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Everything posted by BeerMonkey

  1. tomorrow morning - 2 tickets to see lostprophets in bristol :D:D:D:D going with girlfriend
  2. havent seen the sky player on there at all presides the delay thing thats on myxbox hopefully will be a new date for it soon "we underestimated the demand" /facepalm got skyplayer now loads of movies etc to choose from even if not on multiroom
  3. sky player tomorrow raw vs smackdown 10 is easily the best one so far good fun NFS : undercover still very easy its got to be one of the easiest games ive played in years
  4. does this "need for speed undercover" get any harder its VERY easy so far :S
  5. same here will never sell it i do wanna play it again some day really enjoyed it
  6. Finished at last took 46 hours finished on level 58 sent back to lovefilm now when went back to menu then i noticed "ex new game" is anything different in that mode?
  7. lovely and warm to wear love topman
  8. 42 hours in now and level 54 progress
  9. sex. ........
  10. dont like yatzees crappy rants on games on zero punctuation hes not funny in the slightest
  11. cool pretty good score will chuck on my lovefilm list
  12. OMG OMG OMG!! i LOVED rocket knight adventures on the mega drive defo getting this :D:D:D
  13. ill wait on reviews but not getting hopes up on this being good from watching the game footage
  14. is the sky tv update today>? i recall seeing a advert about it on the telly
  15. at least call first dam work im never gunna finish TOV..had for just about a month now and bout 30 hours in
  16. my car had MOT today and its gunna cost about £300 to get it all sorted :( but on plus side the girlfriend is staying the weekend down mine yey
  17. aha that would be immense cant seem to do "king of the hill" with no faults on trails its doing head in ...all of the rest on hard ive done with no faults forza 3 is defo a try before hire (lovefilm) for me as found forza 2 rather boring as it got further into the game. Races in rather slow cars..going around a track you have already gone around several times in career..in a 20 plus lap race just hope its not like that again.
  18. Golden earring - Radar love <3 born to be wild - steppenwolf
  19. so did anyone else presides my mate get stuck then? ive not heard of anyone on here getting stuck
  20. me and mate watched it last night. Didnt work on me but my mate was glued he couldnt move no matter how hard he tried he couldnt move hands off his legs either. But when the sound came up to cancel it out he stood up freaky alot of you were skeptical before hand and you watched and it didnt work...the thing with it was it will work if your allowing to make it work. If your watching laughing thinking its a big joke it isnt gunna effect you is it :S
  21. awesome game was lucky enough to get it via lovefilm on hire
  22. muuuuussst stop playing Trails hd but its sooooo awesome i brought stuntman and thrillville 3 weeks ago and hardly played stuntman and not played thrillville yet as been to consumed in trails and TOV...and guitar hero
  23. theres a few that ill get like dead space and new super mario but thats it really only ever play wii really these days is when got mates over and fancy some bowling etc
  24. 20 hours on the clock still really enjoying it
  25. TRAILS HD!!, worms, doom, castle crashers
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