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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. I really can't wait for this game. I think this is going to be the game that really validates my buying a Wii (Zelda wasn't it.)
  2. Yay, it's Thor. Or is it? I never really can tell. Anyway, Alien life to me is any form of organic, biological organism that has evolved and has come into existence on a planet, moon, any place of inhabitance other than Earth. Chances we'll actually ever get to meet said aliens? Remote. We can't even hack travelling at lightspeed, so travelling any faster than that (which is apparently possible, due to space time, neutrinos and other bullshit that I don't fully understand) doesn't look very promising, especially seeing as we're on the verge of wiping ourselves out of existence anyway...
  3. Oh man, this game was god awful.
  4. Thats kind of an offense to actual metalcore, like oh I don't know, Shadows Fall, KSE etc. As I lay dying don't really fit in there.
  5. Aaaaaah! My eyes! Pretentious emocore scenesters are melting my eyes. Ok, that wasn't even remotely funny. I think I'm losing it guys .
  6. You know, I had a drummer, but then I replaced him with a metronome. Much less maintenance and only cost me a tenner. Great thing was I only had to punch the instructions into it once .
  7. Same. I feel to see whats good about porn. Go find yourself a girl, there must be someone horny enough for you . Some people are too angsty and shallow.
  8. I'm just proud of the fact that I've completed about 80% of the games that I own (a butt load) most people don't manage half that.
  9. Bored. I'm totally aimless. Except for the aims that people are unwilling to understand; playing in competitive Street Fighter Tournaments, being a successful musician etc.
  10. I hope it's a new Crazy Taxi for Wii. I would love that so much. The original Crazy Taxi has to be my most played arcade game of all time.
  11. I would love nothing better than a Shinobi sequel, Wii specific. Would be awesome.
  12. Haha, Arab Freaks new avatar is pretty awesome.
  13. None of the insults were childish, they were damn accurate. And there was nothing humourous about what you said. You're a fucking dick and one of the members that I doubt anyone likes. Fuck you. Heh, when I go and reply to what you say, you resort to the crutch of "humour" to back up what you say. Fucking pathetic.
  14. Learn to play banjo just for the sake of being "different?" That's the most fucking pretentious thing I've ever heard. People pick up guitar because thats the instrument most of the music they listen to centers around and because starting guitar is cheap and accessible. Good luck trying to find a cheap banjo, or any real way to learn the instrument. Think before you type, jackass. Easy to learn, near impossible to master.
  15. Wait, if it's because of the Wii Connect 24 thing, then there's every chance that this will happen to my replacement Wii too. Way to screw up big time, Nintendo.
  16. Haha, awesome, yeah it is a pool bar. I've got a Membership to the one in Manchester town, only place I go when I go out, all the other bars in Manchester are infested with dirty scene kids.
  17. Thats simply not the case. The best beat em up is any from the Street Fighter series. SC doesn't take much time to master for a dedicated player, I've been playing it for years, and another unfortunate flaw is the fact that it's incredibly unbalanced, with some characters being totally overpowered. But hey, I'd be glad to give you a whupping at any fighter of your choice...apart from the DOA series...I don't like them
  18. Lol, fair enough. I swear this place has a pretty good bunch of SF fans. We should totally have like an online clan or something
  19. In what way is SC superior to Tekken? It has the worst parry system imaginable, you can learn and master all the moves of your chosen characters in a day or two. It lacks depth. But it's fluid and fun to watch and uncomplicated and easy for the average guy to get into.
  20. I actually have 2 Ps2's. You need one, you're missing out on a ton of crap if you don't. Don't bother with a PS3 for now, go out and buy a PS2, they're inexpensive and have a crapload of classic games for about 1/5 of the price of most X360 games.
  21. Do you play either one of them competitively? Tekken has hugely greated depth. Of course if you only play Tekken casually then I guess I can see where you're coming from. I admit, Soul Calibur looks cooler. Found a cool Tekken DR match. http://youtube.com/watch?v=mV5tROmy_WM&mode=related&search= Tbh, I reckon I could give that Baek a good whupping. Mother Puncher is a pretty badass Paul player.
  22. Thats what I like to call subjective opinion
  23. Good advice from the last time someone decided to create a thread like this
  24. Nah man, Tekken is better than Soul Calibur, and much deeper. But I agree with the rest. FF13 is probably gonna suck.
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