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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I met Bluey through my best friend. He's a pro illustrator (not that he needs anymore of an ego massage!) but he works full time for Apple. He likes it that way though because free-lancing is VERY hard but its leaving him a bit out of kilter atm cos he's just out of practice. Look for something with a bit more of a career in it to support your art. I think that you'd do very well though, your style is fantastic. When I have kids, I'm so comissioning you to make a book for them
  2. Just seemed like the main lass was underacting a bit in the effort to seem hard. Well most of what happened, we kind of already new about and actually I quite liked the mystery behind some of the unsaid stuff. TBH if you read between the lines during the series then you can get most of it entirely. There was only one thing that it was worth watch it for, which was:
  3. Just watched Razor... disappointing:(
  4. What? How much have you got in there? I'd think about getting a morgage based on the interest alone! Christ...
  5. Just chillin out to some Thievery Corporation... good old French chillout...
  6. Oh crap! The cat's outta the bag! *meow* Sorry Letty!
  7. Ahhh wot!? Stats? You gotta be frackin' kidding me! At least mechanics doesn't LIE! Stats is a mathematical convenience, devised by man so that they can prove the unproveable. Mechanics is designed by nature, so it works!
  8. I'd go with this. I'm honestly expecting them to just not tell you though, just say: "Somewhere in Northern Africa..." which of course would narrow it down. Have there been black zombies in the series yet? Would piss myself if Chris said "He is not a zombie... but hell, I've never SEEN a black zombie before so maybe I'm wrong"
  9. Catching up on this series atm, churned through Ecclestone episode and have just finished watching the 2 parter about the Cybermen. I completely forgot how class this series is (bar the awful casting of cbbc presenters!). I've got all excited about potential Davros-ness in the new series though... he's brilliant.
  10. Again, only in Europe. There are many many brilliant games that have just come out for the DS. You just might need to get your import on.
  11. Seen them live. One of the best gigs that I've been to in a while, might have something to do with a HOT girl hiiting on me though.
  12. Ah good luck WYB! What kind of Geology job is it?
  13. Haha! Nintendo Media Summit 2008 - Press Conference Press: So Reggie, what can you tell us about your new game releases? Reggie: Games? We don't make games... who told you that? Would you like us to make games? Iwata: Yes, I would like to confirm that we do not make games, eventhough speculation has assumed otherwise. Press: But... Reggie: No. Press: *silence* And the next day Kid Icarus comes out globally with a massive advertising campaign with the tagline "We Lied".
  14. I don't mind her singing it. But writing it? Ahhh well, as long as I don't have to see her face.
  15. But technically they can. The difference between the international student price and the British price is subsidised by the the Government (illedgidly). All they will be doing is taking away all or a fraction of that subsidy. Problem is, is that Uni very rarely see much of that subsidy.
  16. With games like Smashbros and MarioKart, not to mention the VC, shouldnt Nintendo carry on producing the Gamecube pads?
  17. Mah, don't care. Nintendo have basically said a big "fuck you" until E3.
  18. Oh great... they're making it worse. I'm doing a second degree atm and I dont get any student loan at all (even though I didn't on the first one). I have to pay the full £3000 anyway but £8000 is insane, like completely. That's getting on for international fee amounts.
  19. Has anyone been noticing any problems with the forum? Like losing the connection and stuff just being a bit tempramental in general. I've been getting that over the past 2 or 3 days.
  20. Jamba


    This looks really good. Exaclty the kind of thing that i can sit down, relax and play. Thanks for the info Tellyn and biggup for the vid Dante!
  21. Its to do with knowing people who have very similar faces to him and jaw set up and so on. They all seem to have that kind of speech impediment and I was wondering if it was because of the way their face is put together. From what I remember though, your palette has more to do with that kind of thing...
  22. I didn't know that you were so young! How old is your letcherous boyfriends then? :p Is he going mainland too?
  23. Jamba

    Wii Fit

    I think that I'd rather get fit by going outside tbh, cos i work on a computer most of the time. Also, there are so many mini-games that I can take and I just see this sitting by the wayside about 2 weeks after I've bought it. Only thing that has really interested me in this game is the yoga type of stuff. Measuring balance is something that only the board can do. But I still don't see myself getting around to doing it!
  24. Jamba

    Wii Fit

    25th I think... Damn, I'm not going anywhere near this game. As a buisiness strategy, it's great but it's more the thing that I'd have a go on occasionally if my Mum had one, you know?
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