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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I am not enjoying this as much as I thought I would. I think it’s because there are motion control sections, which I am really not a fan of. The haptics are sometimes a tiny bit overkill too. I mean, I get that’s what the game is built on, but sometimes it’s a bit frantic feeling. When it gets it right though, like the rocket triggers it’s just amazing. I had a big grin on my face the first ten minutes in. I need to get back into it but the motion controls ruined it a bit for me so I’m hoping it was just that one section!
  2. Yeah. A lot I’m sure will get ironed out but it just feels like too many steps at the moment.
  3. I’m not sure I’m a fan of the UI here. I feel like I need a bit more time with it, but don’t really understand a lot of the changes from PS4, which IMO, was really great as it was. I do think the tiles need to be bigger and I can’t get used to holding the home button to return home. Putting into rest mode seems to be a bit more cumbersome and a lot of flicking to get to the power icon, unless there’s a way to customise that bar at the bottom when you press home that I haven’t found?
  4. Ordered Dirt 5 at the weekend and it arrived on Thursday. Only got round to playing it now. It looks great! I’d read a lot of pretty poor user reviews of people saying it liked garbage but I don’t think it does at all. With visual mode on (lower frame rate) it does look really impressive. Also enjoying how it’s just race after race. I found driving round an endless feeling map in Forza Horizon a bit much at times whereas this is much more streamlined. Cars all handle nicely too. Enjoying it.
  5. I just failed a Spider-Man mission (let Rhino escape) and the game presumably began to reload the checkpoint and crashed. Just had a black screen for over two minutes with a non responsive controller. I’ve turned off from the console but the controller and ps5 light stayed white. Left it like that 15 mins and it was the same so had to pull the power lead out. It’s come back on ok, but bit annoying. Early bugs I guess!
  6. Does anyone know if the £49.99 version of Miles Morales is the ps5 upgraded version on the store? I think it is, as it’s in the section under ‘ps5 games’ but just wanted to double check.
  7. My morning meeting got cancelled so I took it out the box and plugged it all in. Haven't turned it on though. I know a lot has been said of its appearance already, but I think it's horrible to look at. Thankfully I didn't buy it for its aesthetics and it can get shoved under my TV bench which is exactly where it's going! Haven't experienced any haptics yet as not turned on, but early controller impressions are very positive. Really nice feel in hand, perfect weight and love the feel of the buttons which are more shallow than the Xbox buttons. Big tick. Can't wait to turn it on and try it out.
  8. Mine turned up this morning . 7:20am! Looking forward to trying this controller out. Won't have any time today til at least 8pm ish but at least theres the weekend!
  9. Strangely, I too was thinking about Bond games recently. After playing the latest CoD and feeling like it played like a modern day Bond game, it definitely made me ponder on why it's been so long since there has actually been a decent one. Looking forward to seeing more about this.
  10. Well, John Lewis came through and I managed to nab a PS5 for delivery tomorrow! Exciting. Looking forward to reading all your thoughts who get them today!
  11. That's amazing! I'd have used it for Dirt 5, but I already bought it from eBay with the 20% off. Still, £30 would have been £10 cheaper than what I got it for! Doh!
  12. A week into owning a Series X now and I don't think I've had a day without playing on it! I've been really impressed with the whole experience. My expectations weren't particularly high (or low) when I picked it up last week, I just expected to be a bit 'meh' on it. But so far it's surpassed my expectations massively. I know I mentioned Quick Resume already, but it has been a real game changer for me. I had Tell me Why, Crash 4 and New Super Luckys Tale on the go the first few days and to be able to dive into any of them in about 5 seconds between each other has been incredible. I've gotten back into Forza, although I did bag Dirt 5 for a tenner off from eBay using the 20% off deal. Picked up a Call of Duty game for the first time in years (Cold War) and have been amazed at how good those games are to play. It's pretty much what a modern Bond game should be. So much fun. It also looks amazing. The controller is a joy as ever. But the haptics of the dualsense will likely take things up a notch for PS users and I can't wait to try it out for myself. Dashboard is samey as previous versions but I don't mind that now it actually works and is fluid. It's so fast. Been playing some coop with a friend last few nights on 'A Way Out' and sending and joining parties has never been so fast and instant. Load times just don't even phase me anymore. It's not Nintendo cartridge quick, but games like Forza that were always painful to wait for are now so much quicker. All in all I think it's brilliant. I truly hope there are some really great exclusives coming Xboxs way as everything else is just prime and ready for it. GamePass continues to be fantastic value for money. There's so many games I want to get through from it that I wouldn't necessarily want to buy, and others I missed out on at launch that are now included such as Quantum Break etc. The Series X truly feels next gen to me and that's even without any real next gen games to show it off. I know a lot of those ordering PS will likely feel the same when they get to see how blazing fast the PS5 is and what a difference it makes to the whole experience. It's an exciting time!
  13. Lol you can say the word. It isn't a dirty word. Most of us can appreciate both consoles and what they offer. I will keep an eye out. Like I say I'm not desperate for one but if I can nab one then I will.
  14. Digital is the way I want to go too! I wasn't going to pick one up yet but if stock comes in I may try my luck. Having bought Crash 4 and CoD on disc for my Series X, it's really annoying swapping between to play them.
  15. You fool! I'd have had your preorder off you!
  16. You have a PS5 preorder though don't you? That should tide you over!
  17. Yeah I got this email. I've just claimed for it - says it will be here Monday. Pretty sweet deal, even if I have zero intentions of using it!
  18. Ah sorry to hear you're having issues, Ike. Not what you want No idea what MS are like with things like this, but worrying there seems to be some early issues for some units. Let us know if you get sorted.
  19. Playing Tell Me Why on Game Pass currently. Enjoying it, but finding the characters are a bit hard to like. Lol. The way they keep bleating on about Mary Anne. Story does seem to be picking up now though which is good!
  20. I cannot believe how fast Forza loads on this thing! It's insane! Might finally get some decent play out of it now! After a good number of hours using the console since collecting it this morning I think it's a triumph. The biggest thing will obviously be the games, and I really do hope MS can deliver on that front as time goes on. But so far, I have nothing but positive things to say about it. It feels like it's the Xbox that the One X should have been.
  21. It's extremely handy. I haven't tested it properly yet. Not sure all games work with it yet? But Forza is one of those games that I used to like to play in bursts. But with how long it took to load up from scratch every time I had been playing something else, this is a perfect solution. Love being able to play a Crash level, get pissed off at dying for the hundreth time then swap over to another game to carry on where I left off. I just don't think it's a feature that I could ever do without now.
  22. Hmm I'm prob not best places to answer as I haven't been using an Xbox recently to compare. I have just downloaded Forza though, and that game always took an age so will boot that up soon and see if it feels quicker.
  23. Quick Resume is absolutely brilliant. I have Crash 4, Tell me Why and Gears up and swapping between them is just amazingly quick. To think you'd normally have to reload the game from scratch to play something else but now it can hold multiple games open in memory is true next gen for me. Console is blazing fast. Can't wait to see what they can do with games built on this hardware.
  24. Technically I'm not enjoying next gen yet as there's bugger all to play that is properly next gen .
  25. Yeah LAME did the same. £10 off and I already had it pre-ordered from Simply Games for full price so was a win. I can't believe how fluid the dash is. Always my biggest complaint with Xbox but that is finally fixed. Scrolling through the list of Game Pass games and everything is just loaded ready. Might nip to Argos and get Dirt 5.
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