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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Oooo thanks! Although a yes or no would have been more ideal than a WHOOOLE review to read. Haha. I shall read it on my lunch!
  2. So those who played through this - is it worth the purchase? I got some vouchers for my birthday and thought about picking this up. Never did play the original, so have nothing to compare it to, but wondered if it is worth £40!
  3. Yes. It leans much more into combat this time around. The enemies are nicely varied, and including the boss battles there’s plenty to keep you happy. The puzzles are on the weaker side in my opinion. Sometimes they feel a little shoe horned in, and there’s not too many after the mid way point. Level design is always good with RE. Did you finish 7? I found the whole house very well linked together and have always found that to be a huge strength of the RE series. The way areas are off bounds for a time but eventually unlock via progression or through opening new areas of the map is really satisfying and has been a series staple since the beginning. Village is incredibly engrossing. I think you do need to be a fan of the series to get an appreciation of the files that you collect and the nods to previous games, but there’s still a lot of enjoyment to be had with just the actual gameplay. And if not? I guess you could play CoD?
  4. Thanks @Ike
  5. Very frustrating. Thankfully, it doesn’t spoil the rest of the story, which is a real high point in my opinion and ties the last two in the series together nicely. But yeah, not ideal at all.
  6. You really should spoiler tag these things as you’re basically ruining the story and end game for people yet to play…
  7. Finished the game this evening. Gotta say, whilst I have been vocal about my disappointment in the direction they were seemingly taking the series, Village is an absolute triumph. I can’t and won’t spoiler it for anyone still wanting to play, but the game really ties the story up superbly. Everything from 7 now makes sense and even previous games are nodded to way back to how the original game even came to be! Or rather the original outbreak. Reading that file right at the end made me !! In terms of the game itself, well it just checked every single box for me. It clocked in at just under 10 hours in the end which I think is a really good campaign length it never felt like it dragged on, and didn’t leave me wanting more (see REmake 3). The actual Village location was really great. A sprawling map that had lots of intricate interlocking sections (classic RE) and nods to previous games with the castle and dolls house a bit later in. Whilst at first I felt it was Capcom’s way of trying to cater to long time fans, it actually worked really well as you don’t spend a huge amount of time in it. That’s both a positive and a negative, really. It’s good because then it doesn’t feel like a desperate play on an old location, but bad because the whole game has been sold with these vampire type characters who barely stick around. Thankfully, (unlike in RE7) there are PLENTY of enemies in this game and a lot of variations of monsters, and that’s without including the boss fights. I really felt like they nailed that aspect of each new area having a different type of enemy that posed a whole new threat. Speaking of boss fights, well there were plenty in the game. None gave me any trouble but I did play on casual, so I’m pretty sure if I went a difficulty up I’d feel the pain way more! Some of the bosses were a little… lazy. Like shoot the glowing dots as per a lot of other RE games we’ve see before, but it’s a minor complaint really. The game looks absolutely stunning in parts. Earlier on, it’s nice enough but as you progress through and it starts to reach sunset some of the areas in the village are just gorgeous. I played around with the photo editor in game a little which was pretty cool. Didn’t really discover it until 3/4 of my way through, but here’s a few I did snap. All in all I absolutely loved the game. It’s going to take some to top this for me I think. I’m honestly so chuffed how the game turned out and I’m really pleased a lot of people are playing this having seen the sales numbers. It just did everything right in my opinion both in terms of the story and the game play. I’ve often found with RE that the story either makes no sense or it leaves you with more questions than answers. 7 was terrible for the latter but it sounds like Capcom heard the feedback and they absolutely nailed it here. Of course, being RE it still leaves you with some questions. The end cut scene in particular. But with this “chapter” seemingly coming to a close now I cannot wait to see where they take it next. They just need to bring back Jill as playable and I’ll be even happier than how I am after playing through this absolute return to form.
  8. I had COD for both Series X and PS5 and I had to turn the haptics off on the PlayStation version. It was just way too much. It was really cool at first having the triggers tighten to resemble the actual gun, but when it came to using it I felt like it slowed me down so knocked it off. It’s part of the reason I got rid of my PS5. Any games that were available for both I knew I’d rather have on the Series X. Prefer the controller, achievements etc and there wasn’t enough exclusives to justify keeping it. In hindsight I definitely shouldn’t have bought one. But with more exclusives on the horizon, I’ll likely do what I did with PS4 and buy one for them when more are available.
