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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Now you've said that, I've also noticed it. Very frustrating.
  2. Had my X since launch and I've loved owning it. I managed to get a PS5 shortly after launch from John Lewis. Sold it a few months back. I played Astro and thought it was decent enough, but I couldn't get on board with the ps5 controller. They've made the Series controller ever so slightly smaller and my god, it's just perfect for my hands. I think I'd get used to the PS5 one if I just played with that exclusively for a while, but swapping between them made it clear how much more comfortable the Series one is. I have small hands though, so my opinion will likely differ to a lot of others. I have bought 2 retail games for Series X so far. Rest has been GamePass and I've enjoyed so many great games through it. And I have about 5 downloaded but have just moved house so my gaming time has dropped massively in the last two months. But for me, zero regrets. I do regret buying a PS5, but I sold that to a friend for price I paid for it and he's happy enough with it. I'll definitely pick up a PS5 again in the future, but my gaming time isn't what it was and I originally wanted to wait for Ratchett, but even just that alone won't be enough now. Maybe Christmas will see more games I'm interested in out for it but to be honest, I may just not bother until there's a really built up library I feel it's worth investing in. Thankfully with GamePass, there's always something to play and it's even made me play games I would never buy but always quite liked the look of. Downloaded We Happy Few, a game I thought looked decent but didn't want to purchase. Hopefully I will get around to playing it at some point.
  3. This game looks like great fun! I recently played A Way Out with @LegoMan1031 and we both really enjoyed it. This, apparently, is meant to be even better. Read IGN's review last night and they were glowing about it. Can't wait to play it.
  4. I tried the demo last night on my Xbox. I really want to like it. It reminds me of Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg so much. Butttt it's pretty dreadful. I didn't really understand what the hell was happening. Not that it matters for a platformer I suppose. I'd read the review posted above and I think the reviewer nailed it when they said that it felt like a PS2 remaster. Pretty much exactly how it feels. It looks decent enough, but the gameplay and character movement definitely feels like it's from 15+ years ago. Maybe when it goes down to about a tenner I'll get it!
  5. Until I get more shop upgrades, a proper coffee shop, and the ability to terraform more than one square at a god damn time... I'm out.
  6. Omg I remember the hunt for this during the games height of popularity! I'll admit, my island(s) are likely overrun with weeds, and everyone has since passed on with how much of a sh*t hole it's become. No funding into local areas, coffee shop closed down without warning etc. I really should go back on but with the threat of another bunny day event looming, I may wait for that to pass.
  7. Bloody hell. I didn't realise how many levels and world's this game had! I got to the Bowser world and finished that, thinking that was it. Then the Star world and I unlocked Rosalina (she's no Peach) and then two more after that! I mean, I'm loving it so I'm quite pleased it's continuing! I like the subtle ramp up in difficulty too although it isn't really massively more challenging. Yet. I have tried to pick up all of the stars and stamps as I've gone but there's a few I need to mop up. I didn't think I'd get this much play time from it and that's without Bowser's Fury yet!
  8. Oh god. I'm on the last Bowser world currently and this Champions Road does not sound appealing!
  9. Didn't quite understand the point of that. Seen it all before. Good to get some release dates for some games though. The Final Fantasy bit was boring as hell but it's never been for me. I expected some Ratchet / Horizon gameplay.
  10. I ended up buying this despite thinking I'd end up getting bored by it. Completely the opposite experience so far. Loving it. I only remember a handful of levels, like the MK one and the Cherry power up ones. Not sure why I remember them! It's great fun. Enjoying it way more than the recent 2d side scoll Mario's which I am completely done with. I hadn't noticed the increased speed as some had mentioned, but I always played as Peach anyway and she is slower. I had to play as Mario for one level and could really tell the difference then! Up to world 6 so far. I didn't complete the game fully last time, so want to this go round. Then to Bowser's Fury!
  11. Because it's easier to have my card details linked. I just wanted to buy a game using my card and my amassed points. I like that the switch gives you the option to be debited the exact amount, rather than having to top up £50 or buying several £10 cards and inputting them all. It's stupid that it's making something that should be simple, so difficult.
  12. Sigh. My bank card expired so I had a new one sent to me over a month ago, but haven't updated the details on my Switch yet. Just gone on to buy a game from eShop and clicked to purchase and realised the card was my old one. So I input my new details and hit Purchase. Gets an error message saying "this card cannot be used". So I presumed I'd typed the details in incorrectly. Did it again, same thing. So thought, ok I'll update them in the account section rather than whilst trying to buy something. Same issue. Googled it and people who have swapped regions on their console to buy from another countries eshop have had this problem. But mine has always been set to Europe. I've never bought elsewhere. So I thought right I'll just link my PayPal account. Clicks to do so, the console says an email will be sent to my account. That was an hour ago. I've clicked three times now and had no email. Nothing in junk mail. Why is this so fucking painful.
