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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. what is it with zelda games and gold box art?
  2. Any launch after the end of November would be good, my first 2 pay packets have to go on clearing my student debt (overdraft) so end of Nov would allow me to get one on launch day Anyone else a bit annoyed that its going to be £20 over here for a Wiimote + another £10 for the nunchaku? Was kind of hoping they'd be bundeled together for £20
  3. Theres some stuff on nintendo japans site but i aint read it yet, using my mobile to browse the web and its SLOW! Think its all VC and connect24 stuff, scanned through it quick and didnt see anything on price
  4. light pollution > darkness
  5. A lazy port is better than no port though Wii tennis sounds like it will be fun, the example i used on the other hand sounds rather fiddly (and probably will be, hence why SSBB isnt using the 'mote). Something about the controller just says to me that it wont be suited to the usual brand of fighting games all that well. fingers crossed that 90% of Wii ports use the 'mote then
  6. Porting. Its a lot easier to port a game from say 360 across to Wii if you were to use the Classic Controller. Also, the Wiimote isnt really suited to all types of games, an alternative would be nice for those! (for example, Mortal Kombat sounds like its going to be hell to play) I can see the danger with this though. If the classic controller is bundled and therefore readily available, more games might take the easy route and use this instead of the Wiimote, thus slowly killing the Wii off. Its about balance, Nintendo are going to have make things easy for developers and consumers whilst avoiding making it so easy that the console looses sight of what it was designed for, they get that right and their on to a winner, get it wrong and it'll be a disaster!
  7. i was at staffs for the weekend, it was so-so. personally i had a great time but you really had to pick and choose the acts to find the good crowds and avoid the zombies! Really enjoyed the bands i saw and mostly stayed in the tents (more lively crowds for some reason). Best bands i saw were Gomez, Beck, Fatboy Slim, Art Brut (i saw her naked! TWICE! lol priceless!), Cooper Temple Clause, Dead 60's and The Dears. Biffy sucked unfortunately, big let down but the band were getting pretty pissed off with the sound guy (he kept accidentally cutting the mics! ). An angry band aint a good band
  8. where did you see that screenshot? i didnt think it had been confirmed yet and google turns up nowt, only mock-ups
  9. Both Portal and TF2 look amazing! (espec TF2) Imagine multiplayer Portal lol!
  10. I think its a good choice, Ledger looks more like The Joker than Weaving or Williams. If he can pull off the psycho thing then he'll be perfect!
  11. didnt know that, i just assumed Mac = bad for gaming. Might consider getting one next time i replace my computer, certainly better than my Acer laptop which keeps breaking down (spent 4 months of the year ive had it in repair, at a total cost of £250)
  12. I made it look like OS X because OS X looks nicer and is easier to use than XP. I'll never buy a MAC because they arent compatable with Windows programes. Hope that clears it up
  13. Here's mine. This thread motivated me to tidy it up, couldnt see the wallpaper for icons this morning!
  14. The Eye Of The World - Robert Jordan The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe - Douglas Adams Cant decide on a third at the moment
  15. No fan of Zero, nasty stuff from a nasty range. For me, coke pretty much goes in this order (best to worst) Coca Cola Vanilla Coke Virgin Cola Cherry Coke Pepsi Pepsi Max Diet Coke Diet Pepsi Coke Zero Diet Coke with Lime Did i forget any? (coke or pepsi) oh, and Orange Fanta ftw!
  16. this isnt exactly good news, how long before AMD make CPUs and GPUs that are tailored to each other? It could render NVIDIA and other GPU manufacturers useless for AMD CPUs
  17. Seen Foo's, QOTSA and Juliette before so going to the Manchester gig instead. Foo's, The Strokes, AvA, The Subways and Eagles of Death Metal! Roll on tomorrow (P.S. Do you think you could post the Foo's setlist up?)
  18. I think i know the answer to this one already but is it possible to increase the RAM in a graphics card?I bought this laptop last year and it has a 64MB X700 in it, which is proving to be a right pain. It had managed to run every game ive tried, until i bought BF2 and all the expansions (tried a mates copy out first, worked fine). The problem is that the copy i tried out wasnt patched, if i patch the game at all then i cant even get the program to load up, never mind get in game. If upgrading/changing the graphics card isnt possible then are there any other ways to get BF2 to run? Or did i just waste £60?
