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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. It’s a known issue apparently. I don’t think even Sony know why it’s doing it, and like I say, the console plays games absolutely fine. I don’t have any issues there. I read people have sent consoles away for them to come back with the exact same problem.
  2. Yeah thought about that. Basic function of the console though to be able to just charge the controller and I don’t really have anywhere to put the dock. 👎🏻
  3. Thanks. Yeah had the option on in settings, but my console likes to just shut itself down when in rest mode so pretty pointless plugging it in. Also stupid that my controller doesn’t charge via a normal wall plug cable either. Tried two different ones, nothing. So frustrating
  4. Does the PS5 controller only charge when plugged into a console that is turned ON? Seeing as my console won’t stay in rest mode without shutting itself down, the controller is constantly low on charge. So I used my phone charger to charge it this morning but doesn’t seem to have done anything?
  5. I was up for buying this day one, but the reviews… are a bit mixed. Sounds like the usual Mario sports title. Good basic controls, but hampered once again with stupid gimmicks. Those who have it, is it any good or is it worth waiting for the inevitable price drop…
  6. I’ve had a mess with settings to see if it’s something my tv was doing but didn’t seem to help either. I’ll keep trying and see what happens. At first I thought I’d had a power cut overnight or something, but my Series X booted up normally and they’re on the same double wall socket. Will keep an eye on it! No issues playing it though. Which is good as I’m loving R&C
  7. Scratch that. 3 times now. Just done it again after putting it in rest mode an hour ago. Definitely a fault. EDIT, search on Reddit shows that it’s happening to a lot of people since launch. The work around is to just boot it up but from powering off each time rather than keep it in rest mode. Absolute bag of shit, really.
  8. This is the second time I’ve not been able to turn my PS5 on from the controller because the power cord has apparently been removed before turning the console off properly. On each occasion, that hasn’t happened. I’ve just put the console into rest mode both times, gone to turn it on the next day via the controller and been met with this message: No power cut, no loose AC cord. The console is stored in a cupboard (because it’s ugly as hell) so it won’t have accidentally been moved or anything. Anyone seen this before? Like I say two times now and had it 5 days.
  9. Bagged a good deal through Amazon Prime Day just now. Sack Boy for PS5 plus a white Dual Sense for £69.99. Granted, I had a £10 voucher to use on a Prime Day deal which I got for shopping at a small business via Amazon last week. Pretty chuffed with that. https://www.amazon.co.uk/PlayStation-DualSense-Wireless-Controller-Sackboy/dp/B09546MM35/ref=mp_s_a_1_25?dchild=1&keywords=ps5+game&qid=1624278356&refinements=p_n_specials_match%3A21583550031&rnid=21583549031&smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&sprefix=ps5+game&sr=8-25
  10. Well I think it was only @Josh64 and one other person in the country who purchased it. So maybe.
  11. I’m not sure what people expect from a colourful, fun, animated movie style game though? I love the series as this type of game is what I started gaming with. So adventure platformers are always right up my ally, even if they are often tuned to a younger market. As others have said, R&C shines when you have a full weapon set that is highly upgraded. The fun you can have with some of the weapons and enemies is just brilliant. And the humour is always pretty top notch in these games, even if it’s (again) aimed at a younger market. Playstation needs this type of franchise I think. Ratchet has become so well known and a pretty loved series that Microsoft could only dream of having. I mean, they have Banjo, but choose to do absolutely nothing with him. Once I’m done with this I may even play the remake again as I have a few weeks off coming up! 😁
  12. I had notifications on for a Twitter account who posts about stock of consoles when they hit certain websites to try and help my friend get one. He ended up getting one himself through the same method, a few weeks ago (after weeks of us both trying), but I never unfollowed and kept getting the notifications push through. I ignored most of them, but during a boring work call last week one came through saying Studio had stock. I clicked the link, and ended up managing to bag a Disc Edition. TBH, it was pretty amazing service as I managed to order it on the Tuesday and was told stock would arrive in 10-15 days from the supplier, but on Thursday afternoon there was knock at the door and it was delivered by DPD. Strange that I had no DPD tracking via the app, but was a nice surprise. I picked up R&C and played the first 30 mins or so just now. Obviously not enough to give an opinion but wanted to post to just say how absolutely incredible the game looks whilst playing. It's literally like playing an animated movie. I was going to wait until Christmas for a console, but I think I got caught up actually being able to potentially get one after so many failed attempts for my friend. Fully expected it to boot me out once I fumbled about putting my card details in, but it was a success. I picked up Ratchet after trading some games in at GAME and intend to trade it straight back in once I am done with it. Can't wait to play more as its one of my favourite series!
