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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I have no idea who you people are going on about. Daari-who?
  2. It was filmed during season 2. I'm loving the salty tears in this thread, by the way. :p
  3. You mean you don't enjoy constant jokes about cocaine addiction?
  4. You need 100 posts first.
  5. He also has a full head of hair, if we're listing reasons for you to be jealous of him.
  6. Because you spend all of your money on Breaking Bad shirts?
  7. That's ridiculous, Diego. They all suck equally.
  8. I'll give that an 8/10 if your dog is cute.
  9. We should have a separate thread where people can rate each other's bad stuff, and if it gets, say, a 7/10 or higher, they can post it in this thread.
  10. Oxigen and lumberjack Dexter did.
  11. It gets more ridiculous, at any rate. I know how much you like that.
  12. I showed this thread to my butler and he agreed with everything Zechs said. But then, he's a butler, so he clearly hasn't been making the best life decisions.
  13. And nice-looking guys! Let's not forget Ashley's failures.
  14. Don't pretend like you don't recognize him from Glee.
  15. Well, he does say...
  16. Don't worry, it'll be released on Nintendo's next console in a few years, with added armor upgrades.
  17. That's an awful-looking GIF, Moogle. No wonder you're single. Edit: Never mind, it just hadn't loaded properly. No wonder I'm single.
  18. I wonder if the concierge is a vampire or a ghost?
  19. So Friday or Saturday it is, then!
  20. There's a whopping nine episodes in total.
  21. Now comes the anguishing over whether or not to text her. I hear that's the hard part.
  22. Nah, don't get anything. Just sit there and stare silently at her as she drinks her coffee.
  23. I think you posted in the wrong thread, Martinist.
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