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Everything posted by BeerMonkey

  1. surely they cant screw this up. hope it plays like the mega drive games and there isnt loads of chatting to people etc. so far looks like its gunna be a HD re-mix of sonic 1
  2. OMG going on a treasure hunt tomorrow to find one of those wispa golds
  3. the final destination in 3d some 3d parts were cool but the film itself was pretty dire. Some of the deaths were pretty cool thou. Always with the close calls then something else happens to kill them..been done 4/10
  4. why trade in a ps3 for a ps3 slim..and spend 75 quid in the process :S
  5. been playing this today awesome so far really enjoying it
  6. list 360 - Call of duty Batman Dirt 2 Wet Mafia 2 op flashpoint 2 dragonage origins ghostbusters tekken 6 L4D2 Halo odst Guitar hero rock band beatles lego rock band
  7. im FINALLY! getting this from lovefilm tomorrow cant wait to play it at long last
  8. me and bro are going back to america in december for 5 days new york yey
  9. prob get SC next month as already got turtles, MVC2 and trails..and spent some on a new theme and clothes lately enjoying silent hill so far quite surprised down to 10 left on lovefilm list thou eeee plenty out over xmas period i want thou trails is best game on xbla best 1200 points spent ever only pain is the "extreme level" how in the fuck do you do inferno 2
  10. ive spent JSA on weed before now so really cant judge on that jsa sucks..just thankful im one of the lucky ones with a job at mo
  11. couldnt resist spending a little on some new clothes really enjoying fear 2 its getting better and better as the game goes along
  12. im on 4th xbox (since aug 2006) its not like "living as fear" per say if it breaks repair it (i.e send it off) you dont have your xbox for 2 weeks so what :S
  13. going to alton towers next weekend with G/F going for 2 days (staying in hotel couple of miles away from park) cant wait as havent been to alton towers in 9 years
  14. work went fast yey been texting back and fourth with the girlfriend. Looking for hotel to stay in when goto alton towers in few weeks . Trying to think of where i can go with g/f on weekend as will have been together for a month.
  15. today had more training in new job (tesco warehouse) its soooo shite and tedious. Been missing my g/f so much today havent seen her since sunday..only 2 days but still
  16. soooooo when it is actually possible to win anything i.e theres a ONE and theres games etc to win? last friday you could but so far this week its been all on all for highest points pan euro is solid had go on he said she said eariler and was doing well but then had to go out halfway through
  17. on 1 vs 100 i get disconnected 2-3 times in every 30 min game :s its soo annoying gah cant get into star ocean much may send it back tomorrow
  18. ive been having probs with the marketplace as well and on with sky takes forever for anything to load or it doesnt at all got bully from lovefilm the ther day...tad dissappointed so far but its alright
  19. naaaaaaaaa not believeing this
  20. bioshock is awesome its one of my fav games on the 360
  21. can you run a station and then have it continue playing while your playing games do you think?
  22. i wanna play some of you guys as well hope you lot are better then the majority i face on it. if ya are online and see that im on SF4 message me etc for a game
  23. if you play tomb raider on the wii will get sort of the idea
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