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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Awww, that was totally expected You'd better wave goodbye to your videogame playing, power metal listening, sans-girlfriend days... *dances around*
  2. Yaay. It's out this friday. And cretins are gonna be buying Excite Truck over this...honestly... Yeah, you know I'm coming for you... Oh, and Hellfire, if you can't bring yourself to play PS2, then how could you ever bring yourself to play other "obsolete" games, such as those on the Virtual Console?
  3. Is that vacant speculation or do you actually have sources Jordan? ...I mean, I suppose it would make sense if SoR2 had already been out in Us and Jap for ages, but it hasn't has it?
  4. Actually, I'm pretty sure that it did...I'll have to check up on that though...actually, gives me an excuse to play through the game again
  5. Apparently theres gonna be a full blown feature on this in the new edition of Games TM out this friday. I'm really looking forward to this game, here's hoping it's a keeper.
  6. Beyond Good And Evil had brilliant reviews. Mostly 90% or thereabouts.
  7. Hmm...Nintendo's UK contact number doesn't work.......0870 6060 247 am I right?
  8. Oh my god!! Holy shit, best news ever!!!! *Is damn chuffed*
  9. Everytime I walk into rileys, they always have UFC on. Can't complain really
  10. Eh...you can get yellow watermelon?? I mean watermelon as in this:
  11. Holy shit, that guy said I only have until Feb 17th to get it sorted. Soooo basically I'm screwed. I'll be phoning Nintendo first thing in the morning.
  12. Bloated. Yes, I did just eat an entire Watermelon.
  13. Aww balls, if I return it, I'm screwed since I've got 4 VC games and 3000 points in my account. Bugger. I'll get a picture up of it soon. Thanks for the info Pedro...
  14. Holy smokes Batman! thats a total transformation, you look very cool in the latest one dude .
  15. No, cause there's no Stone Cold. Nuff Said. Will Britney Spears ever have another hit record?
  16. Whenever I'm playing on my Wii, little black dots start coming up on the screen display, and I mean millions of them, when I was playing it on my LCD, I thought they were dead pixels or something, but then I moved it to my standard def TV and the same things happening. It doesn't seem to happen on Virtual console games though, but when I pause it by pressing the home button, they pop up in their hundreds, all over the display. I noticed this while playing Zelda (again)...I reckon my Wii is well and truly fucked, can ya'll help me out here?
  17. You know, thats not actually a bad idea. I might get this game once I have an SD card, just for that function...
  18. Oh my god, that shit is fucking stupid. Getting the double jump like 10 seconds after landing on Tallon IV. Bloody fantastic. I take my hat off to the people who are that dedicated to the game.
  19. Must have something to do with it being generic and heartless (curls up in ball) So the question: Waverace: Blue Storm > Excite Truck? Or Vice versa...? What game is better.
  20. It's pretty short for a guy actually, but what the hey. Cool vids.
  21. Wait, what? You don't have long hair!!??
  22. I'm all for this...just don't make the characters so cheese this time...
  23. I'm not a big KOF guy, but a reissuing of the Street Fighter Anniversary edition on Wii would be fantastic. 3rd Strike online would be the most beautiful thing ever concieved.
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