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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. You say that like it's some big sacrifice. :p
  2. You're far more likely to get laid in ReZ's hotel room, though.
  3. My cousin's been looking forward to Star Wars on the Kinect for a while now, so I was going to post one of the E3 videos on her Facebook wall and laugh about how bad it looked. Someone beat me to it and posted the awful-looking gameplay video from the new Fable game and they both thought it looked absolutely amazing. So yeah, Kinect isn't for us. But then neither are Facebook games, and I see plenty of people on my Facebook wall who would never/rarely play a console game enjoy Mafia Wars and Farmville.
  4. Buffy was at its best from halfway through season two to the end of season five. There were some great episodes in the last two seasons as well ('Once More, with Feeling' being the best, obviously), but overall I found them noticeably weaker. Angel had an alright ending, rushed though it may have been. I actually preferred season four, which had a much more interesting and epic overarching story. Going back to standalone episodes after that was disappointing, even if I understand why they did it. The show never handled its characters as well as Buffy did, though. All of my favorite characters were dead by the end, but useless Lorne stuck around for four seasons? Gunn was so useless that they ended up giving him magical lawyer powers in season five so he'd have something to do. And the less said about the horrible treatment of Cordelia, the better. Firefly was my first Whedon show and I'm glad he got a chance to wrap it all up in Serenity. I still can't believe how badly FOX treated the show. Dollhouse is probably his weakest show, but I still really enjoyed it overall. It took a long time to get going, though. It wasn't until season two that the show started to get really good.
  5. Magnus

    L.A. Noire

    Time to change your avatar/signature?
  6. If trophies make a return, I'd like to see more trophies from older games. The trophies in Brawl felt like one big ad for current games, and they seemed really lazy about making new 3D models. Animal Crossing had (what felt like) a hundred trophies, while Fire Emblem (which has been around since the NES) only had... five, I think? In Melee, I actually felt like the trophies celebrated Nintendo's history and they were a lot more fun to collect because of it. But maybe that's just nostalgia talking.
  7. So it's a port. Otherwise you'd think they wouldn't sidestep the question like that.
  8. I was just thinking, "this is the lamest birthday thread ever", but it's not your birthday anymore, so I guess it's okay.
  9. If you absolutely must have that word order, then yes, but it's very informal/less common and most people would say "min fødselsdag". In writing, you'd always use the latter. I think what it all boils down to is grammar always having lots of exceptions and never making any sense.
  10. You'd say "den fødselsdagen", but you would say "din fødselsdag".
  11. When Peeps explained it to you?
  12. Well, if we're correcting grammar, you wouldn't have a definite suffix and a possessive pronoun in Swedish, either. But it's your birthday, so I guess we can let it slide.
  13. Happy birthday, Daniel the Danish person.
  14. Happy birthday. So do you feel that E3 steals the attention away from your birthday, or do you consider it a great birthday present?
  15. It's because of our special connection, Rummy.
  16. I'm glad Sakurai will be involved in the development. I'm also secretly revealed relieved that the game seems to be a quite a way off. It feels way too soon for another Super Smash Bros. game right now.
  17. I'm not saying they shouldn't include them (though I still wish they'd go away forever), but it's a bit sad when they expect us to get excited about another New Super Mario Bros. game because they've added Mii support.
  18. The best part was when Iwata said something like, "and to show us how this new controller can be used, let's see what the person who has put the most thought into it has to say about it: Shigeru Miyamoto". Miyamoto: "This new controller is very exciting and opens up a lot of new ways to play games. You can play games on your TV, on your controller or both. We're very excited about this. I look forward to seeing what we can come up with." Well, that clears that up!
  19. I hate Miis and wish they would go away. Stop acting like this is some big revolution, Nintendo. Throwing Miis into the game couldn't have taken more than a couple of hours. New Super Mario Bros. Wii was pretty awesome, though, so this should be too.
  20. I never played the first one. I need a re-release before I can get excited about this.
  21. This is going to seem like a really unimportant thing to complain about after Dyson's post, but I'm really hating all of the CG trailers at the E3 conferences so far.
  22. I already said this in the other thread, but I hate CG trailers so much.
  23. GAH CG TRAILERS PLEASE GO AWAY FOREVER. I hope this has the charm of Rathet & Clank and is nothing like Resistance.
  24. Says November 15th at the end of the trailer.
  25. That's terrible, Dyson.
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