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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. if I could I would have done. Because you have to email them through their site you can't change font haha. It also stopped me pasting their terms and conditions which say - and I quote: Definitely unsure on the last part...
  2. Fear not. A strongly worded email has been sent. : peace:
  3. Could be...? Could be you say?! Not could be - it IS awesome!!
  4. Hmm - well I've whacked this on my Christmas list for a family member to buy me as they moaned I hadn't told them what I wanted so thought this would be a good fit. I love Sonic, and liked the demo - and I like how warmly a lot of people spoke of the game, so it can't be that bad!! I'm actually really looking forward to playing it Christmas day to be honest!
  5. Just downloaded Sonic at last. As others have said - Dat 3d!! Amazing. Looks so damn good! They need to release like all of the 2d sonic games and just be done with it! Also, how good is it to have the spin dash available on Sonic 1?! It feels like they've modernised a game that's over 20 years old with just that one inclusion! Very impressive! I can't wait to play through it all and get all of the emeralds! Was gonna download Altered Beast (a childhood favourite!) but as I only ever played it with my cousin in co-op when I was a kid, the thought of playing it alone is not doing much for me! We never did manage to complete it! Always found it too tricky! Maybe this is my time to finally finish the game?! All I need now is Batman and Robin, The Addams Family, Aladdin, Home Alone (which scared the living shite out of me as a kid! ) TMNT, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage and Castle of Ilusion and I'll be happy. Not asking for too much now is it?!
  6. So has anyone who ordered from LAME had their sleeve / keyring yet?
  7. There's a thread for that!! http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=37233&highlight=SETUP
  8. @drahkon - they fit then?! My sisters ordered me a pair for Christmas!
  9. No disrespect, but as N-E staff you should know that there is a separate thread to discuss games sales. They were purposely put there for that reason as it can end up taking over a thread that and peoples opinions on the game itself can get washed away in sales chat. Talking about the sales of it compared to another game would definitely sit better in the general sales thread - of which there is a lot of activity from other members, so it shouldn't get ignored. _____________ I played one more world of this just now. I am only gonna have time to do a world a night (roughly) for this week, but I'm happy with that! Though it is difficult to put down! I am wondering how I'm gonna cope going to a different character now though! I am loving playing as Peach! That sexy glide has saved me from a couple of ledge falls! Looking forward to trying out Toad though! He seems beastly!
  10. And the award for the greatest album cover this year goes to... Stunning. Great album too!
  11. What exactly is Scirbblenauts anyway? Forgive my ignorance... what type of game is it?
  12. At last! Been waiting for the Mega Drive classics! And yes Ike, your opinion is wrong. SO WRONG!
  13. I've spent my whole day doing a work task that had to be completed for tomorrow. Basically we have a christmas campaign every year in the office with festive quizzes, games and the like during December. There's prizes for like most Christmassy team area in the office, best designed Christmas card (which I won last year ) - things like that! All good fun! Anyway my team leader knows I like to get creative at times like these, so asked if I would turn one of the massive posters that line the office walls into an advent calendar! Normally they're printed by a separate department but this year there's no budget so we're doing it all the cheap way! I had to stick 4 A2 sheets together to get the size of the poster and my brief was 'Christmassy, with room to stick 15 small envelopes on'. A girl I sit with is doing the other one for the other 15 days! So this is what I did today!! And it got me right in the festive spirit! I'm also covered in glitter which always goes a long way to making me feel Christmassy! The envelopes will go below santa in 3 rows in the sky! This is all the Christmas goodness I have right now - but there will definitely be more as we get closer to the big day! I love Christmas!
  14. I personally find most proper Christmas songs (as in the ones that sing about Christmas itself etc) are the worst ones. I much prefer songs that remind me of Christmas - whether it be songs that were Christmas number 1's when I was a kid growing up, or just songs that have the christmassy feel to them! A lot of the Spice Girls songs remind me of Christmas and I love how they always get played on the music channels during the festive season! In terms of the 'proper' ones though - Rockin Around The Christmas Tree is a major fave.
  15. This game quite frankly just needs to stop with all the amazingness! It's getting silly now! Seriously blown away by the level of creativity this game has to offer. It's not until you actually play it (and I mean, really progress with it) that you start to see how wrong many peoples early impressions of this game (myself included!) were from the announcement right up until shortly before the release. I thought Rayman Legends was clever but SM3DW makes that game seem like it's lacking something now. And I loved Rayman Legends! Every time I complete a level I can't wait to run to the next (Peach needs to move that pretty ass quicker ) to see what it has to offer. Each stage is literally brimming with new ideas, and creativity that is not found anywhere else. Controlling 4 characters at once with the new cherry power up is absolute madness but it just works so well. I love all of the different styles of stages too that break up the flow of the game (in a good way). If there's one thing that's wrong with the NSMB series, it's the reliance on the same formula of run from left to right and add a bit of up and down - though it works brilliantly, Nintendo have ripped that rule book right up with this game. Anyone comparing this to NSMB needs to be shot immediately. I just can't express how much I'm enjoying the game. It's everything I could ask for as a Nintendo fan really all in one game and I'm only up to world 4! This fellow N-E'ers, is the reason I game! For delights like this! *Picks up game pad and carries on being wowed*
  16. This game just keeps getting better and better. I managed to tear myself away for a bit but have been drawn back before I get some food in a bit! World 3 - ICE WORLDS RULE!! But why no ice stages? Only played like 1, the rest are grassy or tropical! I wanted ice goodness! Anyway - just played one level that had me grinning ear to ear and the only person I could think of whilst playing it is @RedShell !
  17. I see. But like Hero-of-Time says, surely that's just going to smash the sleeve up and render it useless. Grr. Now you mention it Guy, I remember the OoT saga as it happened to me too, I just never expected it to happen here when surely the sleeve should have just been shoved onto the box before sending? Morons. Anyway, in game related news I just started playing, as Princess Peach - obvs and oh my word is this game amazing. I only booted it up to have a quick go before I got a shower. It went something like this. "I'll just do this one level then get a shower..." *level complete "Oh that world looks interesting... I'll just do this one more then and then get a shower..." *level complete "Hey look, a toad house... I'll just visit that then and then go get a shower..." I'm still sat here - not had a shower.
  18. Oh hey my GAME order just arrived! Isn't the cat Mario sleeve amaz... Oh yeah, they didn't bother sending that. Cannot actually put into words how pissed off I am right now.
  19. I'd just like to further express how high my RAGE levels are that this didn't arrive today. I'm currently sat watching Eastenders drowning my sorrows with a cup of tea whilst everyone else is having Mario style fun. Cry. Glad to see how much you lot are enjoying it though! : peace:
  20. Not home so can't check if my GAME order arrived, but seeing as no one elses has, I'm not holding my breath. I was looking forward to playing this tonight too. Ah well, guess I've got other stuff to play so will crack on with that until this arrives. Not gonna lie, if it doesn't show tomorrow I will be majorly pissed off. I don't mind it not arriving launch day massively, but if it doesn't get here until Monday, GAME HQ / depot will be bombed.
  21. Well I haven't played a single minute of it yet - DAMN YOU GAME AND DAMN YOU WORK!! But when I do get it, I don't care how I play through it! I just know it's going to be magical! Quick question though - can you choose any player to play through single player with or is it just Mario to start? Just coz I'd like to turn this into Super Peach 3D World as quickly as possible.
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