  9. Exactly the same for me. I got my Series X on launch day, and had been using the new Series controller before I bagged my Ps5 and I really didn’t like the DualSense. It’s just too big for me. I do have small hands though. The Xbox controller was always better than the PS offerings to me anyway, and they’ve literally just perfected it with the Series. It’s so good. Swapping from playing the Xbox to PS5 really highlighted it for me too.
  10. Little bit further in now. Back into the village again and now I’m going to be on my way to the next location. I have to say, I’m really enjoying the game. The pace is nice but I am only playing on Casual as the trophy guide I’m following (without spoilers) recommended that so I could collect what’s needed on one play through and then carry all my money and upgrades over on New Game Plus. Already not looking forward to knife only mode! One disappointment: One thing I love is that classic RE map layout. How it is all like a bit of a puzzle with several locked areas that you slowly open up with new keys and items. Something so satisfying about it. Save points seem quite few and far between this time so after an hour or so this afternoon I stopped with my current save. May get around to a little more this evening.
  11. It’s a shame re the shortage of chips or whatever it is. Probably not comparable to something like iPhone, but you’d think it’d make more sense for people to be able to order and be given an estimated shipping date like iPhone launches give when their initial shipment sells through. I know we’re talking many many more units here but I think people would feel a bit better about the situation rather than being let down by websites crashing and missing new allocations unless they’re setting themselves up for stock alerts etc. When I got mine in a second drop after launch (now sold on) it was fairly easy via the John Lewis app, but I think I was incredibly lucky. Fingers crossed they can start pumping more out soon.
  12. Just seems crazy that it’s so many months on but it hasn’t been readily available anywhere yet. Without selling out in seconds. I see a lot of people saying they are trying to get hold of one but just have no luck when stock does eventually drop. My mate is after one for Ratchet and he just went in to GAME to trade his PS4 in ready and they had Series X in stock. It’s only a small store too. Appreciate the demand for Series X probably isn’t as high though.
  13. So has stock been around of PS5s? The Series X has been in and out of stock quite a lot since launch and it hasn’t seemed too hard to get hold of, but I’ve seen nothing about PS5. Granted, I’ve not been looking for one, but what is going on? Surely for the release of Ratchet they’re going to want consoles to be readily available?
  14. I’ve not put too many hours into this yet but have come through the Village section and reached the Castle. The gameplay section that featured in the demo is present in the early stages of the game, so I knew what I was doing there which allowed me to quickly progress through that part. So far I have quite mixed feelings. I am enjoying the game, but I am going to go back to the old “it’s not resident evil” thing again. Perhaps the story will tie it together somehow as it progresses, but as with 7, I find myself wondering, again, what made Capcom go in this direction with this franchise. I am playing sections that feel like they’ve been inspired by Arkham Asylums Riddler, parts that feel like they’re trying to recreate the opening hours of RE 4 and then being thrust into a castle that has a striking resemblance to the mansion from the original game in the series. It almost feels like they are trying to keep one foot in the past in it’s locations to satisfy long time fans by being all “hey, here’s a creepy mansion style area” but then they mix it in with some new game play ideas which can feel a bit jarring and out of place. I am reserving full judgement until I have played it through, but I’ve been scratching my head a bit in parts Alongside all of this, there has been quite a few run ins with Chris Redfield, which just further adds to the confusion. Great to see him, but I’d rather be playing as him rather than this Ethan guy, who even after one full game, I still don’t really care about. I’m not invested in him as a character at all which makes it even more of a hard sell for me as he pretty much means nothing to me. I have always found one of Resident Evils strengths is its characters, and have enjoyed playing as many different protagonists over the years (fave being Jill). But Ethan doesn’t live up to any of them, and that makes it even harder for me to invest. I am not hating on the game, it is enjoyable to play. It looks great, controls really nicely, and I am looking forward to finding out more about the strange characters I have met so far.
  15. My copy arrived. Along with that much other post they had to put an elastic band around it… So definitely a Royal Fail issue it seems. Thankfully I have some time over the weekend to play, so just letting it install its update before I crack on!
  16. I do agree that the game doesn’t feel like RE anymore. That’s been my biggest complaint with the series since 6. Whilst the characters were there in 6, the gameplay was not and it was an overall terrible game. 5 was incredible and you will all deal. I loved that game. Co-op’d it on 360, ps3, Xbox One and PS4 and I’d play it all again tomorrow. I just approach it as a different type of game altogether now especially with the newer games playing nothing like old RE games (first person) and I’m ok with it. There’s enjoyment to be had with it definitely. I do wish they’d return to their roots although it looks like they’re trying to do that with this game.
