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Everything posted by BeerMonkey

  1. dont understand why theres so many ppvs now would get more people interested if feuds were allowed to build and build for more time then just 3 weeks much prefer the old wwe days i do still watch raw a couple of times a month and the ppvs but its been rather stale for a while now with the occasion awesome bits (most recent being miz becoming champ) the rock coming back is amazing as brings back memories of the good ol' days god i miss those days of austin feuding with mcmahon
  2. noticed on play.com theres a dreamcast collection coming out on xbox with 4 dreamcast games on it 2 of which are sonic adventure and crazy taxi :/ its £30 ouch for 30 quid would want alot more then that and chuck in shenmue 1 and 2 and jet set radio
  3. won a amazon kindle 3g in the work xmas raffle today woooo dunno if to keep thou or to chuck on ebay
  4. dont know what it is about it i havent even played black ops since i got it which says alot really as im generally a cod freak lol is it weird that i havent hardly played crazy taxi just because theres no offspring lol
  5. shat myself earlier on thought had prob with xbox came on with red circle :S all ok now got sims 3 today really good so far havent played a sims game since sims 1 bout 10 years ago. Sooo addictive
  6. im looking forward to week of corrie will be good Been watching it since was little. Started watching eastenders bout a year ago as the mrs got me into it as for hollyoaks i cant bloody stand it what a load of tripe
  7. so jealous of you guys with snow got nothing in newport still
  8. anyone seen any news on when the new trials hd expansion is out? supposed to be last quarter thought some date would be announced by now unless i missed it
  9. had ZERO snow ere in Newport i want snow like up in scotland etc
  10. had to get crazy taxi loved that game on the dreamcast only had a bunch of gos so far got to B class on arcade so far. Wasnt there some way to get a little turbo as you pick up people? also how do you "crazy drift"?
  11. agreed on supermeatboy that game is so addictive the levels near the end are reallllllly tough (another chapter unlocks once completed game and those levels take the pi$$) got myself bout 45 bandages so far some of them are sooooo hard to get particalarly one on one of the "hell" levels you can see it as you start but its hard to grab and get back to the platform without one of the orange balls killing you.
  12. loving this game the escaping prision mission on campaign on solo is awesome loved every second of it on multiplayer really liking "nuketown" great fun on domination as the map is quite small. Also liking "launch" havent played new vegas since this came out as the multiplayer is so addictive
  13. first born is due in 7 weeks so far baby maybe called - Corey or Ashley if was gunna be a girl we were thinking - pixie
  14. me and my mrs are having a boy in 7 weeks. i would suggest like a teddy bear..bibs...dummys. Wouldnt bother with clothes as they prob get a whole room full. either that or just get a present for the parents
  15. agreed really liked the trail of it but no way am i spending 1200 on a game unless its something i REALLLLLLY want
  16. gunna start new go on fallout3 soon to get ready for this cant wait love fallout3 so much one of my fav games on the 360
  17. eeeeee new trails HD expansion coming later this year called "Thrills" with 40 extra levels. ALSO theres a compo asking people to make there own levels and 10 will be selected for the expansion as well.
  18. got my 360 at sept 06 or so and now on 4th xbox this most recent one is still going after 18 months...a new record lol. Realllllly want that red dead redeption even more so after reading the ign review but got modern warfare and new maps coming for that soon, got street fighter to play and got forza 3 as well.
  19. Fuck this wheres eastenders
  20. prob get when done with final fantasy taking forever to complete
  21. loving this game currently on chapter 9 the battle system is so much fun and rewarding sometimes wish they would travel together and choose who can be the 3 in the team thou.
  22. hey dude,


    Yea did the wrestlemania package last year did the "gold package" (theres option of silver/gold/platinum)

    WrestleMania Packages [[email protected]]


    cost bout £800 for the return flight

    and bout £800 for the package

    the package doesnt include the flight but does include wm tickets/axxcess/hotel/wm goodies/hall of fame/midday madness (would be email bout everything in package it changes every year) you also get the option to stay extra days as me and bro did (we stayed 4 extra days and went to RAW)


    the package is defo worth doing they sent everything out bout 4 weeks before going along with a WM25 jacket and bag. The hotel was amazing and in the city center close to everything...they book out the whole hotel to package people so was full of wrestling fans to chat to.




    you get emails from the package people with updates and times of everything they really keep you informed really good.


    hope helps wanna know anything else just ask :)

  23. ff13 is fucking awesome bout 15 hours in traded in wii the other day and my games (£150) used part of that to get bioshock 2 got BF2 as well but havent played its bros love call of duty online so dunno how im gunna find the time to complete all of this lol
  24. bout 11 hours in at mo loving it so far shame got work tomorrow and friday thou gah.
  25. getting game first thing tomorrow morning cant wait got 2 days off for it
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