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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Lucky git! And I'm sure you'll be fine for proof reading mate
  2. Yeah...I like most of them which makes it a bit harder though. Hull is good uni, so it really depends on factors such as accomodation, and plus I really like the course there. With KCL and Queen Marys...they're both in the top 12 for English but I'm not sure if I like the course as much. Problem is, I'm not sure I'll be eligible for a loan, and my family also wants me to work to pay for any luxuries (they consider booze a luxury, the bastards). It's times like this that I hate having rich parents. How do you go about finding out/ choosing where you're gonna stay? Hope it's not on a random basis...I'll freak if I get roomed with retards.
  3. Scrubs is the greatest show ever conceived, so I'd go for that.
  4. Cool. What job you applying for. Man, I'd like to work for squeenix. I don't know what I'd do though...I guess the coolest part is getting to tell people that you work for square .
  5. In my hunt for good punk I found that such a thing is rare indeed. Been listening to old Bad Religion and Misfits albums, and gotta say, All Ages is the best "b side" compilation ever.
  6. She's pretty hot, and she was in The Last Kiss I think. Therefore 8.8/10
  7. Literally just creamed myself after finding 1up.com's Yasunori Mitsuda special. It has a video tour of his studio and everything!! *weeps for joy*
  8. Go with Kage for maximum badassery.
  9. Funny how the game is automatically set on the hardest setting on quest mode. I love it. I'm still using Akira, because I'm masochistic. I've had the DOA version of that Hori stick for the best part of a year now, it's pretty versatile, although it's only quad gate rather than octagonal gate...so it's not amazing or anything. Still...it totally shits over having to use a normal pad.
  10. I would point out that they do, but considering that the questions are probably rhetorical anyway, I'll just point out that you spelt incessant wrong. Oh, and "ramblings" suggests that what I say is random and unstructured. A better word might be "tirades." You know...you might like to think about what you write...Think...that's a thought (I lolled), I don't suppose you're used to it right? I mean...your music taste reflects as much. I'm treading familiar ground...this thread is bad for my sanity.
  11. QFT, and I still do it. That and F-Zero GX are my go to games whenever mates are round. Tis truly timeless. There is an gargantuan amount of depth to the fighting system, no to mention all the possible customisations...
  12. *Shrugs* Suppose it's something to do with a shit band associating their epic banalities with the name of one of the most iconic rock songs ever. Donno, maybe.
  13. Correct me if I'm mistaken...but I've always been under the impression that Voodoo Child was a Hendrix song...
  14. I'm probably gonna go to KCL...although I'm eligible for a scholarship from Hull, which means that I'll basically have to pay fuck all, which would be sweet, and Hull is Larkinville, so it's bound to be pretty cool. KCL is still lookin to be the first choice though...even though living in London is going to cost a bomb...
  15. The first one was pretty dull, and Killzone gets my vote for the most overrated game of all time. Does look very nice though.
  16. O rly? I quite like some of his lyrics. Went to see him live in Manchestah (free entry ftw!), he sounds exactly the same as on his records...he's pretty cool to listen to from time to time...
  17. Nintendo created/ published Smash Bros, Snake is in Smash Bros, therefore Snake is a Nintendo character. Hence, I'd be snake, cause he gets far too much sex, and has the most manly voice ever...
  18. You just dig yourself a deeper grave with every sentence Haden
  19. Oh my...oh my god.... Russel Brand, Jade Goody and infact, anyone who is considered a celebrity by way of association with either; Big Brother, X Factor, or any other banal "reality" show, Johnathan Ross, Des Lynam and every other commentator who thinks that football is the art of fugue, All of the "Loose Women," Richard and Judy and all other celebrities that speak using cliches ("you could hear a pin drop" aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgh, you gormless, unimaginative shit stains!1!), Mel Gibson for being nothing more than a caricature, Bono for being the most thoroughly vain and talentless human being on earth, taking a cue from Fight Club; Gandhi. Oh...and Hugh Jackman...
  20. Been single for about two months now. I like it. I can find refuge in my own mind, safe in the knowledge that I don't have to appease anyone. I hate it. I have a tendency to try too hard, and then try to seem nonchalant about everything...which backfires. I think I'm just going to wait. The right person will turn up eventually, judging from past experiences.
  21. You and me both brother. Now the game I'm most excited for is one that would be better on a HD console, and doesn't benefit from the motion sensing at all (Smash Bros). It's turning rapidly into a novelty. That said...Prime 3 and Galaxy were brilliant, and the motion controls did add something. I might have to invest in some Zakk and Wiki... Also...I felt the same way about the DS a year or so after it came out, and now...I can't keep my hands off it.
  22. High five!
  23. Been listening to a lot of Soviet Kitsch recently. Fantastic as always...but it's wierd, if I'm in a pissy mood, her voice seems more annoying than charming. Much love either way. Been looking around for classic records I haven't heard for yonks, dusted off a few old Chemical bros albums which I never really listened to before, relistened to "The Haunted Made Me Do It," still pretty rockin... Gotta say though, I haven't heard any good new stuff for fucking ages. Recommendations plz? Oh, and for the record: No matter how much Kings of Leon feign punk influences, they are, and forever will be, tortuously dull. End.
  24. I thought it was distinctive at the time. A friend came up with it while we were listening to Blind Guardian. I'm bored of it. Might get it changed to: [Orion] which is much cooler. Cause he was a hunter. Which is cool. It's also the name of one of the best songs ever written.
  25. Bought a PSP...again. Even though it'll never get anywhere near as much use as my DS, couldn't resist Wipeout Pulse and Tekken on a handheld. God of War/ Crisis core should be good fun too. I hope.
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