Gender of course still exists, it's just that the stereotypes that define people of a particular gender are dissolving. The constraints of society aren't so much a factor anymore, and more and more people are finding that they don't really care what other people think anyways.
People are born with male genetalia, but produce no progesterone, and thus are hormonally female, are the majority of men who have sex changes. I don't necessarily think that it's a good or bad thing, it's progression...some peoples morally dubious nature will take advantage of that fact, hence the reason for the spread of venereal desease, while other people will thrive. It's good to be liberal, but not so much so that all sense of morality is lost.
Society still hasn't gotten to the point where we're able to understand our differences, and thus have some respect for each other, infact, misoginy and xenophobia are still very much apparent everywhere you look.
I'm just talking total crap here, so I'm gonna stop.