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Everything posted by BeerMonkey

  1. "mayor west have you got any words for our viewers?" "Box, toaster, aluminium, maple syrup.....no i take that one back im gunna hold onto that one!" ROFL the movie is great stuff (got all the seasons and the movie) kicks simpsons arse and what the hell are these "classic" episodes that are apparently funny....there as funny now as they have always been
  2. in time it will be announced...there will be a sudden insurgence of new games announced for rev soon just you watch. really hope its the end of the whole "ONLY FOR PS AND XB" thing
  3. *gunna do in same style* PC: World of Warcraft Xbox: Halo 2 Gamecube: Smash bros melee
  4. N64 purely for such class games as goldeneye, Both zeldas, perfect dark, mario 64, mario kart 64, wave race, paper mario...the list goes on
  5. GTA: SA (this game just keeps on going and going when will it end) World of warcraft (best MMORPG game ever amazing) Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 (When first brought it i just kept working on a custom park for a month or two...i re-installed it yesterday and gunna do the missions now)
  6. i use captain falcon "falcon kick" and "falcon punch" are deadly
  7. Boooooooooooo U Suck!
  8. im inventing a new word in light of this topic.... FANBOYTASTIC! i voted for XBOX as i enjoyed there games most. Cube has had its share of good games but the 3rd support wasnt there again and no online service
  9. the US version is "tight"
  10. tim westwood is a freaking joke of a presenter and what makes matters wrose is that they try to make the show identical to the US. When it first shows westwood it shows him in different poses at first then says the rather tedious "lets go" or some other balls. Then comes all the annoying "this car looks like its fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down" rubbish. The uk edition has thought of some good stuff to put in the cars but its just westwood that lets down the show *THANKS MTV FOR PIMPING MY RIDE* wheres a sniper when you need one
  11. does ANYONE like cena???? he can be pretty funny at times but then theres times where he does my head in....please someone get that title off him HHH in TWO weeks!!! :D:D
  12. http://www.myspace.com/beermonkeyv1 whole page bout me and pics.....and some deftones cant go wrong
  13. WWE Championship John Cena vs. Kurt Angle angle won by DQ cena used belt on angle when ref was down but the ref saw it as he was coming to. rematch at SS or whenever now with no dq perhaps Intercontinental Championship Carlito vs. Ric Flair Prediction: pretty short not bad thou flair is new champ Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Masters Prediction: very good match i thought masters had good outing to show his abilitys micheals won Steel Cage Match Edge vs. Matt Hardy Prediction: best match of night BY FAR match of year contender matt got his revenge leaving edge in a bloody heap in the ring Big Show vs. Snitsky Prediction: fast forwarded wasnt interested...show won World Tag Team Championship The Hurricane & Rosey vs. Cade & Murdoch Prediction: nasty looking DDT by murdoch on hurriance he came back at end of match hurriance will prob be out for a while....new tag champs Shelton Benjamin vs. Kerwin White Prediction: ok match nothing special shelton won Trish Stratus & Ashley vs. Torrie Wilson & Victoria Prediction: fast forwarded trish and ash won
  14. the rasmus suck *there i said it....has to be said thou there awful*
  15. i have all there albums got posters of korn on my wall....seen them live 3 times also have a tattoo of "korn" on my leg yes indeed i like them
  16. Family guy the game some game about hunting zombie rabbits some game about passing gas zelda rev edition some shooting game i want to use that wand thingy
  17. 1. Team Sleep - Ever 2. Deftones - minerva 3. Gorillaz - dare 4. Iron maiden - The Trooper 5. Foo Fighters - DOA
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