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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Haha, "past Band Camp." Suuure.
  2. Just because you enjoy them doesn't mean they're good.
  3. I want it now for free.
  4. Magnus

    inFAMOUS 2

    Except you said you got the evil ending, which means you had to have played a majority of the game as a bad guy. Unless you think killing civilians and wreaking havoc constitutes as 'good'. Or unless you were just confused and when you said that you "suddenly turned evil" at the end, you actually got the good ending without realizing it. But yeah, the moral choices were embarrassing.
  5. Thanks, Hamish. Now I won't be able to play the game without his lips bugging me.
  6. My condolences, Ganepark.
  7. Serebii doesn't need online dating because he's so successful at meeting girls in real life.
  8. No more slow?
  9. Gameloft has always struck me as a developer that makes sort-of-okay games on a platform that doesn't have a lot of those particular types of games. So they release a Zelda rip-off or a Call of Duty rip-off on a platform that doesn't have Zelda or Call of Duty* and people eat that stuff up because there's nothing better out there on that particular platform. It's why people were so excited about The Conduit. *According to Wikipedia there's a zombie Call of Duty for iOS, but that's not really the same thing.
  10. If you ever decide to give online dating a shot, make sure to put that you're a tyrannical despot on your profile.
  11. That's a bit of a turn-off, admittedly. Don't show them that. 4) Her boyfriend stabs his eye out and forces him to eat it. I thought that was the concern here.
  12. So basically what you're saying is that you're only playing it because it's popular?
  13. Stop worrying so much or embrace your singleness already. At least you're not playing Magic the Gathering.
  14. If I gave up on every game that didn't immediately grab me within the first thirty minutes, I would have missed out on a lot of great games. That said, I'm not sure what you're doing playing Deus Ex if you don't like stealth.
  15. Have you tried installing it? That usually helps with crashing issues.
  16. I like how you can tell who's cool or not based on their opinion on Friends. And I totally want those two GBAs so I can finally play Four Swords Adventures in co-op. I wish I were as rich as Murr.
  17. A Vita release of Persona 4 was exactly what I was expecting the teaser site to be about. I'm relieved to hear that they're staying true to their word and not doing a FES version of the game. The Answer was terrible. Maybe by the time this is released I'll be able to afford a Vita and have the motivation to replay the game.
  18. Friends went through the same thing as most other sitcoms, where the characters slowly become exaggerated versions of themselves as the writes forget that there used to be more to their characters than one or two quirks and they struggle to keep telling jokes after ten years. Friends was never all that great to begin with, though. Comforting, maybe, in an "I know these characters and enjoy spending time with them" kind of way, but never particularly funny.
  19. I know a guy in Brazil. I'll let him know you're coming. He'd want to know.
  20. Everyone's busy playing Xenoblade Chronicles.
  21. I think he just means that you can choose not to click on the notifications when you receive them. Doesn't really stop them from piling up, though.
  22. Notice you were gone? I didn't even notice you were here to begin with!
  23. Maps get completely filled in once you've found all of the landmarks and locations.
  24. Shut up and get back to work on all of your other projects. *Cracks whip*
  25. I was just going to say that now that it's been confirmed to be included in the European version as well, we can throw the conspiracy theories out the window. I guess not!
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