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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I actually didn’t want the game to end. And that’s rare for me these days. I have that little time to game at the moment that I’m often wanting a game to finish so I can start something else. But I’d have happily carried on with new areas here. Just an absolute joy to play. Also the perfect game for the OLED Switch.
  2. I finished this earlier. Bloody amazing game. Im not going to 100% it I don’t think. I may have a little blast through again tonight and just go through some old areas to see if I can pick any upgrades up. But I’ll likely just trade it in and move onto the next game. GOTY for sure for me.
  3. I think I'm nearing the end of the game now based on my play time and everyone elses. I know I was a bit annoyed with the EMMI encounters, but that aside I don't really want it to end. I feel like this game has breathed new life into the switch for me and it's long overdue. It's the kind of big release it has been severely lacking IMO in a sea of remakes and remasters.
  4. I've been loving this game. Like game of the year for sure material. But one thing really starting to piss me off now is the encounters with EMMI. I feel like I'm pretty far in, and I'm bored of them. I'm sick of replaying them time and time again. I appreciate I could just be better at them to avoid me replaying them, but when all you have is...
  5. Selling mine. Just need to get it on eBay or FB marketplace when I can be bothered. I picked it up last night and powered it on and couldn’t believe how shit the screen looked. Never really bothered me before, but coming from this bigger oled screen you can really see the improvement.
  6. Oooo I like the look of this update. I've been thinking about redoing some parts of my island. So perhaps this is a good time with a new update coming. Is anyone even playing this still? Or will they be now with these updates? I like that there's newer items, fences and customisation for existing items.
  7. I've just reached the second location in the game now. I'm really enjoying this. It's a joy to play and it looks amazing on the OLED screen. Can see why they launched them the same day as it is a great showcase for it. The seamless transition from gameplay to cut scene has also been pretty impressive. I've died a fair bit. But often it's down to my lack of reflex, or panic haha as it is a bit of panicky game in parts. So far though, liking it a lot. Having a break with Monkey Ball now then will dip back in later!
  8. Oohhh this game is a joy. I've just started SMB1 and went through casual. Didn't lose a life until that last level which is horrible! Bringing back so many great memories of playing this as a teenager. I loved it so much. Going to move on to Normal now. Feel like I've still got the skills 😂😜
  9. Also, one thing I have noticed is that the rumble feels better to me in the joycons on this model. I turned it off on my older Switch as I hated it, it was always too strong but this feels more muted? I could be imagining it as I don't think anything changed.
  10. Ah great, thanks. That's what I will do later then. Like I say, I haven't bothered with my island in months. But don't really want to lose 300+ hours of work!
  11. Oh Christ. I transferred my system and user before doing the island. I haven’t played AC for months. But the thought of me essentially murdering Bill (couldn’t give a fuck about the others) is a concern.
  12. Yeah I think that's right. I just whipped it out of my old one after the system transfer and when I placed it in my OLED it had to do a system update. It seems to have worked but not checked that everything on it came over yet. It's taking an age to download all of my titles as I primarily buy digital on switch.
  13. I haven't even finished the transfer and I'm already wondering what I did without this screen. It's gorgeous. Whacked a tempered glass protector on before I even let a grubby finger touch the panel!
  14. Sliced right down the middle of the box with my knife. 🙃
  15. I probably won't leave the desk to go and get a delivery. I think my preference is for it to be left with a neighbour anyway, so will keep everything crossed. Although if it's a bad interview I might just be honest and say look son, there's better things I can be doing here. And answer the door.
  16. I have a pretty free work calendar today (working from home) apart from an interview I'm conducting at half 1 for an hour that I need to be on camera for. My DPD time slot? Between half 1 and half 2...
  17. Great news! I need to sort some accessories now for mine. Had a screen protector on my OG model and probably want to do the same with this one. Picked up DK Tropical Freeze in the Switch sale last week too and looking forward to playing that on the OLED.
  18. I don't think I've ever ordered from the store. So not sure what their standard is. Mine is coming via DPD, so at least I'm not in the Yodel / UK Mail camp.
  19. Well I’ll decide that once I play it.
  20. Also looking forward to this. I've played all 3 Metroid Primes, but that's all my experience is with Metroid. Loved those games, so looking forward to seeing how this plays being 2d. Amassed a bit of a Switch catalogue now and am excited to start delving into it, starting with this!
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