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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Might just be that you suck at Sonic, Ronnie?
  2. @ArtMediocre that looks absolutely incredible. Nintendo need to get all over this as an official release. The colours are good, but they're already getting boring when you see stuff like this!!
  3. I have never played a game in this series before but definitely interested in this.
  4. Exchanged contracts yesterday and we move in on Friday! TV unit, dining table, and new kitchen stuff bought. Rung sky to sort my internet switch over, they can't provide anything at the new house. Not set up. So they've let me cancel my contract with them for no charge with over a year left! So now I've gone back to BT which I'm glad about as their broadband is much better than Sky's. Just a pain to sort out. The line isn't connected yet so I need to wait til the 24th for an engineer to come and do that before I can even consider a broadband package. Then wait for that to be sorted once I order. My neighbour to be has been in since start of September, they still don't have internet and the couple across the road have been in since June with no internet either. When I called BT, I was told I needed to pay for the activation (£65) which is normal, and pay monthly line rental of £18.99. Once I get my line active I can then add broadband and TV if needed and the line rental should be eaten up in that monthly cost. I don't think the two living on the estate have even gone through that with them so maybe it'll work out. Stressing already. The move isn't stressful it's the broadband!
  5. Finished the story for this just now. What a game. Even more enjoyable than the main series for me, but I was starting to get a bit bored with Drake. Going to go through and get all the misc trophies such as gun kills etc, got all collectibles during the play through although I missed a lock box somewhere which is frustrating. Once I've done those I'll go for crushing.
  6. Does Daisy play any differently to Peach?!
  7. I picked this up and am not that far in, but I'm also finding that part of the game frustrating in the 'i' don't know what to do' sense. This is what I used to be like with Zelda games and it drives me a little bit insane. I'm also not one of these gamers that spends an age trying to find out and then gets a sense of achievement when I do, just get me on YouTube for the answer lol. Which isn't really how you should do it. It's put me off a few times. Can't say im enjoying it too much the more I'm progressing, I don't know if it's a game for me at this stage.
  8. Yep I went through the whole tutorial. I think that was the problem. It was too much. It automatically made me feel like there was a lot to get to grips with which is not always what you want with a fighting game. Or it's not what I want anyway. Throw me in, let me learn as I play and if I want to get stupidly good at it, I'll look to learn that later.
  9. Supposed to be completing on Friday to move in to our new house. Our solicitor called me on Thursday last week and said "it says here you're using help to buy, but you can't be because youre not first time buyers...?". I said, erm we are using help to buy as we're buying a new build, so we get the government help. He was like oh. Oh I didn't know that. What exactly are we paying him for? So now it's a mad rush this week to try and get the documents and monies through for Friday. It's looking very unlikely now unfortunately so will probably be the week after. My BF can't have any time off next week at all from work so means I'll be moving everything myself if that's the case. His incompetence has been pretty alarming.
  10. I've played the demo of this a couple of times now and just can't click with it. Strange, as I love fighting games. Maybe I've been spoiled as I played Tekken earlier this year and I loved it. There's something about this that feels more confusing than Tekken, and it doesn't seem right given that this is Pokémon. I know there's lots of depth to this game I just can't seem to ever really know what I'm doing when playing.
  11. Yeah to be fair, I bought street fighter and enjoyed it, but I was desparate for more to play on my Switch. If it was released now, I definitely don't think I'd have bothered picking it up with all the other stuff I've got to play.
  12. Didn't think Argos would have them! Damn you for bringing this to my attention.
  13. It really does look so so good. I'd never be brave enough - or have the patience - to try and do it myself, but I agree with what the guy says in his video about wishing Nintendo would do more designs like this as per the older consoles. So far actually, I think al of the joy-con colours they've released have been pretty rubbish. I liked the yellow ones but have stuck the grey back on for now. Could definitely do with some character themed ones now at the least. Peach, Luigi, Waluigi, Wario etc. They'd sell tonnes.
  14. Bought it. Played it for like 15 mins. Really really good so far.
  15. Picked this up in town today and looked at the box for a while trying to convince myself to buy it. I just don't know if I will like the style of game. I've watched YouTube videos of gameplay and some bits I like the look of and others it doesn't look like my cup of tea. I think I just really wish I could buy it and like it because of all of the high praise!
  16. Bloody chapter 4. Spending an age going for all of the collectibles etc in there and I've done about half (maybe more?) and then accidentally progressed the chapter. Can't go back to the previous area either as it triggered a checkpoint. That aside, enjoying this.
