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Everything posted by BeerMonkey

  1. cheers getting ps4 in next few weeks will add then
  2. ps4 in next week or two for my birthday cant wait
  3. the way things are at mo they should defo continue with the 3ds and future handhelds. with nintendo they gone a mountain of old games and with everyone now owning smartphones perhaps the next step for ninty is to make a phone which has an nintendo e-shop to get nintendo games. as for the wiiu id make that the last console.....stick with it a couple more years and if it continues to struggle and making a loss then end production. make games then for the ps4/x1 but stay in the handheld/phone market. Nintenphone anyone?
  4. is there a psn gamertag thread about? cant see
  5. that puzzles the hell out of me too hopefully will see some sort of dark souls 2 "complete pack" or something in the future i sold my 360 late last year.....the only reason i part wanted to keep it was for this game. ill be gutted if doesnt make the jump one day
  6. Found out yesterday my wife is pregnant our boy is gunna have a little brother or sister
  7. Gunna pre-order next time in town Sooooo glad its not always online, can trade in games etc
  8. That project spark looked bloody boring Now we play the waiting game The ps4 is tad more powerful but surely wont be in region of £429 wat a pi$$ take i knew with kinect bundled in wouldnt be cheap but thats £429+gold+game best part of £500! Sony best make ps4 325-350 pleaseeeeeee
  9. Nice mcclaren p1 There showing games my god!! :0 Mgs5 looked awesome glad that isnt exclusive O no probs with bf4 trailer
  10. booked up honeymoon last week going to florida for a week then newyork for 3 days....hurry up next june
  11. 5:30 set your alarms for more tv tv tv tv tv tv skype tv tv tv film tv tv sports tv sports film tv tv calllll of duty tv tv tv winning no prizes ere so far hopefully the sony conference will be good as if they do u-turn and get all evil like MS will just be getting a wiiu
  12. i dont understand what cesaro has done so wrong lately. First he was very impressive showing feats of strength beating everyone and now hes yodeling and lost his title....and didnt appear on raw or wrestlemania :/
  13. im getting married on a week thursday (25th) yey and nearly all paid off.....just stag do to pay off getting limo and taking mates to cardiff for night out yey 4 more shifts then 2 weeks off cant bloody wait.
  14. Looks verryyyyy nice Loved wind waker but was too easy and too short hopefully nintendo will add new temple :bowdown:
  15. skyrim. darksouls.
  16. with that vid makes it seem like you have to play on it in a dark room to take full advantage of the technology. If you play in the middle of the day i expect it will be next to useless.
  17. thought would at least give some warning saying to people over xmas....or hell even a few days ago that there vouchers/cards need to be used up by today :/ got mate that has £50 voucher he may as well use it as a beer coaster now
  18. is the final fantasys still half price at mo (namely final fantasy 9) as havent got internet connection until the 10th been waiting for ages for it to be cheaper and when does cant get it gah
  19. eeeeeee such great memories playing this in the arcade back in the day havent got internet at mo but as soon as do will be playing this to death great game. i certain website gave this game a 3.0 wtf is that shit
  20. wm28 is shaping up to look awesome this year......unless they have great khali win the title at elim chamber
  21. moved house 2 weeks ago. Me, girlfriend and our 1 year old used to live in a 2 bedroom first floor flat which was a pain in the arse as had to carry the baby down the stairs to go and and making sure the safety gate was always closed....also parking was shite and had no back garden. NOW 2 months ago i got made permenent where i work so im taking home alot more money so we have now moved to a 3 bedroom house with a drive and nice garden etc. o and with the savings thing i WISH i saved for deposit in my early 20's instead of pi**ing it away on booze and random crap. If had over 100 grand in bank thou i would be heading straight down the nearest aston martin garage thou lol
  22. took EIGHT days to be delivered couldnt believe it. Double discount
  23. in chepstow (south wales) got a bit but nearly all melted already was hoping for blizzard. Apparently more snow is on the way so better luck next time
  24. i didnt get hardly any of this so called ps3 lag. I had a few...very few occassions where it would lag but only briefly. Spend 60 hours on it moved onto dark souls now which is nearly done as well yey
  25. brought a new "blossom" corner sofa and 2 seater for new home dfs
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