  13. 50 minutes I'll never get back. I'll take Mario Golf and that's it. That project triangle thing looked like the most boring game I've ever laid my eyes on. Very disappointing.
  14. I'd really like a new Mario Kart with some new mechanics, or some sort of single player mode different to just cups. It's a long time coming really and feel like the series needs to progress somewhat. I'm not really sure what else I want. Please dear god no Fire Emblem. Although the Smash section is likely to be to unveil 25 new FE characters that no one cares about. I have a feeling a new Mario Rabbids game will be announced. Not my thing though, hated the first one. Something to get me excited about having a Switch again would be good really.
  15. I have been hovering on 'buy' with this but haven't managed to convince myself to do it yet. I played the original and did like it, but as per the above two posts I think I'll end up feeling the same. Whilst I only remember bits of the original play through, most Mario games that I revisit are just never as fun the second time round. I often don't end up finishing them due to being a bit bored by them. I also remember not loving the cat mechanic in this game and I know if features very heavily. I think I'll pass on it.
  16. As a fan of the original games and the recent remakes, I’m still not here for Ethan or this first person view. It isn’t RE to me and it won’t be until I get some proper RE characters back. Stupid, hard to follow story line that makes no sense an all. I will still buy it though. I played through and enjoyed RE 7, but they have no right to call it RE.
  17. Yeesh. LM 3 was nowhere near a 10/10 game for me. Found it all very forgettable and have little desire to return to it.
  18. Wow haha. Deep for a video game! Won’t affect my enjoyment, that’s for sure!!
  19. After @Hero-of-Time and I had a brief moment discussing the best DS game ever created, Super Princess Peach... imagine my surprise when my OH told me that there was a bag on the stairs with some old games in that he’d found when boxing things up for our upcoming house move. The bag was stuffed in a box from the last time we moved house like 5 years ago, and there were so many gems in there... including this! So, I’ve fired up my 2DS and this is going to be my night time ‘before bed’ play.
  20. Yesssss! Give me the Princess Peach goodness!
  21. For me I just want more exclusive, big name games. I know that's sometimes easier said than done, but it seems like Nintendo have been riding on the success of this thing for too long now, and are almost sat back just counting the dollar. I'm sure there's a meme for that. When I think of 2020 for the Switch, all I think is Animal Crossing. Because that's basically the only thing I found worth bothering with. Don't get me wrong, I would like to play Paper Mario and also the new Hyrule Warriors, but they're not 'must haves' for me. It's a shame that Nintendo also seem to leave some games cold. I've sold games like Mario Party, Animal Crossing, MK8 etc because I've had all my fun with them and nothing entices me back. I found the AC 'updates' to be very weak and not enough to lure me back in, and I do believe Nintendo have missed a trick not adding content to games like MK8 or Mario Party. These are games that I feel like Nintendo want me to keep playing months / years after buying them, but when they're just left to exist in the same form they arrived in (AC aside), it leaves me feeling a bit disappointed. I'll be honest and say I am also absolutely sick of remakes. And it's not just Nintendo that is aimed at. But I don't want a port. Give me something new and fresh and something to get excited about. I'm not even talking new IP's either. I don't know how many times I've said it on this forum but give me Super Princess Peach 2 please. Since the Switch Nintendo have felt a bit 'safe' to me. I'd love to see more new games or sequels to popular games that we haven't had for a while, like Mario Golf, Captain Toad, Donkey Kong, etc.
  22. As it happens I did get some time to play this today in between bakes lol. And I managed to get past my stumbling block without using a YT guide this time! I’ve completed the second area now and freed the god, but did find this section to be a little combat heavy. Very much a complaint I had with BOTW. I think, though, that this section was only like that due to the god it was representing. I have now moved on to the next section, which is another gorgeous looking area and have just started the quest to find the Gods essence in order to free them. Still really enjoying the game even if there are some unpolished game play elements.
  23. After my post, my gaming time reduced massively. I work full time (from home since March) but also started a cake business in August and it has been craaaazy. I thought January would be quiet as everyone is on a health kick, but nope! So had so little time. I fired it up last night and played a little more of the second ‘region’ but got stuck. Even following a YT vid I still wasn’t sure where I was going wrong so called it a night. Still loving it. I’m only 12 hours in so far but hoping to get more time with it this week and next weekend!!
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