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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. That av/sig combo is magnifiqué! Nicely done rez :P ALTHOUGH! I don't like your silly hat picture. Perhaps I should be more specific and say YOU CAN'T BE THE PERSON IN THE SILLY HAT. So minus 20pts from your score. I'll add your new bish later. It's good.
  2. Because my team didn't wholely play badly... the massive difference in score doesn't really make sense to me :P Mind you, I will admit to setting bad tactics and playing wrong formations. Of course, part of these excuses' intent is to annoy you, so that you'll want a rematch so I can whup you proper, like. - my xpert team won 3-0. which makes up for it a little :P
  3. Moogle - yes, shaggy indeed nightwolf - you fail for not going to anna's. I'm turning corp down for it!
  4. So you are right! It didn't load for me before so I didn't count it. +30 for joo.
  5. Got my gear on (clipper's not charged so not goatee'd yet) and... mate. It's good. Trying to track down some sort of pencil/pen/paint to make a giant sandwich, otherwise I'm literally going to buy a loaf of bread and a big bag of lettuce and make a giant stack-ovva-sarnie at the party tomorrow. Awesummmmmmmmmmm
  6. He's a note taker for the retarded*. My day = work, then sitting at dev green finishing my book, waiting for HGAW to finish uni so we could meet for a platonic date of halloween costume shopping, then a pint or three. She didn't turn up (as I was warned she might do), and didn't give me her excuse 'til I texted her enquiring her location approx. an hour after meet-time. I wasn't surprised, and not really bothered -- I got to finish book 4 of the Dark Tower! Madness crazy good. Went and bought book 5 straight away. For my costume I failed at finding brown flares -- at brown anytrousers, so I got some groovy purple baggy cords (for £fartoomuch) that are a waist of 30... I normally wear 32 with a belt, and I was 31 when I was a skinny nipper at 18, so, er... yah. Got a Large green tee from Primark for £1.96!! Spent about 30 mins talking to the ex on the phone on the way home, got some booze and salami and now I need to shave into a goatee, try on the trousers and load up the first of many pints for the night while I watch Flashforward, Supernatural and (probably) Fringe (as opposed to playing Xbox). *I was one of those 'retards' offered a scribe at uni, so it's totally fine for me to use that word to describe my own kin and brethren.
  7. Well I guess that's the thing about smallville - the whole Superman universe(s) is essentially available as knowledge, so there are a lot of instances of precognition for viewers, such as a new character's name hinting at things to come. The show is never wholely unknown (except to people like me, who have no idea who these people are supposed to be), but that's part of the show's 'charm'.
  8. Gizmo; there's a bonus for 10 in a single post, you just about missed out on, I think. I also don't get/see your recreation of ReZ's UIG pic. You're supposed to re-create the pose yourself... that's not you, is it? I'm going to let the messy thing slip for now. To your above two posts; I completely understand what you are saying - should BISH be about the creative response to the BISH, or simply the scavenging, who-can-find-the-most-stuff? Your suggested list would effectively make up half, or a third of a complete BISH, with that difficulty. Each individual BISH would require a fair amount of time to address. In previous games people seem to get fazed by the seemingly behemothic lead some competitors gain early on, so combining that with tasks too time-consuming would end up reducing the players too greatly. The current list was an attempt to both ensure all competitors had no excuse to finish with a tally of 0pts, while the points scheme tries to encourage people do go for the trickier, more thinkey ones. I also understand that too many pictures are boring, but nonetheless there are interesting ones. I would also argue that my facebook BISH photo album is definitely odd and interesting, and wholely different to the usual dregs of clubbing snaps that the majority of people put up there. However, your point stands. The main issue is that of having regular and interested people that are willing to commit time and attention to this. I have also said in the past that I wish to do more of a league system, where over a period of, say, three months, new and tricky BISHes are added weekly - and for that week only. Again, I'm testing to see how many people would be interested -- only having about 10 people to sign up usually means a lot less will cut down, so having a league running that long - no matter how interesting the pics may be - is more likely to lead to decay than to bloom. I would also argue that the new rule I've tried to integrate into the game is to encourage more interesting pictures. We all have photos that we think capture a real, pure 'wtf' or 'lololo' or whatever. But it is true, the rule relies too much on fascimilies rather than creation. Just to note; your suggestion "you looking alienated while a couple kiss" is not too distant to "a couple kissing" -- the "you looking alienated" is an interesting addemendum you have, considering you are therefore adding barriers to the creative freedom a BISHer actually has with the BISH. I do like some of your other suggestions, mind you. Also, because this is a competition, relying on individual interpretation is trickier to score, so it gives me a rest I forget what else I was going to say. EDIT: oh yah - the pics of the n-e ones are indeed a tosh and toddle, but realistically everyone can get them, and by the process have a little "huh!" moment at seeing their oldest post/thread, and perhaps enjoy feeling more mature :P Originally I was going to have "level 1" "level 2" etc sections of bish lists, progressively getting more and more difficult, but truthfully I wasn't sure how to pointerise it, and I had already decided that was the way this BISH was definitely going. Perhaps going back to "whoever has the most BISHes, regardless of difficulty, wins" is something to ponder on.