  17. I keep seeing pictures of that sweet sweet limited edition online and I'm gutted I never ordered it. I also really want the game so may have to look at some trade in options to get hold of it.
  18. I must admit, I own both an XBONE and a PS4 and where last gen I was all for the 360 and my PS3 never got a look in, this time around it's the other way round. I wanted to love the Xbox ONE but outside of the exclusives I enjoy (Forza being the biggest), I find myself wanting to play everything on my playstation. Better interface, better community (more friends on there), exclusives are brilliant and varied, PS Plus has had some gems for me this year and I just like the gaming experience it provides. I also use an Xperia XZ Premium which is fantastic for mobile remote play with a lot of games that don't require the huge TV, so arcadey games and older Resident Evil's, basically :P. Xbox just seems lost at the moment. One look at the dashboard and I'm confused. I'm sick of seeing upgrades to it only to find they've moved something yet again or changed the layout making it more confusing. Normally I'd be tempted by the Xbox One X but at the moment I'm considering trading my One in and upgrading to a Pro as that's quite high on my want list seeing as I have a 4k TV. And then I have a Switch which gives me everything else I need whenever and however I choose to play. The PS4 and Switch are such a wining combo for gamers if it's a viable option.
  19. House buying really is the worst isn't it?! Last week we were told by Bellway that completion for our new build would be the week commencing 25th September. Really pleased with this, we were just waiting on the buyers solicitor to confirm to our solicitor that this date was acceptable. Fast forward to this week and not heard anything which seemed odd. After several calls to our solicitor who was strangely, never there to speak to or 'on the other line' we were getting a bit concerned. Add to that, Bellway called me on Monday to ask if we had filled out a fixtures and fitting form for our current house we've sold - which we did weeks ago. Turns out Bellway had been trying to contact our solicitor but couldn't reach him every time. So today I called the solicitor and demanded to speak to him. He said "yeah, your buyers don't have a mortgage offer yet". i was stunned. I just said how is that even possible? How can they put an offer in without at least one in principal? And who instructed the searches on our property that happened three weeks ago in that case as I thought the mortgage provider did this on behalf of the buyer?!! He just said, yeah leave it with me but in the mean time I'll send you a report that your mortgage provider did on your new property to look at. Great. Fuming, I called Bellway to give our sales advisor this news and she said it's not the info she received. She had called our estate agents on Monday after talking to me and they called the buyers solicitors for her and relayed that the buyers had their mortgage offer, they also had their help to buy grant in place and were just waiting for land / drainage searches or something. So I called the solicitor back again and told him he needed to try harder and to call the buyers solicitors again and that I wanted a call back today. Fair play, he did call me back at 4:30 saying "oh yes they do have their mortgage offer" and proceeded to ask me questions that the buyers solicitor had for us about the property. He answered them via email whilst I was on the phone and sent them back and then said he would arrange for completion on the 25th and doesn't now see it being an issue. What a joke. The solicitor has not impressed me to be honest and won't be using him again. Why is it that when you spend all this money on them, they can't seem to just provide an update or even do the basics for you - like call you back when they say they will?! Anyway - Sept 25th maybe?! Yay.
  20. As expected... RPG's everywhere. And how much time did they want to spend on Xenoblade and that Square Enix game? Literally nearly fell asleep. The 3DS showing held my interest way more! Turned off for Mario. Don't wanna ruin a thing.
  21. Basically will welcome anything other than Fire Emblem (please god no), Dragon Quest (please god no) Monster Hunter (please god no), and any other RPG which seems to come out weekly. I also hope it isn't filled with 8 bit indie titles as that's all that we seem to have been seeng recently. Smash Bros announcement would be good. And one that is unlikely but I'd like - Mario Kart DLC. New tracks!
  22. Sorry for delay - I've had some log in issues! Back now. Great news!! Made up with this!
  23. I just posted this in other consoles didn't think it was out for Switch til I read it properly. Oh. My. Days. This is one of my favourite ever games it is absolutely sublime I every way. I can't wait to play it again. Yasssss.
  24. Fuck yes. I adored this game so am made up to see it return. Includes PS4 Pro support. https://blog.eu.playstation.com/2017/09/07/rockstars-open-world-crime-thriller-la-noire-comes-to-ps4-in-november/#sf112256739
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