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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Haha, worst possible typo
  2. Oh yeah, I was especially proud of Ikaruga and getting everything on Resi 4, including the handcannon, and having a completion time of 4:30 hours on professional mode without any special weapons or upgrades.
  3. Exactly, problems like these aren't going to be solved by banning swords, instead they should look at why the person was driven to kill someone in the first place and try find out whether they have some sort of psycological disorder. If someone is aggrivated and demented enough to kill, then lack of a sword isn't going to stop them. What Fields is basically trying to say is that the presence of a sword somehow induces a manic urge to kill in people, or so it seems. No because you're a tool. An incredibly annoying tool.
  4. Unless I'm much mistaken, I don't think you can actually carbon date the universe
  5. I like Matt. He only says those things because he probably has seen some games that he can't announce, it's to get our hopes up, Nintendo fans tend to moan about anything. He's a reasonable, amusing guy, I don't understand the hate.
  6. Thats a pretty neat video there. I think I might get this game once it goes down a little in price.
  7. I care a lot about what my friends and people I like and admire think of me, but as for anyone else, I don't give a fuck. I tend to worry more about what I think of myself though.
  8. Aha, another fan. Fantastic. Much props dude .
  9. Aww, you know I love you really... *hug*
  10. Hey, this is getting personal, mother fucker. I beat you most of the time and don't you forget it. I hate people, only because they fucking deserve it. *goes and cries in corner like a little girl*
  11. Ok, I'll take your word fo rit. No Yasunori Mitduda makes me sads.
  12. Who wteore the rest then, takeno?
  13. In edeed daniel jackosn. a bottly of app-le bacardi gets u meore than drunk.
  14. Of course theres also the fact that so area you?D?S So of couse i will be asking you verys politely to blow it out your ass. Anyway, as inebiated as i am a t the moment, I will be coming for your bloody corpse tomorrow when i can acually think coherently. Hands up evuuyeryone that acutally likes Fields?S
  15. U loks a lot dieeffenet than i ecpectend. Coherent, amireigth?
  16. As dar as nim concerneqtd, theyre equallyt playusiable. Theres nothing to disprobe wiether wone. Evolution is just a plausibvle as the other one. Indeed it is daniel jackson. Kel shek nem ron.
  17. Nobuo Oematsu, is a man who is worth more than the videogames he writhes his musiks foreh. Excuse me, I am too inebriate d to write a coherent answeere.
  18. Who gives a shit ab uot this inconsequenial bull;shit?
  19. OH fear, a fuckin mg seiers, why ecactiuy? Is htere are ereasom why im gone? I will alwa ys be here by your side..through the dark...anyway, I would get a roland cuvbe. you will not regret it.
  20. Whpo gives a fuck about these meaningless hings anyway? There are mosr pressing issues at ahand. Swords? Wjat good fdo that do you>? Why do you want to habe them? Ots poiteless.
  21. 1000 like the rest of the N64 games.
  22. Michael Jackson never released an album called Moonwalker....:S.... Still a sequel to the megadrive game would be pretty kick ass :p.
  23. Heh, I've been doing that since I completed Zelda, so like a week after I got my Wii . Seriously though, none of the launch games had any longevity, which sucks, cause plenty of the Cube launch games did.
  24. I'll go for the thebenmaster: His pasty white ass wakes up in the morning, only to discover that it was just as pasty and white as he left it the day before. Has a pasty white breakfast of eggs on toast, eaten with a knife and fork, like a pasty white man. Drives to school with his "dogs" listening to Fallout Boy with a side order of DMX, in a failing attempt to seem "hip" and "fly." "Brah." When asked by The Bard what his favourite alcoholic beverages are, he responds with "baileys" and "wkd" trying for all his life to help us discover for ourselves that he is a rampant homosexual, rather than him having to face the discomfort and most probably, immediate dismemberment through having to explain it himself. Tells people freely that he likes department stores, and the way Vaseline feels against his buttocks. When playing The Bard at Guilty Gear, he is unable to discern the fact that the strategy by which The Bard has beaten him the last 600023 times is by sweeping and following with a 5 move combo. Ben breaks down into tears and asks his big gay bear, the chan man, to comfort him. Immediate hilarity ensues when Ben bends over and the the Chan man inserts his 10 foot quivering spike. Masculine moans emanate (which, quite frankly is surprising, considering the source) as Ben and his "life partner" the Chan man make the beast with two backs. Asks The Bard to be his best man at his commitment ceremony, and when told by The Bard that he deeply dislikes him, he breaks down screaming "why do you hate me when I show you nothing but love." Comes on MSN in the evening, though never really having anything interesting to say, and thus maintaining whatever facade of conversation there may be by posting meaningless one word answers . Cries self to sleep knowing that he was born a n00b and thus he can never be as awesome as The Bard .
  25. Graphics look pretty bad. But it still probably has a while to go before completion so I guess that's not to big a worry.
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