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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. McPhee

    Fable 2

    Download and an Xbox 360? In the same month? Somebodys spoilt :p
  2. McPhee

    Fable 2

    Yup, thats what i did. Usually didn't save the game though If anyone pissed me off i killed them, they're family, they're friends and a whole army of guards. Then i'd reload from the last save
  3. I said it's worth £20 to me. Devil May Cry 4 came out at £40, i paid £26. Katamari doesn't strike me as being worth as much as DMC4. I don't pay more than £30-ish for any game. I got CoD4, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed and Halo 3 all on release day for that (or less in some cases!). Comparitively, i can't find Katamari for less than £35, and thats online (i usually buy in-store). It's £40+ in the shops
  4. The iPod ain't that great really, certainly far from the best around. Personally i wouldn't buy a Classic or a Nano, they are (and pretty much always have been) beaten by similarly priced products. The Touch and Shuffle though are pretty good. The Shuffle is priced pretty much in-line with the rest of the market and the Touch is one of the best pieces of consumer electronics around (once hacked). I really can't stand the way ALL iPod products work with computers though, the system plain sucks. The functionality is severely nerfed Hating the iPod is dumb. Seeing that it isn't always the best product is just being a smart consumer Anyway, back on topic children before i start clicking the little Yellow and Red button
  5. Datel's headquaters is in my town, i might pop over there and see what they can tell me. Great news this! Looks like i'll have a Wii quite soon (festival ticket dependant, im not made of money :p)
  6. Well, it looks like the fire sale has started: http://www.gamestation.co.uk/product.asp?id=xb360a026 Shame the disks aren't coming down in price though, i'd consider buying if i could get the disks for £5-£10
  7. I want some co-op fun again now! Wheres the cheapest place for Army of Two? Also, does anyone want to buy Mass Effect off me?
  8. I never thought food would wierd me out, but that did just a teeny bit. Did they gut it? If i was served that i'd probably have to decapitate it before i would eat it, just to be sure. Not quite sure what difference it would make, but it would make me feel better...
  9. AA Batteries TBH i'd just buy the wireless adaptor. I found that i hardly used Live when i had to connect through my PC, too much hassle. Got the Wireless adaptor and suddenly i was on every day!
  10. McPhee

    Fable 2

    I can't wait! Loved the first game (though i never completed it, my PC broke and i couldn't be arsed to start again). I can't help but worry that co-op is gonna turn in to you're partner mindlessly killing NPCs for "the shits and giggles" though
  11. Yup. I've got Prophecies and Nightfall. Both brilliant games! Not played them in ages though. Don't think they've ever been installed on this PC!
  12. I really want this game, but £40??!?!?!?! I never pay more than £30 for games, and looking at Katamari i'd say it's worth £20 tops! Am i wrong?
  13. They did, until Nintendo told them they didn't want it to be released. Now Activision is saying no so they don't piss off Nintendo...
  14. I'll be there for a few days, but im NOT kipping on some hotel room floor, or in the same bed as someone else. Either book a hostel or i'll be having my own room in the hotel I posted up a hostel earlier that A) Has a bar. B) Lets you drink in the common rooms/kitchens and C) Is fairly near Hyde Park. Im not fussed which one we stay in though, most tend to be pretty good!
  15. Cheers Skunk! You guys need to get playing :p I need to know who our next opponent is!
  16. Thats our game over. Me and Fandango won 25-18 Fandango is bloody amazing at this game! Cheers for the game Thirtyrez, was well played despite the... interruptions :p
  17. Can't find my halo disk! AAAAAAAAAARGH!
  18. Assassin's Creed Dead Rising Call Of Duty 4 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Crackdown Burnout Paradise Shadowrun Just off the top of my head. Some of these games are limited by the lack of a HDD, some by online functionality, some by technical limitations on how much can be displayed at once and how quickly data needs to be processed. Theres a few more that i though of too, but i've not played them so i won't guess. Extra enemies doesn't count? In some games reducing the number of things going on at the same time would change how the game felt and played, effectively making it a whole new game Imagine Super Mario 3 with the enemy numbers cut in half. Is it the same game? No, it isn't.
  19. The article is quite interesting. They say that Rare was going to port the Goldeneye Remake over to the Wii and release the other Rare/Nintendo titles on VC as part of the deal. Very odd that Nintendo turned it down given that Rare made some of they're best games. Looks like they don't care about Banjo, Perfect Dark, Conker, Jetforce Gemini, Blast Corps etc. etc.
  20. Good post Get over it people, ITS NOT ALL ABOUT THE BLOODY GRAPHICS :p This is getting silly now. You think Capcom should re-make a dumbed down version of RE5 on the RE4 engine? Why on Earth would they want to do that? A whole new Wii game wouldn't cost much more and it would clock up significantly higher sales
  21. Thats not really true. The Wii can do SFIV, but there are TONS of games out there that the Wii actually can't handle without changing the game to the point where it's no longer the same title. The extra power that the 360 and PS3 have isn't just used for graphics
  22. I've seen a few episodes and loved it! Gonna make sure i record the whole series this time!
  23. Nah, Leeds ain't that bad. I've never been robbed there and theres no riots now (a lot of it was caused by the old security company being heavy handed, they got sacked after 2005). The first year i went to V i caught some little shit sneaking in to my tent at 3am, thats the only time i've ever had trouble at a festival. Now i don't trust V at all, i'll go but i bring very little with me and anything even remotely valuable gets buried (sad, i know). I think this years Download line-ups is one of the best they've had, mostly because it's less heavy than normal. I never could get in to Lamb of God, In Flames etc. The only reason im thinking about going is because for once i like almost every band announced!
  24. pmsl (one green bottle, sitting on a wall)
  25. That figures. Rock AM would prob be a bit too much for you're first festy! I remember how scary Leeds was the first year i went (then again there were a lot of idiots there and a huge fight between punters and riot police on the sunday night ) Sziget is the European festival i want to make it to one day. 7 days in Budapest with some of the biggest acts in the world playing, DJs 24/7 and dirt cheap booze (like £1 a pint and stuff!). From what i've heard it's the most fun festival in Europe!
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