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Everything posted by jayseven

  2. Added my available dates. Hope it's helpful!
  3. Add me to the scroll!
  4. I didn't have all day to spend with y'all last year, and I let the weather get the better of me. It kinda sucked reading on here about how mega funz were had after I left... as if you all planned to wait for me to go... and now this year I won't be there and it'll be great fun again... I'm starting to see a pattern.
  5. Is it me or does the write-up presume that two killers went to target peeps - the first the one with the lance and claw, the 2nd who was there when the glass construct was lifted and found peeps dead and went home... mr-paul got a twofer? Vote: Maddog
  6. Happy birthday mike! Give me a buzz if you want your birthday beatings in the form of a chess match :P
  7. I've not gotten into renting games - I think that I'd be a lot more up to date if I did. My habit of purchasing games 2nd hand hasn't saved me from distastrous games at all, I just think that it's well worth avoiding the new games immediately and awaiting the general reception rather than forking out a lump sum that is essentially based on promotion and/or nostalgia. Again, to reiterate, I've certainly wasted money on aged and rubbish games, but I find salvation in the fact that I'm onply paying £10ish for a game rather than £35+.
  8. No, that's fair enough. I had a look at my 360 account online and there's maybe 20 games (I'll recheck if it becomes important) that I've played in 2011. Of these, there were 5ish essential! games, and maybe 5-10 "obv. very good games", but there were still games I didn't play much at all - either due to not owning them (Portal 2) or... just not clicking with it (Wet...) -- the games may be shite, but still I think the balance is that the games are good. I buy all my games 2nd hand, so I can usually wait and act upon the reactions of others before I pounce -- or I buy a game that most would give an orange light to but only when the game is exceptionally cheap -- sub £10, usually. But for people who spend RRP on games when they come out, I just wonder if they feel it's worth it?
  9. It's quite sad to see the lack of green-rated games that people are playing. Doesn't it bother you that the majority of your games played are games you'd not recommend to a friend?
  10. @Haden you can interview me anytime :-*
  11. Nobody else is going to break you out of that shell, though. Nobody is going to zap you with a confidence or self-esteem ray that magically solves it. Trial and error, pain and consequence. You need to learn for yourself rather than asking on a forum where half the people have no legitimate experience with the opposite sex at all. Go do some recon and come back to tell the rest how it's done!
  12. You'll never get anywhere if you don't do anything, serebii. That's basically it. Man up and go for it. You have nothing to lose. If there's a boyfriend then hey, no biggie, you were just talking to the girl, right? You're fixated on seeing these girls as emblems of all this built up hope and promise -- just go out and chat to them as if they're normal human beings and just see if you get on. If they block you or ignore you or whatever, then that's that, move on. Sitting back and just mentally constructing a maze where a is you on one side of the pub or club, and b is your penis inside her... well that's just futile, facile, and foolish. Maybe your mates don't hang out with you anymore because they don't want each night out to be just about trying to hook you up..?
  13. @bob I played the Discworld board game recently, too. My board game buddy's girlfriend got it for him for xmas, and she obliged in giving it a go, as did my girlfriend. About 20 mins into it I realised I was doing it rather poorly, and my girlfriend, who generally does not have the time nor care for such games, went on to with the game (I think because nobody bothered meddling with her because they know she is impassive about the game) -- great fun though! @Rummy card games are good fun too - Munchkins (or Supermunchkins, preferrably,) is always great fun.
  14. That was part of the point, I think. The first episode was about the PM trying to appeal to the masses, and the masses said "lol do it idk," then the masses were all "... er... ew..." when it actually happened. The public don't know what they want, is perhaps one sentiment, but also that the public are rather blood thirsty and do not sympathise with the PM on a human level, until it actually happens and they realise that it's entirely inhumane to see a man fuck a pig, and the public opinion a year later may've been to do with regret/guilt. I don't think I've explained it very well at all, but in no ways was it meant to be 'entertaining' - it was purposefully made to be excruciating to watch in order to add weight to the episode's hypothesis of detachment, anonymity and the farcical catch-22 situation as a whole... yeah. Too asleep. But yeah, it was good at getting one thinking. If one can think. Going in thinking it'd be a comedy was the wrong thing to do.
