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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. You monster.
  2. Yeah it's from the original Normandy. Great touch.
  3. I always throw a bit of renegade about- Shepard is a bit of a hard ass for me, even though she's fundamentally an optimist of sorts. I'm liking the tone of this game a lot actually. It's properly dark. Not in a really overblown way but the desperate tone is everywhere from the lighting to the description of casualty reports in the galaxy map and the war effort. I love it. What do you guys make of James? Not sure I'm a huge fan but he's an improvement on wasssiface from ME2.
  4. Too soon?
  5. Joseph Kony is not in Uganda, and other complicated things I also watched the film. Manipulative, sketchy as fuck and offensively dishonest.
  6. Nice one, man. Did that myself recently (apart from uni) and it feels pretty fuckin great.
  7. Yeah it's not like Kony has somehow stopped being a psychotic war criminal, but the tactics used by the campaign are very deceptive. Bit of a shame really because...well it's clearly a good cause and his arrest should be a priority for the authorities. I don't think they need to resort to those tactics because it discredits their objective as much as their organisation.
  8. I don't have 30 mins spare right now. Anyone care to at least post some bullet points? I'll watch it tonight.
  9. Sounds like I missed a good sesh. Drop me an invite next time (though I might well be on ME3 so...)
  10. Hallo, shopto dispatch email.
  11. Her? OK, not quite as cool but...yeah. Fine. I'm good.
  12. Won't lie: I've not seen her in game
  13. I'm not fussed about that. Femshep never really looked as rad as manshep- mostly because of the crap hair choices. The only course of action to avoid plastic lump hair was to go all sigourney weaver in Alien 3 and go shaved. Now, the new default femshep is a kick ass redhead and looks amazing. I know who I'll be picking. Just think of it like James Bond casting or something.
  14. Man, how shit is playing as Raam?
  15. hmm, might look in to that. Thanks for the heads up!
  16. Arguably one of the best shows ever made. It's absolutely incredible, and only for £26 is a bargin.
  17. I'm annoyed: I kept one Shepherd save from ME1 and 2 but my hdd got wiped. I've started a new save on ME2 hoping to 'catch up' but the default story from ME2 isn't how I played ME1. Without paying for DLC and starting again, I'm not going to get the story I used to have before 3 comes out this week.
  18. Well they already had armour abilities in Reach so presumably the armour aesthetics will reflect those. I just hope 343 balance those better because they almost killed Reach (until 343 took over and made it fucking boss)
  19. GAME directors consider pulling the plug Shows just how bad the company affairs are, really. Without a turnaround of major publisher support, they're fucked.
  20. Yep. I struggle with anything more complicated than bus fare so it's not something I can see myself learning. I always envied those around me who went down maths / science routes because I've always been fascinated by it but find it totally incomprehensible at the same time.
  21. Well for now I have a really good salary and a kick ass pension that's far better than what I would find in the private sector (assuming I'd even be offered a pension) so: Winning! We'll see, I suppose, but my job is safe for now as I work in engineering which is a massive funding cash cow so I'm not worried about my job getting cut, which is nice.
  22. This is great. I have no idea how to code but it's made me think: If I ever have offspring, they are learning to code at least one language. I consider it far, far more important than a spoken foreign language (though that too)
  23. Of sorts. I'm working in internal comms now, which is related. Same kind of skills and the like but much better paid and in the public sector. Shazaaam.
  24. Actually, yes! This is why I didn't become one
  25. to be honest I'm not sure why you'd want to game test anyway. All I've ever heard is that it's soul crushingly dull, underpaid and under appreciated.
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