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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I think emeralds were only added a month ago or something. You can trade with NPCs if you find a village, but most of them just seemed to want to get rid of their useless emeralds. I don't think there's any way to choose what to trade/trade for.
  2. I think you should feel flattered that Moogle finds your kidneys attractive.
  3. I still have no idea what emeralds are for, and the going rate for emeralds in villages is about 12 wheat, so I'm not convinced they're worth the trouble!
  4. I finally started playing Minecraft for the first time the other day, after buying it nearly two years ago before they raised the price. Better late than never! I already have, like, 20+ diamonds. Guys, this game is so easy!
  5. Young Asian Zoo Candies? I'M PRETTY SURE THAT'S NOT A GAME BOB.
  6. How I imagine it went: "That's it. Nothing could ever top that. I'm done with television forever."
  7. While I don't agree with Dog-amoto that the game is ugly as sin, it does look pretty dated visually. The design and gameplay mostly make up for it, though.
  8. Bells, you say? Pop'n TwinBee: Rainbow Bell Adventures.
  9. I think it feels more like Thief crossed with Deus Ex, but I guess it depends on how you play it.
  10. I still can't believe the first man on the moon used drugs. I guess that explains why he fumbled his line.
  11. I think we should all just agree that most Wii U launch games' use of the screen on the controller is about as interesting as all those DS games that have the map on the bottom screen. And that way, everyone can just pretend that 'most' doesn't include whichever games they think actually use the extra screen in an interesting way.
  12. 4 looks like the stage select screen in Mega Man 3.
  13. I watched the first season of Wilfred and didn't think it was anything special. But then again' date=' it's paired with [i']Louie[/i] which I also don't get, and that's critically acclaimed, so maybe it's just me. And yes, it's a remake of an Australian show. The creator/guy who plays Wilfred in the original also plays Wilfred in the remake.
  14. 6 is Castlevania: Dracula X.
  15. I'm the second-highest poster in the Relationship thread after Serebii! And maybe I'm just a very private person ("NO YOU'RE NOT," said every person who's ever talked to me in the chat room). But mostly my life is just filled with nothing but the internet and video games, so there's very little to talk about! You could always stalk me on Facebook if that's easier. Like everyone else, I'm friends with ReZ, so I'm easy to find. :p
  16. I don't think "d'aww" is the appropriate reaction to that! Maybe a fist bump.
  17. Maybe we should wait until after she gets back to him. :p
  18. Being asked to sponsor ReZ to save children makes me feel like I'm being extorted.
  19. Don't Fable games always score way better than they should, though? :p
  20. Yeah, that's pretty much how MMORPGs work these days.
  21. True. It's like they wanted to create a TV version of Fables, but couldn't get past the first issue and instead ended up drawing most of their inspiration from bland drama series from the early nineties.
  22. Falling Skies? It doesn't actually seem that good, but then that doesn't seem to be one of your requirements. :p Or if you mean you want something with a central mystery, you could check out Once Upon a Time. It's pretty boring, but the writers think they're creating the new Lost, so...
  23. Monolith should copyright the combat system they pretty much stole wholesale from MMORPGs? :p
  24. Yes! ROUND OVER. Magnus - 72 Dog-amoto - 26 Captain Falcon - 23 Jonnas - 25 MoogleViper - 23 The Peeps - 15 Cube - 9 Coolness Bears - 6 / nando / - 6 Tales - 6 heroicjanitor - 5 uəʌəsʎɐɾ - 5 Dannyboy-the-Dane - 4 bob - 3 Daft - 2 Smeagol - 2 Ville - 2 darksnowman - 1 EEVILMURRAY - 1 Ellmeister - 1 Mandalore - 1 ShavenWolf - 1 Zell - 1
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