  17. Simply Games have well and truly let me down! No RE today or yesterday! It was dispatched Wednesday morning too I haven’t had post for days though, so could be a Royal Fail thing. Hopefully it arrives tomorrow.
  18. Houses buying is the worst. But buying and selling is even worse. we’ve just moved out of a new build house that we were the first owners of in 2017, to a 1900 built Victorian semi. We planned to stay in our new build for years, but circumstances changed. Namely, we got a puppy last year ( yep, like every other person in lock down) and our living room was at the back of the house, so the dog was coming in during the winter absolutely filthy and dirtying the living room, shaking mud and water all over the furniture etc. Rugs were just pointless, so were curtains which just got ruined and the room always looked scruffy because of it. There was no other way to bring her into the house from the garden and it just became tiresome. The kitchen was tiny too for a new build. I mean really cramped. Worktop space was non existent and then I decided to start my own part time baking business. Yup, like every other person in lock down. Wow I’m basic. Anyway, due to this the dog couldn’t come into the kitchen anymore (health and safety) and the business really took off so the kitchen became the baking room and we were practically falling over each other in there if I was baking and my OH was trying to make tea or a snack. We also had a government grant as part of a help to buy for the new build and that was due up in just under two years which would have sent our mortgage much higher as you remortgage with the help to buy loan added on. So we made a call to look for somewhere that now fitted in with our needs better. We moved to our new (old) house at the end of March and we love it. But then you have all the problems of an old house that whilst we were prepared for to a degree, doesn’t make them any less annoying. We’ve had wood worm, damp, blown electrics, a gas leak, non existent water pressure, and a pair of previous owners who chose to just paper over crumbling craters of plaster. The walls were ‘spongey’ which I found odd until we got the paper off and noticed that they’d just bodged it. They managed to hide a lot of the issues we’ve had with carpet, wallpaper and their furniture so we didn’t pick up on any of it when we viewed. Still, the character is incredible. Original fireplaces in each room, original Minton hallway flooring and they’d out a brand new kitchen in before they sold it (presumably to help them sell it) which is stunning. Plus I have a room I’ve converted to a baking room which keeps me out the way in my own space. Although it’s a nightmare the whole house buying and moving process, it’s so worth it when you get in and start making it a home. We have so much to do. We’ve only decorated the living room so far but it skinted us as it was THAT bad and we kept uncovering so much. But the difference is amazing and now we wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
  19. You don’t like the look of it? You surprise me.
  20. My copy was dispatched from Simply Games today. Id have loved to have had a Thursday night blast but I have cakes to make after work Thursday and Friday plus most of Saturday so don’t think I’ll get round to a proper session with it until Saturday night. Sometimes I regret starting a cake business. 😁 Still, can’t wait. I’m eating my words after moaning about it when it was unveiled haha. But I always do that with every RE and still buy them. I’ve never not enjoyed a main line RE game, though. The IGN review was really positive too. Sounds like it has a nice mix of older games within this and the campaign is around ten hours long. With RE though, the achievements often add some length to the game so will see what they’re like.
  21. The demo hit Xbox today for this game. I okayed the first part and managed to get through it within 30 minutes, but I don’t feel like I fully did everything I could. I really enjoyed it. It gave me RE 4 vibes in some places, but then RE 7 vibes in others. Which I guess is a pretty nice mix and probably what they were hoping for. The only thing I’m not crazy on is that the new RE engine makes all interiors look very samey. There were sections of the demo where I was indoors and I could have been in the house from RE 7 all over again. Perhaps that is the aim, and maybe it isn’t actually a bad thing. But with previous main line entries changing up the locations each time this felt a bit stale already. Definitely a day one order for me though. As per every RE game ever.
  22. Well THAT was unexpected. Thought they'd left the game to die it's death. I sold it about two years ago after exhausting the boards. Shame there's no new ones in the update!
  23. I can’t say I would have expected RE 8 to come to GamePass anyway. Some of the newer REMakes haven’t even made GP so this isn’t really a surprise. Bit of a shame if there were plans to bring it to GP though...
  24. Lol. Whereas if this were my Switch it'd be unbelievably RIGHT! Mario Tennis is my most played game...
  25. This looks so much like the Mega Drive game. I played so many hours of that with my cousin!! Also day one.
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