  15. If ell's cool with teaming with me... Ell can choose the lower league sapling to join :P @Cube --- default tactics were used! Not my strongest side, but even so they played pretty darn poorly. Away, I am always shocking so another league draw against you is a healthy point for me @peeps a draw away against mcoy is not something to be modest about - he beat me 3-1, so I don't think out meeting will be straightforward!
  16. Sweet! We got, like, a whole nine frikkin' months!!! :P Heey, I had a reputation to keep, ne? *mutters something about keeping promises next time*
  17. There ya go I'll watch it this evening.
  18. I'll pick 2 @Haden!
  19. These days, typically I have one tab that flickers between facebook and n-e whenever there's no new content and another that cycles through subreddits. If thins in subreddits are interesting, such as the askreddit or TIL or a link in whatever board, then it gets a new tab that I get round to when I've 'cleared' that page. I can end up with 50 extra tabs, when surfing f9u12 for example (despite firefox plugin the images do not expand enough on my monitor unless I open in new tabs) - but that quickly goes back down to a much smaller number. I also do tend to keep pages open that are things I want to get round to reading - typically these'll stay tabbed for about a week before I admit I'll never get round to reading it.
  20. Bastion DLC is pretty challenging. Bit peeved as I was on the last memory/dream/stage (I forgot what they're called) and had 2 spare vials of health, but someone whacked me into the air and I was hit two more times and died before I thought about healing. No extra achievements, but a couple of extra modes - one that makes the game supposedly easier, with unlimited retries, and another that is a high-score attack mode with universal leaderboards. In other news, has anyone played Orcs Must Die!? Tried teh demo version - a fairly meaty-feeling 3rd person tower defense with some nice art style and animations. A fairly hefty 1200 ms points to purchase, however. Also - been asked many times, but what's a good place to get mspoints online for a reasonable price?
  21. A scoreline against Mcoy that is pretty much to be expected, especially away. Team put in a great performance, but looking at the x11 it's clear that happenstance and mcoy are the teams to beat this season.
  22. (fyi I won the title with 3 draws, no losses :P Lost both legs of the tea cup final!) (Also Gwladus Dent is my player - it was Dylan Haag for Leed's that scored the OG) Great write-up though! Not sure I agree with me staying at the top for long. Next game is against Mcoy, then with Cube who always has a strong first half of a season. there's legitimately no 'easy' period this season. I think much of my luck lies in the fact that my change reports are never good and never actually reflect my player's true skills - many of whom played a bar or two above their assigned skill level. But a 5-0 start against a team that's stronger on paper is always good!
  23. Best things were a kindle from my dad and a new camera from my girlfriend - both massively unexpected! I also got a new scar for my forehead and food poisoning, to balance out all the awesome
  24. Properly learn chess, cut down smoking, get into carpentry, get fitter. I've got a year with, hopefully, more free time and I want to spend it in ways that are more beneficial than just sitting around surfing the web and playing computer games (tears fell as I typed that)
  25. I found the size of this mafia refreshing and Yvonne's write-ups were well suited with the added drawings. I do think mr-paul was an idiot not defending me the night I died... As for mafia size, it was having a killer neutral on top of it that made the situation almost impossible for town. Of course, if ReZ had knocked off some mafia then numbers would seem doable but with town only having +4 on the mafia numbers then chances were that town would lose 2 a night, which means they'd have to lynch nearly every time -- we got lucky with the first night, getting heroijan (thanks to yvonne letting me send in my target a little late... :P). So yes, I'd say that it was the town facing two killers at once that made it difficult. Plus nobody protecting me the night I died :P
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