heroin instead of Methadone and is getting great results.
  7. you do realise you're talking to a guy who considered voting BNP right?
  8. much as I'm pro TU in a general, lefty tree hugger kind of way.... Fuck That.
  9. Masterchef was good. My mum makes a pie like that salmon dish. It's delicious.
  10. Revolver is a beautifully constructed album. It all flows so gorgeously together. One of my favorites. In other news: I do beleive that The Cribs just clicked with me. Ignore The Ignorant suffers for association with...well, any indie these days but, thankfully, it's much better than that and carries itself to a much higher level with some great, honest to bog songcraft you just don't see very often. It's rather charming, in all.
  11. I can say with confidence now: I Absolutely Do Not Give A Fuck About The New Mighty Avengers Lineup. It's just...ass. Compared to the previous lineup where it was Stark and Danvers hand picked registration squad, this lineup is awful. Nor does the series have the compelling underground premise of New Avengers. The latter team is excellent, though. Rohnin as team leader is great and Bucky's Captain America is really cool too. I like how different they've made him (as opposed to just fitting right in to the role) New Dark Avengers is out this week too. Hopefully they'll finally get around to the Marvel Boy storyline that was unceremoniously dropped just before Utopia.
  12. In comparison to Loeb's run after Millar's original Vol 1 and Vol 2, yes. New TWD should be amazing. Must pop to town tomorrow or something.
  13. I forgot to tell you all how Awesome Ultimate Avengers just got again. Ultimate Red Skull has easily one of the best badguy origins I've read in ages. Perfect polar opposite of Cap And Hawkeye remains spectacularly brilliant in Millar's hands.
  14. I read a thing this week about the premise for the series. basically, the boys have taken to a stance of 'dual paternity' with the baby and are working together to rescue it from Sophie's downward spiral whilst also trying to find their dream lifestyle. oh, the chaos. You can just taste it in the air.
  15. I seem to recall Richard Hawley isn't without his fans on this here web community forum. Thusly, I present A stream of his new album for you, should you be so inclined.
  16. You know, I just don't like The Punisher. While I can see it has potential for carrying gritty crime drama all I've ever seen from it as a series is one note shock tactics and appalling far right politics. I'm not sure what got him a place on The List at all. Norman has more pressing concerns than Frank Castle I'm sure.
  17. I'm fairly sure that's not true.
  18. I think the idea is thus: They're one shot issues in that each is a self contained story and doesn't lead up to the next issue but, overall, The List is going to set the stage and tone of the final chapter of Osborn's Dark Reign.
  19. Consider it done
  20. Scarlet Witch!? the fuck?
  21. Zing Classic issue. Arguably one of the best and definitely one of the key pivotal issues for the greater story. Keep going! I'll check it out. My interest in Mighty is mostly for the inclusion of Stark and Ms Marvel. They're pretty ace. What's the current roster? The Avengers lineup is more changeable than the government stance on Sentinels
  22. You guys see the icon? I just auto run the .cbr files out of My Documents. speaking of which: Decided to catch up on all things Avengers so I can finish reading Dark Reign in style. I've gone as far back as Civil War on New Avengers (I bought the hard backs up to that) and I have all of Mighty Avengers to read (Formed during/ after Civil War) might get The Initiative too. Anyone read it? also: can anyone help me find the death of captain america arc / Bucky taking up the alias? muchos appreciated if you can.
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