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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. This game is (not) better than [previous Zelda game(s)].
  2. I always play Uncharted on the easiest difficulty setting, thank you very much. Didn't even get a trophy when I finished Uncharted 3.
  3. Cube took the exaggerated reaction right out of my mouth.
  4. Is it just me, or does anyone else get the impression that Eddie gets chatted up a lot? :p Maybe if you'd asked her out, you'd found out that she takes her cat with her everywhere.
  5. I was going to make some sort of Nazi-Europe joke, but it just seemed inappropriate. :p
  6. Nintendo of Europe seems a bit more... German than usual.
  7. Ugh, nobody use the chat room while I'm playing Skyward Sword. Nobody cool, at least. Diageo can still use it. Maybe that's where she thought she was. Or maybe she just signs into random chat rooms to pick up guys. I MUST FIND HER AGAIN.
  8. Just keep going the way you've been going, and maybe you'll luck out and become a rich widower yourself.
  9. That's your answer to everything.
  10. Can't you check how much of the main story you've played in your stats? Though maybe that only works if you exit to the main menu first. I can't remember.
  11. Hey, watch it... she's very sensitive about her butt-mouth.
  12. It was my butt toothbrush. It was my mom's toothbrush. But it might as well have been for my butt!
  13. I used to read Ctrl+Alt+Del unironically. *Hangs head in shame* Also, every lame sitcom from the nineties, I guess.
  14. I used the wrong toothbrush this morning.
  15. Twilight will do that to you.
  16. It kiiind of sounds like you're trying to get his friends date raped.
  17. Gamestop wants you to buy a pre-owned copy.
  18. Don't tell.
  19. I don't have any friends left, period. Sorry, sometimes I forget this thread isn't a competition. You could always go with your straight friends. That has the potential to be entertaining.
  20. You probably would have won if your costume had been a little bit more low-cut.
  21. Those earrings look really nice. Like something you'd find in a shop. A real shop, I mean. I second this. And the best thing to come out of The Cape was that one scene in Community that poked fun at its cancellation. So it wasn't all bad. I wouldn't watch Pan Am right now, Jon. At the very least, you should wait to see if it gets picked up for a full season first.
  22. *Imagines a Battlefield exclusive to Nintendo consoles* *Bursts into uncontrollable laughter*
  23. I've made a huge mistake.
  24. He was joking. It totally does look like porn, by the way!
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