  13. I’m guessing it wasn’t a cordless Dyson as those things pick up absolutely jack shit. Sorry to hear, Bob.
  14. Finished up the Gears 5 Hivebusters DLC tonight. I absolutely loved it! Easily my favourite bit of Gears gaming I have ever played. The locations were top notch, the characters were quite interesting and I loved hearing a bit more about their back story. I also felt like whilst the enemies were the usual tried and tested ones from previous games, the gameplay is just so tight and the array of weapons is vast enough to keep it feeling interesting. I also love the reload system in the Gears games. It wasn't very long. I'd say 4-5 hours to complete? But that's pretty good for someone like me who generally wishes the campaign would just hurry up and fucking end on the previous games in the series during the final hours. Really hope they either bring another set of DLC out, or they carry on in this vein with 6 - if one is ever due to happen. And this is really the reason why I love GamePass so much. I would NEVER have downloaded this DLC as like I say, not a huge fan of the series up until now. But this had reviewed quite well and user reviews were positive so with it being part of the service I thought "why not?" There's been a load of games that I have been encouraged to try through GP and haven't been disappointed by any of them yet. This game continued to look really nice in parts. Took the opportunity to keep screen grabbing the prettier sections! And last but by no means least, an image of what can only really be described as a ball sack, hanging from a ceiling for your viewing pleasure.
  15. Less than £15 on Amazon currently for the PS5 and Switch versions. Even that’s probably too expensive. But if anyone fancied torturing themselves… https://www.amazon.co.uk/Square-Enix-SQEA39-UK-24ST-Balan-Wonderworld/dp/B08JHNXXK8/ref=mp_s_a_1_45?dchild=1&keywords=ps5+game&qid=1624107197&sprefix=ps5&sr=8-45
  16. Speaking of Design Lab… I thought they’d taken it down to improve it, unless I dreamed that? It seems like there are less options now than before. Like no metallic options for the bumpers / triggers which they had before. Still, I love my original design lab controller I got years ago. It’s a great service.
  17. I had Gears of War 5 downloaded from when I had my Xbox One, but downloaded the Hive Busters DLC a while back with the hope to co-op it. Ended up starting it myself this evening. It’s great! I have a strange relationship with GoW. It’s not a series I really love, but I’ve played all of them apart from 2. I’ve had some enjoyment out of them, but they’re not memorable and I wouldn’t really want to play the campaign again. Early stages of Hivebusters (2 chapters in) and I’m really enjoying it. Characters are not the normal squad, which I kind of like. Sick of seeing Marcus and the rest of them. Looks really nice in parts too, although the character models are a bit rough and not very detailed.
  18. Really chuffed about this. The series has been terrible for such a long time, that going back to what made it so good is a really smart move. Definitely be a day one purchase for me!
  19. Finally a Direct that got me interested!! Super Monkey Ball day one. Mario Party day one. Metroid day one. Mario Golf day one. (Loved the look of all of the modes). Wario Ware day one. Bloody lovely.
  20. Welp. Can't be anymore goodness, surely! It can only go south from here. Fire Emblem incoming to knock me off this high!
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