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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Consider it done
  2. Scarlet Witch!? the fuck?
  3. Zing Classic issue. Arguably one of the best and definitely one of the key pivotal issues for the greater story. Keep going! I'll check it out. My interest in Mighty is mostly for the inclusion of Stark and Ms Marvel. They're pretty ace. What's the current roster? The Avengers lineup is more changeable than the government stance on Sentinels
  4. You guys see the icon? I just auto run the .cbr files out of My Documents. speaking of which: Decided to catch up on all things Avengers so I can finish reading Dark Reign in style. I've gone as far back as Civil War on New Avengers (I bought the hard backs up to that) and I have all of Mighty Avengers to read (Formed during/ after Civil War) might get The Initiative too. Anyone read it? also: can anyone help me find the death of captain america arc / Bucky taking up the alias? muchos appreciated if you can.
  5. well this is entirely odd. Mods assemble!
  6. I'm amazed Mad Men didn't win more, but whatever. It's still on the air and going strong anyway.
  7. Strange. You're using CDisplayEX right?
  8. hm, how so? there's one bit where the scan goes nuts and is all crap angles but the page after is that same page done properly.
  9. I've not actually. Good?

  10. Oh I'm sure he will. I imagine that once it's all over the whole registration act will go out with Osborn's way of doing things and The Avengers (New and Mighty) will be re-instated, including Barton's Hawkeye alias.
  11. Pretty sick issue though. Loved seeing barton take out The Avengers like that. Especially Daken, who remains shit as ever.
  12. so The List kicked off this week. This should be suitably epic.
  13. didn't think of that. It takes a fair chunk off when open though so...
  14. The big dog Norman Osborn. He's a super powered Patrick Bateman meets Peter Mandelson and practically runs the world, barely keeping a lid on a seething mass of paranoid psychosis. Brilliant.
  15. fair doos.
  16. What's the gist? is it just the other X-Men team?
  17. I'm not reading Legacy. Is it worth it?
  18. Ms it is. I r being retarded. Either way, she's brilliant. I love the way she craves Norman's approval. Daddy issues and she can punch a skyscraper in half
  19. if you mean a multi part song/ piece yes Mogwai and Explosions In The Sky have done entire albums of it. And they're both far, far better than Muse.
  20. It's brilliant ay? Exodus was also fantastic. Proper dust down battle royal. My only complaint is that my favourite Dark Avenger 'Mrs Marvel' didn't get much of a look in. A small sacrifice for such a good, large scale action issue though. Particularly liked Warren and Namor stepping up like they did. And Scott. What a character he is in the hands of a good writer. Wolverine might be the more popular character with fans (God knows why) but Cyclops is such a great X-Man.
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