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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. His suit feels nice.
  2. 8) Molly ... Welcome *scrolls up* edzza! I work sith someone who looks like carl sagan. True story.
  3. Seen that vid and giffed many, many times recently. HE'S SCRATCHING HIS KNEE.
  4. I genuinely think the best possible solution to 90% of all mafia problems... is in running a few quick and small games. You can have a game with 7 players, where tere's two maff and 5 non... the danger is, of course, that the maff are discovered immediately, but hey! That's the risk.
  5. Will be d/ling the first 3 eps tonight - heard excellent things!
  6. Love how a thread title change has massively increased the thread readers :P
  7. A fun sporkle thing to do; Can you name all 45 teams to have appeared in the PL, in 8 mins? I got 38/45, kicked myself for 4/5 of the ones I missed. I was 'away' from caring about the league for several years so I was never gonna get them all.
  8. Hope this thread title is less depressing and more n-e-focused for ya.
  9. Nice one daft It sounds like a very interesting job. I'd say that a director tends to have a team below them so you're more of a creative executive :P Still an awesome title.
  10. Is that pub or shop price? Pub for rekorderlig (in the south) you're looking at probably arounf £3.50. In a supermarket probably around £2.50 depending on offers.
  11. Wow, yeah that's about £1200... if I get some sort of astounding part-time work there, then I'll consider it :P Not sure how my night-blindness would affect things though... Yeah rekorderlig is available here - I'd imagine it's damned expensive over there with the import cost, surely?! Yeah... first meet I'll've missed. Sadface Well 2am sydney time would be 7pm london time... and 2am your time would be 11am... so I wouldn't necessarily completely write off the chances just yet.
  12. I remember that (about Fosters - they hate it, that's why they export it :P), also Strongbow is different here and there. I'm a cider person so I'll be interested to see if Cider's taken off in the last 5 years there as it has done here.
  13. I hadn't thought of that! Being 9 hours ahead, I guess I'll have to play morning mafia in order to stay relevent to the game... but I know so many people here are proper owls when it comes to online activity so maybe it'll work out in my favour? Who knows, the IRC room might liven up a bit :P Will be staying about 18 miles out of sydney - about 30 mins by bus (a reasonably priced ticket into town, from what I've been told). I stayed for 3 weeks on holiday previously (king's cross area :P) but I'd love to re-live everything I did then again, but at a more leisurely pace. Congrats on the temp resident status. It's 5 years before you can apply for citizenship, isn't it?
  14. makeshift thanks :P I doth loller!
  15. Sorted. If everyone saves up £60 a week for 6 months, you could afford the flights and a hostel for a few nights too! :P
  16. I'll probably have a few photo-crazy periods when we do day-trips, for sure As for the meet... Yeah I guess I'll have to go down to Sydney's Kew Gardens with a big ol' sign... and sit and drink and draw penises all by myself :'(
  17. my mate's lending me his copy while he plays Skyrim. Win
  18. Funnily enough of all the things I'm hoping to take, my chess set and books are pretty near the top of the list :P
  19. Thanks guys Yeah, not looking forward to the spiders - but the other wildlife is beautiful and so weird. Went there on holiday years ago and saw kangaroos having sex and everything! Strewth! I'll be sure to share the heaps of bonza terminology, mate. Actually a fair point - the matches will be at an ungodly hour!
  20. Just got my VISA confirmation after getting flights (and replacement passport) earlier this week. Going to live in Sydney, Australia for (up to) a year in January! Back in July/August time, my uncle invited me and my girlfriend to go stay with them and au pair. We'll get bed and board covered, and what will amount to £60 each a week, as well as a chance to get a part-time job as well. Not told many people at all, been absolutely bursting to tell all.
  21. 0. Lolwhut? 'too busy' means I don't have the time/commitment/energy/attention to properly comb this thread. I woke up at about half 7, went to work. I got home from work at about 2ish in the afternoon, mostly played Bulletstorm on my xbox and had facebook open for chess. Browsed the forums a little, but as my attention was divided. Then I went out between about half 5 and idon'tevenknowwhen, but it was between 11 and 12. Came up to my room around 12. I had consumed one pint at lunch time, then four cans of cider whilst out. The word drunk covers a range of intoxication. Clearly I had excellent control of my hand-eye coordination, and was able to demonstrate a coherant and intelligent vocabulary - something which is hardly something that can be said to be a detriment of my character at all, so for that moot point I feel that I must thank you sincerely for observing my awesomeness and feeling the need to comment on it. tl,dr? Christ man, you're clutching at straws. Please don't insult me by saying I'm pretending to be drunk on top of that. Jeez. Vote: Tales for making me facepalm. Sober currently, btw. I'll perhaps start using a scale system opening all of my posts; 0 for sober, 10 for unconsciously drunk.
  22. Excellent news One thing to note; "If you extend your membership by redeeming a prepaid code prior to the expiration of your current subscription, auto-renewal of your subscription will be reactivated." An important bit of 'small print' to remember, there!
  23. Check out the x11. My squad from the last game did better than the middle league, and would've performed alright in the upper. My squad is coming together and if I'll do better next season because people are underestimating me, like dragoeo, then that's fine.
  24. Yeaah, but I dislike the whole mentality that a game has to be bastard hard. I like games that aren't pressuring you to be pixel perfect, and for stealth I think of Hitman or MGS, where really there are alternative ways of completing an objective. This looks too sensitive. Essentially, if I look at a level and go "oh, so to solve it you need to do that..." I want to then be able to do that without being forced to feel like a retard because my hand/eye coordination isn't up to scratch with my cognitive processes.
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