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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Bob is bob. Any other questions?
  2. Yes! The relationship thread (Looking for N-E one to love) is a good showcase of the current forumite talent. What on earth are you doing these days?!

  3. Bob wins. He has to. Bob's back!
  4. Cube drew. lolololo!
  5. Yeah... as I said, my investigations reveal binary results that are not "good/evil", so it really doesn't matter whether someone appears good or evil, or suspicious. I've also found out that I am a paranoid cop, so it really, really doesn't matter who I target.
  6. Frankly, not at this stage, as that may jeopodise the alternative result. Needless to say, I am doing no harm whatsoever, so move along
  7. Perhaps this is a Dead Rising: Case Zero type affair -- a bridge between two main games, to keep the franchise 'known' for a bit longer..?
  8. German-style..? Catan is the gateway drug, a great beginner's introduction to the strategy of games. A couple of nights ago I was playing Small World, something which I'd say is a step up/along (diagonal?) from Catan - once you know the ruleset it's quick and easy, with enough variety game-on-game. Similar to the DOS game Isle Wars, or Risk, but... not. It also begins to integrate the whle idea of classes and powers that you find heavily control the intense games (D&D!) Carcassonne is alright but I don't really care for it much. Card-based games, such as Munchkins, rely on power-sets and classes and stuff... I've played a few but I do get confused/bored. Recently played Citadels, which is an incredibly simple and quick game. Order of the Schtick (or just stick?) is a mix of card-and-D&D -- card-based but you build the dungeon as you go. Can take hoursandhoursandhours. My problem is that I tend to have the wrong strategy from the get-go and it's just a waste of time after that. Yet to finish a game of Zombies, despite three attempts. Wanna love it due to zombies but it's just not well balanced. Zombie Dice is quicker, easier and more straight forward. I've heard a lot about ticket to ride - from the same company that made Small World... I think... I have a couple of friends who get together every tuesday night and play games. One of them has a massive collection of niche games that take an hour to understand and up to 10 to play. He was trying to tell me about the different games companies behind the games and the history of the board game... There's certainly a lot there to get involved with, and it made me realise that I didn't really understand D&D players at all, I just looked down on them. Now I understaaand. Oh, and @Oxigen_Waste go to the movie thread and recommend me some movies that are like the list I posted.
  9. Just finished my shift at the Community Centre stadium, where it was an England U19 international against Denmark. It's farily impressive for a few reasons; AmEx stadium is only 6 months old, yet it's hosting international-level (kinda) games - something many, many other stadiums cannot boast. It also had the biggest crowd for an U19 squad for a couple of decades - and our 2nd-biggest crowd since the opening game. No idea what the score was, but the 'fans' were a fine bunch of arseholes who clearly didn't go to see much football. Tickets were like 50p each or something ridiculous. Monster of a shift. Arg.
  10. My other job is going well, too. Basically my manager's manager hinted strongly at moving me up the ladder in teh near future (a few months, I suppose). Thing is, I plan to be in another country in a few months... I really respect both him and the job. I partly hope that he'll remember me when I return from Oz and will be able to find a job for me.
  11. Yeah man, that's precisely what you want to do. If you spend 5 years in a job and go nowhere, why will somewhere that you want to work hire you over someone who worked 5 years and moved up the ladder? You totally have to take the chance now - it may lead to good things
  12. Reason for 'laying low'; full time job + part time job. Just got home today ¬_¬ Reason for not speaking about my notes; Because I'm fairly sure my investigations are completely flawed. Reason for that assumption; I've targetted three different people and got the exact same result. I'm basically hoping to eventually target someone and get a different result. Which is a bit of a long stretch
  13. I'm working for the under 19's match against denmark tomorrow night, so I guess I'm looking... forward... to it...!
  14. Oh the one in the background? No idea.
  15. I miss the old movie thread! Someone would've recommended me a movie in that one.
  16. Specific time would be more helpful... there's a song at like 23mins then one in the background, then none, then another at 27 (that's the happy birthday song, so I'm sure it's not that one you need help with... do you?) Anyway, I don't recognise any. Unless it's a different time altogether.
  17. I may've missed it, but what is that based on?
  18. My job went from 12 weeks to 3 weeks, then had an extra 2 days, then 3, then another 2, then another week, and now my boss's boss has told me that he is happy for me to be here for another three weeks at the least -- which is nice! From now 'til I leave I really need to start properly budgeting, though.
  19. Yeah, all my hard games are done, except the finalé against DuD's baggies. Will be trying not to concede at all 'til then :P
  20. *takes out a little notebook* *glares at coolness* *crosses something out* *shakes head* *mean face* *walks away*
  21. Mmmmm... that delicious feeling that you get when you've set your tactics... MMMMMMM!
  22. Had to force myself to read We Need To Talk About Kevin yeaars ago. Didn't enjoy it. Massively sentimental and dull. Recently I've rediscovered I have a Movie Mindfuck collection. Couldn't remember which I'd seen or not seen, and after many "oh yeah, saw this" moments I watched One point O, a low-budget dystopian future that is the sort of thing you recommend to someone who's seen Brazil or Dark City. Except way, way more dull. Lots of nice little touches and a general kafkaesque feel, but just... forced and narrow and, despite being a little thought provoking, doesn't actually answer anything. Really want some new 'mindfuck' movie suggestions. Here's the movies in the pack I have (as in, movies I've seen);
  23. Cheers man
  24. Apologies if there's already a thread - couldn't find it. Currently watching e04
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