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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Yeah I hear that. I did plan originally on picking up a digital PS5 as I just find having game boxes and no where to really put them quite annoying. But the benefit of a boxed copy, as you say, is the ability to trade in and recoup some of the money back for the next game. Game Pass does make it a harder pill to swallow I’ll admit.
  2. £59 is still really expensive. I’m sure it has been discussed before, but what do some of you plan to do with these full price new games? Is it simply a case of waiting for the price drop or will you take into consideration what game it is? Anything over £50 seems like such a chunk of money let alone £70!! Haven’t been faced with the dilemma yet but looks like I might just have to get used to it.
  3. I’m trying to keep my (low) expectations in check, as the original announcement does say software “mostly coming in 2021” which suggests to me we are probably going to get 35 min of Skyward Sword and 5 minutes of newness. Unless the silence for so long is because they’ve been working on so much that’s ready in the next 6 months.
  4. Probably something that won’t identify it as a new game, knowing Nintendo. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wilderness
  5. Some pretty good games there. A lot coming to GamePass that I never expected too, like Back 4 Blood which I am SO excited for! Forza 5 looks amazing, as expected. I love that they've added Achievements to Grounded at last, so will probably give that a go now. Plague 2 also a surprise, got the first downloaded so will get onto that soon. Replaced look great. Really, it's exactly what I expected from MS. A lot of Multiplatform games I will play on my Series X, and just enjoy the better exclusives on the PS5, when they get some games that are actually exclusive and not spread across PS4 and 5. That's how I've rolled now since the last gen.
  6. See I have quite fond memories of Dark Moon! I can't recall it that well now so may revisit it once I have finished up the remake but I remember really enjoying it at the time!
  7. I'm not very far into Luigi's Mansion, but am loving everything I have played so far. I can remember bits as I revisit the game, but I first played this on release when I got my GC way back when it came out. And haven't played it since. Already though, I'm enjoying it way more than the recently released LM3, which I was so disappointed with. My biggest complaint with that game was that the minute you started the game you had everything at your disposal to be able to get through the game. There were no enhancements to your equipment or anything like the elemental sections in the original which changed the way you tackled certain ghosts, or opened up closed off areas etc. Even though the elements don't change up the formula that much, they still add a little something and stop it feeling like you're just going through the motions. That's basically how LM3 felt for me. Just floor after floor of ghost catching, rinse and repeat. I know there were elemental sections in 3, like the set which used the fire, but that was just a bit of a confusing mess that really didn't play all that well at all. I also love scanning the ghosts hearts in the original remake for clues on how you take them down, and the overall selection of ghosts so far are way more interesting. I could be wrong, but I feel like I've caught more 'unique' one of a kind ghosts than the colourful smaller ones that are EVERYWHERE in LM3. Hoping to pour some more time into it over the weekend!
  8. Can’t wait to play it. I’ve avoided absolutely every video, preview, review etc. Not for fear of spoilers, you can’t really spoil a game like this. Just more that I want to experience it via a ps5 on my tv when the time comes for me to get a PS5 again. Maybe Christmas. ☺️
  9. The signs were there early when my cousin who was also my age was obsessed with He-Man, whereas I was obsessed with She-Ra… I honestly don’t know how many times we watched Secret of the Sword. This remains the greatest transformation ever.
  10. Wow! Looks amazing. As someone who grew up hooked on the original He-Man animated series (and He-Man and She-Ra Secret of the Sword film), this couldn’t have made me happier! Especially after what they did to She-Ra.
  11. Oh wow! I didn’t realise we had an original thread. Should have checked first! But yeah, I thought there might be a few as they were headed up ‘Beginner’ so presume they go up in intensity. Good to know they add some much needed length to the game!