  19. agreed. ive taken to not trusting any developer owned by EA anymore, the development tends to get cut short and a half finished product gets released (ive still not forgiven them for BF2+BFME2 ) any chance of a UT2007 topic? sure to be loads of stuff on that over E3
  20. cant wait for this! been missing SSBM ever since the game disk broke annoyingly this game alone will probably get me to buy a Wii, if this console then turns out like the GameCube i'll be most unpleased (not bought a new GC game in about 2 years becuase few new releases actually appeal to me)
  21. so you'd be pulling out and replacing the RAM and Processor every few years? meanwhile the graphics processor and the rest of the architecture stay the same? and this is supposed to help it compete? if ive misunderstood here then i appologise, but this idea sounds pretty dumb. the problem with this is that the new hardware would have to be compatable with the old hardware/software (very difficult for the processor). the new hardware would also be costly and couldnt be used to its full potential because the bits that connect each part of the console would be out of date and too slow to cope with the increase in data transfer even if they did work around the problems, an expansion would generate a lot LESS profit for nintendo and it would be taking it closer to the PC market that any of its competitors (a direction which Nintendo have made clear that they DO NOT want to go near)
  22. isnt the remotes wireless technology the same as the one used in the Wavebird? i doubt they would use Bluetooth for it (expensive license fee for a start). If thats the case then theres no reason why more than 7 devices cant be connected at once i'd rather see them get rid of the wire between the 2 parts than make the analogue motion sensitive though (even if this will make it easier to control mellee weapons)
  23. hurts you and your wallet and doesnt really make any difference unless your in a relationship and your partner really wants you to get it done, not recommended. been there, done that, got the t-shirt and wont try it again. ever.
  24. Time for a rant, dont read this if you dont want to know This years CW is a fiasco IMO, i'll still go if i get a ticket but so far Mean Fiddler have messed up. Theyve booked loads of bands who were popular last year in the Radio 1 tent, shoved them on main stage, booked Dirty Pretty Things for 5th off the strength of um.. no album! and have managed to confuse people as to where Fall Out Boy are actually playing (Reading only im affraid). Less Than Jake, Yellowcard and loads of other bands that self confirmed look like theyre going to be playing Lockup which will be crammed all weekend because anyone whose taste isnt Indie, Indie and more Indie is going to flock there at some point. Feeder have swapped places with Yeah Yeah Yeahs which has upset a lot of day ticket holders and then theres the whole ticket sites crashing thing and the touts (predictions of between 15% and 20% of tickets are being touted this year between eBay, sold out ticket websites and the regular touts outside the venues) Most worrying of the lot, they have sacked Stewart Security (good move) and are now going to employ Stewards to keep the masses in order (very bad move). From what i read of what Melvin Benn said at the forums that were held last month, it looks like the extent of these stewards power will be to ask you nicely to calm down, if that fails then they call in backup (proper security, but in much lower numbers than normal). All well and good if the scheme works and theres no majour trouble, but if the sh*t hits the fan like last year (at leeds) then it looks like it up to us to sort it ourselves (the police dont want to know, they havent since Temple Newsam). I also cant believe the prices! Nearly £145 for a ticket! Ive no idea what its being spent on either, it was £90 in 2002 and look at the lineup! 2002: http://img141.imagevenue.com/img.php?loc=loc24ℑ=79226_Reading2002.jpg Ok, that was a particularly good festival, but still; in 3 years the price has increased £50 and the lineup is the worst yet This is how CW justifys being the most expensive festival? pfff! Rant over
  25. I dont think either Harry or Venom playing a big part in this one. Harry will get his butt handed to him very quickly when they first fight, to show his inexperence and Venom will probably only appear in the final fight (wounding harry and spiderman and killing sandman?). Most of the film will probably be Sandman vs Spidey and laying down of plot for the next 3 films (Eddies hate for Spidey, Harrys desperation for revenge, the problems between MJ and Peter, Peters interest in Gwen) I cant really see how they can get 9 films out without people getting bored/confused (doubt the average Cinema goer would want to follow the Clone Saga). I suppose they could bring in some other characters like Daredevil (a Spidey and Daredevil taking on Kingpin film would be good and might sit well between Venom and Carnage storylines) Hopefully there'll be some Carnage vs Venom vs Spidey action somewhere, not too keen on seeing Spiderman take them both on as a team. Maybe they should kill Parker off in 7 (Morlun? They could make it a thriller type with Peter being hunted and constantly on the run) and then have Ben Riely take over for the last 2 films? Definately looking forward to it though, shame its not out for at least 13 months!
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