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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Mah hair is now down to my waist. I should cut it at some point, but I've grown attached to it... Also, lol @ conz000r. You look hungover dude
  2. I think the question is whether anyone would be insane enough to marry me. I wouldn't propose unless we were both sufficiently intoxicated; that way if she says no, I could say I was kidding anyway. Man, I'm such a pussy.
  3. This is true. Although I do like a bit of the Imogen Heap/ Regina Spektor, female vocalists just ain't ma thang.
  4. Getting back with my ex's (all three of em, wooo) would just be embarrassing. I'd probably just shoot myself.
  5. Get Anniversary Collection!!!!!!!!!! That is all.
  6. Lai...SHIN!...SHOOOORYUKEN!!! Yeah, I shit myself whenever anyone uses that move. Also: "You must defeat my dragon punch to stand a chance..."
  7. Crono is totally in it. I will wait five years if need be. He'll be downloadable. You'll see.
  8. Then again...the arcade stick cost how much? 50quid or so?
  9. I'll also vouch for this... Damnit. What's...happening to me??
  10. That, of course, was the whole point. The tone is different, but the Joy Division "influence" is still overbearing and it just sounded like a total ripoff to me, especially as what they were trying to do besides that wasn't particularly credible on it's own anyway. So...you like Nevermore? I like Nevermore. Apart from the god appalling vocals.
  11. Er...Heaven? To King V...could it be... 1. Triforce Mario/ Keeper? 2. Jordan?
  12. Good man. Yeah, some n00b suggested that Scream Bloody Gore is the best death album. Pssh.
  13. Ok then, how about The Sound of Perseverance vs Scream Bloody Gore? :p. Man...Chucks version of Painkiller is so kickass. <3
  14. The Bravery are an awful attempt to rip off Joy Division. Also: Scream bloody Gore, or Scavenger of Human Sorrow?
  15. Coolness is bare cool. See what I did there? Also: Brown people for the win, this forum has been severely lacking since Dabookerman and Athriller fucked off.
  16. O_W, I don't think most people here get enough sex to have ever tried it. I don't know...maybe that's why I'm not having sex right now...say...where can I get a copy of the kama sutra?
  17. Just go in casual clothes, I don't think they'll expect anything formal, especially since all my oxbridge mates went in casual clothes too. I decided that if I got an interview, I was gonna go in a Paradise Lost t-shirt . Didn't happen though
  18. Good think about Pai is that she's really really difficult to counter, whereas someone like Akira will take off a third of your health with a well strung combo, but is a lot easier to parry because his moves are slower and less frequent.
  19. This film was so retarded. That's my two cents.
  20. O rly? Sounds good. I may have found a loophole. So do most of you that are at uni work or you planning on paying your loans off afterwards?
  21. Lucky git! And I'm sure you'll be fine for proof reading mate
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