  9. rofl - to the rest of you; mundi beat me 3-0. My keeper performed 10-skill, my new 31 year old midfielder only managed a 5. I am rather flummoxed as to how i lost so badly -- but well played to you mundi! This season looks like it'll be a fiery one. You are my new rival. I will have to make up for this :'(
  10. Noob still-- do I need to buy extra wires to go from xbox to homeplug... it comes with ethernet, amirite? I was about to say "I bet I can find it tomorrow, Dan_Fail" ... but that zavvi price is mighty tempting...
  11. Saw the Liberty Stories thing at work today - we're selling it for like £24.99 and i can get 10% off... worth it?
  12. Friday Night Lights was like watching your favourite dead celebrity get resurrected. I kinda didn't care whether it was any good or not, I was just beaming to see the characters still on my screen. Was a nice reminder of how S3 ended, and nice to see that kid from The Wire in the show too. May have to re-watch some s3 just to get my head right. Ultimate Fighter Was megawsum. 7-0 to Rashad. Rampage is, simply, a dick, and Rashad is totally right when he disses Rampage's coaching techniques. The final match... well who knows! Big Baby is... massiiv, but i get the feeling that if he doesn't get a KO in the first round he's going to get real tired and fall prey to some ground-game in the second. Shame Kimbo Slice sucked so much.
  13. Partly ne-inspired, I may well be going as shaggy from scooby-do! Scouting for brown flares and a plain green tee tomorrow. Will also be taking a loaf of bread and salad and make a massive stacked sandwich at the party. Shaving into a goatee too! The host wants me to go as a zombified kurt cobain, but there's just not enough cool stuff to do with that. Main problem is that I wear glasses... But it's the best idea i can think of.
  14. +20pts for third BISHer. People need to, like, read the rules again as I think they're missing out on one of the coolest aspects of this game so far...
  15. My team is all green-arrows atm I am expecing all my boyz to be playing 8+ later today :P
  16. bimjob - it's yor fou.
  17. Does he go "camaaaaan camaaaaaaaaaan CAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN" or "nikkiwaddyadoinghurryupandstartthegameit'syourGOOOO"? :P I am tempted to wander into GAME on my way to work and snap this up... But really I should order that homeplug thingum first and figure out how to use it!
  18. Yesterday I had work from 10-6, got groped by the manager again, managed to walk all the way to the interchange on the way home (about 10 mins) before realising I'd left my backpack and shoes at work... when I finally got back to sheff I went to jugglesock... and tehre was a grand total of 5 people there. I sent an email to over 100 people and two of the people that did turn up said they didn't get it, so I'm massiv saddenned, and I guess I'll just have to send it again. But had a few drinks afterwards with some other buddies, pool and it-box, then home for cider and facebook chat with the HGAW (who has now quit work) until about 5am. Totally friend-zone stuff. She's going to help me sort out a halloween costume on friday, and she invited me to xmas dinner with her folks. Yeah, totally friend zone... Got work at 4:45, so I have two hours to watch Friday Night Lights and Ultimate Fighter! Also supposed to meet jugglesock committee to sort out budget form (but I just woke up and frankly cba)... Tomorrow is x11 day again! Excited even though it's just a friendly. Finish work at 1, and don';t start til 1 the next day so it will be a good day! I'm not really looking forward to anything today. Woke up too late to do any food shopping, and netto is closed after work so I'll just buy a sandwich for dinner. I want to try and go back to brighton in november at some point. I usually have a day off during the week from work, so maybe I can get a coupla neighbouring ones off too, then have a brief trip back. Brighton, for me, is basically a guarenteed non-stop social event. There's a short list of people I pretty much have to see when I get back, who would feel offended if I didn't, and, well, it feels like home more than sheffield does anymore.
  19. ^What he said. Don't imagine jack to come crawling out of the wreckage screaming "Kaaaaate!" or anything. As for your questions; i can't remember the Locke bit, and I guess the bomb/incident questions is the entire cliff hanger, isn't it? :P The flashforwards did become less important, but rightfully so as we're supposed to be focusing on the island. The show did well to wrap up the future stuff fairly quickly, I think.
  20. Massive fail on teh lols, and minus ten respect points!
  21. No. Sweetness is awesome, but, honestly, not the best song. Pretty much all of Clarity is genius -- and A Praise Chorus is my favourite JEW song, tbh. Sweetness and n The Middle (and drugs, pain, etc) are all too... obvious for me. If you like JEW then, simply, you will prefer one of their other songs, because you will understand that the band is about personal connections, and emo shit like that. Favouriting their top singles is really just doing them an injustice. Listen to Lucky Denver Mint, or Tables for Glasses if you want to know how they feel about the cool crew listening to their music. Or something.
  22. You're supposed to make them up. I hate this thread as it is rubbish.
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