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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. I was going to join but i had a power cut! The best part? The power is still fucking out after 2 hours!
  2. Cheers! I completely missed that comment!
  3. I want to join, crappy WiFi issues might have me leaving quickly though (btw, thanks for the reminder )
  4. If anyone is stuck for a partner PM me and i'll start pairing you up. We're also a player short now so feel free to bring a friend OK, i've taken you off for now. If the first round is still going on by the time you're back then you're welcome to join back in Ah bugger Stef Done...
  5. I think he means the "Tab Effect" add-on (do a search). It's nice, but it's beginning to annoy the hell out of me!
  6. Yup, any ethernet switch will work fine
  7. On the plus side, you get to take part now :p Im having to sit the whole thing out (well unless we end up a player short any way)
  8. 3rd result down on the Google search: http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-113-49-en-70-23bd.html
  9. Freak Rage? I thought it was a friendly discussion
  10. They aren't as powerful as Intel, but they sometimes offer brilliant value for money. AMD processors are pretty simple, the more you spend the faster the processor. Basically go for whatever will fit inside you're budget.
  11. Both members of the team are supposed to PM me I'll let you off though, you guys obviously want to team up Fair point. Back of 3am typo I also managed gaggle60, Skunkuy and martinst (instead of martinist) so it's not a huge surprise! I think i owe you an apology. I assumed you weren't interested in doing it, there was nothing in the first thread to tell me otherwise and you hadn't replied to a PM i sent on Monday. If there had been any hint that you were going to organise it then i wouldn't have. Anyway, sorry for stealing this off you. Are you joining in as a player? Or would you like me to hand over to you? Either way im none too bothered, it was you're idea.
  12. You're 60 until you prove yourself worthy of that 4! :p
  13. Basically yeah, you loose you're match and you're out. The whole thing won't last long, maybe a week or 2. A league type set-up would be better, but theres a much higher chance of people getting bored and deciding not to play. If this works we can always move on to free for all tournaments, 4v4, CTF etc.
  14. It's you're best friend. Now learn to use it! http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=wii+hori+arcade+stick&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a
  15. Off the top of my head i can't say who will/won't ship to Ireland but Scan.co.uk ebuyer.com cclonline.com dabs.com and overclockers.co.uk are all worth a try
  16. Ok guys, i've made a new thread and stuck it. I figured that nobody else was going to organise it so i may as well
  17. Im assuming that Haden doesn't want to organise this, the thread has been dead for a few days. I've sent PMs asking him and got no reply so i figured i'd go ahead and get the ball rolling. These are the entries that i have so far: Skunky & Chuck gaggle60 & martinist The Bard & McMad Stefkov & Hoover spirited away & Saminthehat Haden & Cube Ramar & ds-kirbi Charlie & Friend Fandango & McPhee thirtynine. & ReZourceman If anyone else wants to join in, or someone wants to be removed then can they please PM me? Rules: Team Slayer 2 vs 2 First to 25 Kills Friendly Fire On Stock Weapons (i.e. the default ones on the map) Map Rotation First Round Map: The Pit Second Round Map: Epitah Third Round: Guardian Final: Finalists choice. In case of a dispute i'll cast the deciding vote. As for dates/times it will be up to the 4 players in each match and myself to decide. When the time comes i'll invite you to my party, set up the game and enter as a 3rd team. When the match begins i'll exit. This is just to make sure that every match is set up the same. If during the course of the tournament you have any grievances please PM them to me. If there is a problem during a match i will require that all 4 players make a video of the match in Theatre and PM me a link. Not doing so will forfiet you're entry. Could everyone please choose partners and PM me with you're choice. I'll need a PM from both of you so i know you both want to be in the team. Good luck to all of you, and may the best team win
  18. lol there was me thinking you'd spent ages going through web pages to find those numbers I don't remember ever calling you a fanboy? If i have i appologise (although only to you, i know i've called some members fanboys and meant it)
  19. I'd like to see an Anthology remake. Basically port 0 + 1 with Wii controls, remake 2 & 3 and bundle in 4. Then release the lot in a single £40 bundle a month before Resi 5 to create hype. Either that or start a new story arc for the Wii and have epiodic content for the game ala HL2 EP1+2. You could then have the character in the Wii game moving in and out of the main story arc!
  20. Sales, Profit, same thing Did you really go to all that effort to prove me wrong? Assuming these are profit figures for Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft's games divisions then they also include R&D costs, advertising costs, profit from other formats etc. So basically they have an unknown relation to the sales of current home consoles. They're useless for gauging the sales created by the current home consoles. Interesting figures though. I can't believe how much money MS lost on the Xbox! I knew it was high, but Billions!?!?!!?
  21. It's like every one has bought DMC4! I feel so left out Completely forgot about it, i'll get a copy tomorrow
  22. Assuming he didn't drop it, bang it against a wall or give it any other kind of impact damage my next guess would be that it's overheated. Leave it for a couple of hours and try again. It shouldn't be a power surge, that would only kill the power supply and the battery would still be fine.
  23. Thats what im getting at, yes. And about a month back Microsoft were claiming that they were ahead in that respect in the US and Europe. In fact they were claiming quite a significant lead. Once you factor in Japan though it's going to be a lot closer. Nintendo make they're money from hardware sales. They focus primarily on selling as many units as possible in order to gain as much revenue as possible. Microsoft focus on content, the more content they sell the more money they make. Looking at hardware sales alone doesn't tell you which is the better strategy, it just tells you how many consoles have been sold.
  24. The only aspect i've been talking about is sales. Im not trying to change the focus away from it, im saying that "sales" is a lot broader than just hardware. If Nintendo were outselling the competition in hardware AND equaled them in software i wouldn't argue. Live and Blu-Ray only affect my points if they are increasing the revenue created by that console (im talking revenue across the board here, not just Sony/MS/Ninty). In Live's case it is. In Blu-Ray's case it will.
  25. Either you've gone off at a tangent or misunderstood me completely? On the Playstation vs N64 example, the Playstation beat the N64 in every way. It sold more hardware, more software and made more money for every company involved (Sony, publishers, developers, 3rd party peripheral makers etc). The difference between that and todays example is that there isn't one console selling more hardware AND more software than the others. Theres one console with high hardware sales and one console with high software sales. What im arguing is that the market has changed, it's no longer possible to measure with hardware sales alone.
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