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Everything posted by BeerMonkey

  1. omg thats the cutest cat ever
  2. back to the future and dragons lair on offer in summer sale awesomeeeee.
  3. just tryed codes as was trying to buy £25 psn card and didnt work for me
  4. since i got my ps3 after the ps3 came back online after the hacking stuff went on, then i dont qualify for the free welcome back stuff?
  5. aye is a tad weird that a few "break" after an update. cheers for advice on disgaea 3 once done with dirt3 and mgs4 will see if can find cheap and give a go see what think. Thats mad thou that plat can be between 400-1000 hours thats just taking the pi$$
  6. Anyone played "disgaea 3" is it any good? also is it sorta like shining force? even thou white knight chronicles didnt get the best reviews in the world is it still worth a play?
  7. for the rez man in "etc" i did mean uncharted 2 as part of that lol
  8. Brought my very first playstation eariler at the age of 28 my xbox is gone now. got a 120gb slim coming eeeeeee cant wait to try out heavy rain, lbp etc
  9. cheers guys and ta HoT ill look at amazon next week how much is ff7/ff8/ff9 on the ps1 store out of interest?
  10. got my xbox360 on ebay at mo selling up and getting a ps3 instead. only ever played on a ps3 a handful of times and never owned a playstation console. Anyone know best site to buy one from? i.e best deal whats the best downloadable games for it in your opinion?
  11. Wrost has got to be JO BRAND for me whenever ive seen her on mock the week...stand up...q.i or whenever she is not funny in the slightest others i dont like include : jethro, russell brand, al murray, tim vine, roy chubby brown Best one for me is Micheal mcinyre he has me crying in laughter whenever i watch his live stuff. others i like : kevin bridges, russell howard, rrod gilbert and milton jones only seen one comedian live and thats russell howard last november and he was realllllllly funny very good comedian seeing him live again this november
  12. after reading the review of this and watching footage ill defo be picking this up i havent got a decent cpu so running it on a pc is out of the question so im glad there bringing it to xbox
  13. Im currently on my 4th xbox 360 since august 2006. My current one hasnt put foot wrong in over 2 years now. As for the ps3 im one of the last to ask about it on this forum as only played on one a handful of times and have never owned a ps1 or ps2 or ps3 or psp
  14. Will prob get this for xmas this year as no doubt be glued to skyrim and playing that have to death hoping can get it finished before xmas rolls by
  15. hey just getting back into the swing of things here :wink: will look before mention in future dude Hope duke lives upto the longggggggggggg wait the mention of online only being 4 vs 4 max is a bummer just hope the single player plays as good as it looks
  16. Just booked up a nights stay at the Brooklands hotel and spa (near thorpe park and hotel overlooks the mercedes test track eeeeee). Gunna have a day of relaxation there then the following day going to the theme park Booking as a present to the mrs as been together for 2 years at end of june
  17. disappointing reviews going round for brink..6.0 on ign and gamespot...thought was looking promising. not too long until i can dust off my 1998 game wishlist and cross off duke nukem
  18. i just feel street fighter 4 has raised the bar so high now that nothing can compare to it. soul calibur on dreamcast was good back then...as for soul calibur 4 it was alright not all that special thou
  19. cant really goto a festival for few years at least as my boy is only 4 months old cant take him yet. Will be awesome to one day take him to download thou when hes a bit older. The download lineup this year is better then last years....its not brilliant by any means thou. Would have loved to see the darkness again (not seen them since 2003) as for reading/leeds...horrible compared to last years...just horrible
  20. won 2 tickets to see cardiff vs reading on 17th may today in work happy happy as support cardiff
  21. soooooooo crysis 2 on friday and discovered its only a fiver if i trade in my test drive unlimited 2 (finished) yey looking awesome
  22. he could have turned that into a RKO so easy he leg landed bad on those bricks ouch!!
  23. by jove its only a few weeks until that avatar poker game comes out looks like will be good fun with friends etc
  24. yes been here since jan 2003 known as beermonkey (short time as replika) still drifting around here from time to time lol
  25. same my laptop is very outdated now cant wait for this as clocked up sooooo many hours on oblivion. hurry up 11th nov:love:
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