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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. I'd be surprised if this gets perfect scores, 9s sound about right. It just takes Melee and adds new features, stuff like that is always penalised.
  2. Pretty crappy deal to be honest. Dell make good base models but rip you off for the upgrades! I'll start off by saying avoid the quad core trap. Most games and desktop applications aren't optimised for quads so the spare 2 cores just end up running background tasks. Most people would be better off with a faster dual core. The ATI 2600XT is a good graphics card, but for £650-£700 you should be looking at an ATI 3850 or 3870 or an Nvidia 8800 series card. Do you really need 1TB of HDD space from the get-go? Hard Drives are getting cheaper all the time, and they are really easy to install so overbuying is basically throwing money away. Also, Dell are vastly overcharging for the 3GB RAM upgrade, avoid it like the plague! Try these stores: DinoPC.co.uk PCSpecialist.co.uk PCoption.co.uk 3xs.scan.co.uk (they will build you anything, whether it's listed or not, just give them a call) You'll be looking for something down the lines of: Processor: E6750/E8400 Motherboard: Asus P5K/Abit IP-35 Graphics Card: 3870/8800GT RAM: Anything over 2GB. Don't buy DDR3 or over 4GB of DDR2 Hard Drive: However much you need DVD Drives: Anything, 2 if you are gonna be making copies of disks Case: Whatever you like the look of Ever thought of building you're own? You can get a pretty good gaming PC for under £500!
  3. yawn These threads are always the same! "Wii needs more good games to keep me interested" "STFU N00B! THE WII HAZ MEGA L33T GAMEZ!!1!1!!" Boring.
  4. Why couldn't this go in the other Resistance thread? Next time please put the screens in the game thread, the Playstation thread or both
  5. Nice wallpaper! Got a link?
  6. Some good games there! Still prefer TF2 though :p I don't think CSS has aged very well
  7. I'll be on after all, pub got cancelled and i can't be arsed to go the uni bar. It's 7 miles from my house!
  8. WTF is up with Yun-Sung's new look?
  9. Im off to the pub tonight (i think?) Gonna get a bit of practice in now ready for next time
  10. ooh, might be a buy for me!
  11. It's gone up in price Got mine for £12! Yeah, thats the one. Instructions are in the box, it's basically: 1. Remove old heatsink 2. Clean thermal paste off the chips 3. Add the pieces in order, they all stick down or screw in place. 4. Put card back in computer. The sticky on the RAM heatsinks isn't very good so it's worth ordering some of this for when the inevitably fall off: http://scan.co.uk/Products/ProductInfo.asp?WebProductID=635996 Other than that a bottle of nail varnish remover and some cotton buds for cleaning the old thermal paste off the chips EDIT: Got some pics The 1st pic is just after the stock cooler has been removed, the 2nd is after cleaning and installation of the RAM modules. You want to clean all the blue sticky stuff off and give the RAM chips and processor (the big chip) a good clean, otherwise the new kit won't stick properly.
  12. Thats what revenge is for, you get that mate drunk and get him to sleep with someone who you KNOW has herpes! Instant regret lol
  14. Show me games or GTFO
  15. Theres a fine line between saviour an bitch, been on the wrong side of that line a few times myself...
  16. Difficult to help really, different model motherboards have different bios' Note down the model and i'll see what i can find You basically want to decrease the voltage to the CPU fan, probably in 0.5V steps until you are happy with temps + noise
  17. Not quite as dumb as steam updates, in getting 60Kb/s right now and i just want to play! The % complete thing is broke, so i've no idea how long it will take In fact, steam just sucks!
  18. AFAIK you need to do it in the bios, the freezer 7 doesn't have an built-in fan controller.
  19. Why do i have to install HL2 and CSS? I only want CSS on...
  20. £220 to play Smash Bros Brawl? Im not made of money! I don't play nearly enough games to warrant owning a 360, gaming PC and a Wii, 2 of the 3 is pushing it already! I suppose i could buy it, play Brawl for a few months and then sell the Wii on though My 360 will probably go with it too...
  21. Good idea, you really don't want to come to Stafford. Trust me, i've lived enough places to know when im in a dump! The town is basically built on a swamp, we have very few decent shops and the nightlife is crap! The uni is 2 miles from the town centre too, and the walk back is all up hill! Still, better than Shetland i suppose :p
  22. If i manage to resist buying a Wii when this comes out it will be a miracle! I want Brawl so bad!
  23. A Bobomb, i just want to blow up right now. Seriously!
  24. Arctic Cooling Accelero S1, costs about £15. Installed one to my ATi x1950 XTX yesterday and it's brilliant! Completely passive and idle temps below 40°C. Theres also a fan add-on called the turbo unit, costs i about a fiver. I bought one but tbh i don't need it so it's going back. Worth noting though: Buy some extra thermal paste/tape, the stuff of the RAM heatsinks is really crappy. I didn't and installation was murder, im half expecting the sinks to fall off at any moment while my graphics card fries!
  25. By the end of this year there will be a 4Mbps wireless network across most of the country, hardly slow. The problem at the moment is price and usage limits, but these will fall over time. Better to wait for that than try to convince BT to lay new cables, they#ll drag they're heels even if the PM gives them a kick up the arse!
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