  12. Quick update from a very early play session. I haven’t played a game on a 3DS in years, and certainly not one where I’ve had the 3D feature active. It really does add quite a lot to the feel of a game and is quite immersive, although it brought back how annoying it actually is unless the console is smack bang in front of you. I keep toggling it on and off but ten minutes in whilst completing the ghost training, the game tells me to use motion controls to shine my flashlight and vacuum. No. Thank. You. So the cartridge is now in my 2DS XL where I can use the (terrible) second nub / stick to control it instead. I don’t enjoy the bigger screen strangely, as you lose a lot of detail vs the smaller display. One thing that is pretty cool… achievements are here! Will work my way through those I think!
  13. Not sure if it's a good price or not, but a boxed PS5 version of this is £44.99 at Smyths, currently. https://www.smythstoys.com/uk/en-gb/video-games-and-tablets/playstation-5/playstation-5-games/sackboy-a-big-adventure-ps5/p/191447
  14. Recently, I have been really in the mood to play through Luigis Mansion. I completely forgot the 3DS got it’s own port of the game a couple of years back, so managed to find a new copy on Amazon which i used some vouchers towards. I still have my OG Princess Peach 3DS which I will start the game on to enjoy it in 3D, but if I’m finding performance issues I’ll stick it in my 2DS XL and play it from there. With there being nothing in home consoles that’s currently enticing me, I thought I’d go back and try some older games I missed at the time. Once I’m through with this, I’m considering Poochy and Yoshi for 3DS, as apparently that was a bit of a gem too!
  15. I think I read something somewhere years ago on the Trophy / Achievement discussion where Nintendo said they didn’t want to tell people how to play their games. That’s why they don’t add them in. And I think at the time, people were saying fine for your own games but put them in for the third party games when they’re there on other systems.
  16. Expectation. Fire Emblem somewhere. New Smash characters. News on Zelda / Metroid. What I would like: New Mario Kart. Either fully fledged DLC or new game. Super Princess Peach 2. Pls. Luigis Mansion 4. New Yooka Laylee. Not a Nintendo thing really, but be great if new YL made an appearance at e3 at some point! Kid Icarus sequel. Or 3DS remake with decent controls. New Donkey Kong GC virtual console
  17. Tbh I find a lot of games on the TV look really good. No complaints at all. It’s in handheld mode that stuff starts to look a bit garish at times. So if it’s a better quality screen then hopefully that will help!
  18. You should give Dirt 5 a go! Much more arcadey and free on Game Pass. I absolutely loved it having bought it at launch with my Series X. Think it’s a great game! Certainly poured way more into it vs Forza Horizon, but I think I have a little fatigue with that series now.
  19. I think regardless of what you have on the system, it just won’t let you send it back. Such a shame.
  20. I didn’t realise (well, I must have known at some point and then forgot) that you can’t transfer from a ‘New’ 3DS to an ‘old’ or OG 3DS. Found my Princess Peach 3DS and maaannn. Love it. Wanted to transfer the data back from my 2DS XL but wouldn’t let me. I remembered when I did the original transfer years ago that my plan was to keep the Peach 3DS in its box and not use it and just have all of my data, saves and content on a cheaper 2DS XL. I like the 2DS, and the bigger screen is much needed for some games, but disappointing that I couldn’t relive the original 3DS experience again.
  21. Bloody hell just buy it and get it over with. 😂 No, in seriousness, there probably isn’t much incentive to jump over to it yet. There’s still no exclusive games, and even though Quick Resume is legit a game changer, and I love how fast and fluid the UI is now, AND the new controller being *chefs kiss*, it is mostly about the games. And you’re good on that front yet with last gen. Having said all that, I wouldn’t wanna go back to a One over a Series now. Like having Billy Bear ham and fillet steak. 😊
  22. I have loved every recent Sonic game, even the ones that have been panned. But I could never get on with this despite it being regarded as one of the better ones. Will definitely give it a go though!
  23. OK, OK, I read it! Nice review! I think I’ll give it a go! It seems nice and laid back and alongside RE Village and the achievement hunting this could be perfect!
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