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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Enjoy it while it lasts. There are another 12-13 "kill X amount of X/collect X amount of X" quests in the next area.
  2. You're a horrible friend. :p
  3. No, but at least it used to be pretty good. The last season was just painful. :p
  4. I think it's become worse and worse the last couple of seasons, and the series finale was atrocious (but that was to be expected, considering the rest of the season). :p
  5. There are RPGs that are all dungeon crawling and RPGs that have next to no dungeon crawling, so saying that it's no more a dungeon crawler than any other RPG doesn't really mean much. :p What I meant was that it seems like a game that doesn't have much of a story and is all about its battle system and fighting monsters ad infinitum. Which I'd classify as a dungeon crawler. That's just based on reviews/forum posts/videos, but it really doesn't seem like my game at all, so I doubt this will be, either. Roll on Paper Mario, I guess.
  6. The 4 Heroes of Light just looks like a bland dungeon crawler to me, so this likely won't be any better. Which is a shame, because the music and graphics in the trailer are nice.
  7. I'm still waiting for the last game. Advance Wars is better. Just stick with that.
  8. I barely managed to get through the first season of this. Didn't really find it funny at all, unfortunately.
  9. This is why having limited inventory space for materials is such a stupid idea. The Witcher did the same thing. Also, collectables: Sirius Anemone - overtrade with Nikita Enigma Lotus - overtrade with Npa or trade with Kilaki (two-star affinity) Gold Burdock - trade with Galvin (three-star affinity) Ice Cabbage - trade with Yura (four-star affinity) All of this is courtesy of the Xenoblade wiki, so I can't verify it. Eryth Sea has a secret area where you can find twelve collectables at night, so that's an easy way to get everything you need in that area.
  10. "Everyone's an FPS! You're an FPS, and you're an FPS..."
  11. Achievements/trophies. Slap those on an old game and people will buy it, no questions asked.
  12. You could always use this method. A bit grindy, but it beats not finishing the game.
  13. Not sure who you punched to not deserve a timelier birthday thread. Happy slightly belated birthday, anyway.
  14. One day... I will own a pair of shoes.
  15. Big Love was alright, but that one actress was right when she said it turned into a telenovela. The last two seasons were just... ugh. The first three seasons were better, but it was still never as good as it could have been. It also had a thoroughly unlikable main character. Futurama was good today, though, so let's put that on the same pile as Arrested Development and 30 Rock. Goafer will be crushed.
  16. You should check out World of Warcraft. You know, for the single player.
  17. Now you just need to find yourself a man! [/Mom mode]
  18. I don't know, Ashley... Big Love and Cougar Town weren't/aren't that good. :p
  19. It always weirds me out when people watch TV shows on television. I'm watching Futurama later tonight. Hopefully it'll be good. You never know what to expect when Ashley likes something.
  20. You should have gone after her anyway. You're clearly the better choice, and I say that without knowing anything about the other guy. She probably sucked, anyway.
  21. "Zoom in on the cock!"
  22. You should see the things he writes where you can't read them! Oh, Monster Hunter? Eh.
  23. Persona 4 is fantastic. Your friend is very wise. You're not good enough for him/her, since you haven't played it yet. ... Says the guy with two 3DSs. But it's "just a JRPG". Whatever that means.
  24. Or anything else, from the sound of things.
  25. If Friends has taught me anything, it's that the pining is the best part.
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