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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Mundi; accepted mate Good luck to us both, i say! I dunno why, as that makes no sense.
  2. The alphabet song? What is in ice cream, but never found in the freezer?
  3. We already do, coolness
  4. Elvis nudged my foot with his head once. Lovely chap. Beertime on the weekend, dan. I'm drinking a pint to his name now, of course.
  5. Yeah, I'll write you in
  6. +30pts for eenuh for 2nd entry. -10pts for paj for not posting anything, except a rude word.
  7. See gaggle? Wearing the wig was a great idea.
  8. +40pts for first BISH
  9. high-five for you! I'm genuinely terrified with joy. Is wossisnamewhowasgambitinWolverine still in the show? Or is it all-new kids? I'll watch it anyway. Mmmm... that girl with boobs.... mmmm.... coach's daughter... mmmm *prays*
  10. Hearing aid GET. Totally had a conversation with someone with their back to me. First time in 3 months. Win win win. A friend of mine back home is leaving for Oz in a few days for a year. She had a big party that I couldn't attend due to work and shit. Some pics are up on facebook and my poor mates are in the back corner not doing anything while all her friends from work and uni are everywhere. Plus the ex is in about four pics... all of them talking to the going-away-friend's uni mate. A BOY. She is talking to another guy. I am genuinely surprised/annoyed/saddened at how jealous it makes me feel. Mind you, the same guy is in about six other pictures fondling/squeezing other women entirely, and she was just talking to him, and she did actually already tell me that, and i have no idea why it bothers-- ok so I know perfectly fine. I still have made stupid feelings for her. I know she does for me. Who was it that sung that the best way to get over a girl is to fall in love with another one? He's a cool dude. This is a really long paragraph about, essentially, a second's worth of thought. If I did this for my entire day I'd probably put those russian realists to shame. *goes back to the labour yard* (I also feel real ill, real ill, like, can't really do much ill, but have an 8-hour work shift then jugglesock tomorrow. Fuck. That really does suck, mate. YOu have a letter from student finance stating your entitlement? Proof that they're paying the tuition fees? Do you have an ART ID to log on that student finance direct website to find out more? What's up with the accomodation wanting more money? Shouldn't you be all paid up 'til jan, or are you paying monthly? Why is your money so precarious right now?
  11. Yeah mate you can (and realistically, I think 70pts is all that's possible - only two types of cider can - three if you could strongbow old and new...) P.S. I added some 'special bonus points' to encourage productivity!
  12. What's your profile on there? I wanna listen to your radiooo (so far I really like Psychic Stunts that I've found on there)
  13. I feel silly for being the only one who thought it was the worst episode yet, now.
  14. The time frame is in the first post. Gizmo, Haden; I'll add you guys to the first post. Big C; yeah I'm hoping I'll be able to just borrow a friends as my camera phone still refuses to work with my laptop.
  15. Hey, new poster. Get to grips with the quote tags and I think I'll look forward to more of your posts
  16. SO has everyone readied the next round of this cup, then? eh? eh? eh?
  17. Like that old man with the nike jacket who looked like he'd strolled off a greengrocer's stall?
  18. I've stopped loving you ever since you ignored me. But you can still celebrate your birthday, I guess.
  19. Reverse-fail! The only lesbian you saw make a comment was the one that fits what you call a lesbian (that she admitted it helps). You can't say that no others commented when the other women who spoke up made no mention about their sexuality at all.
  20. Sup? Totally started my BISH, bitch. Next I'm-a gonna write up my mafia game, finish the sagrada familia, release Duke Nukem Forever then finish up by finishing what I'm saying, even though Kanye interrupted me.
  21. Yes, there is a mildly seasonal theme, this bash. Manifesto - Each pictures must have YOU in it, or your finger/hand with your username (as per tradition) - Post the actual pictures, not a link (Although! If you composite all your entries into an album, be it on facebook, or some easily-browsable/accesable web version, then you can link to that as well, to ease my scoring at the end). - Please label your picture appropriately - include the BISH(es) involved as well as the points tally you believe it has earned. - If you still want to play then you have to request entry in this thread, and await acceptance before joining in. There will be a reasonable cut-off point to stop people joining last-minute and being dicks by posting a gazillion things at once. Just fair that way, I guess. - I am law. I get the final say-so. - This time around there will be points awarded per picture as well as 100 bonus points for completing the entire 'rack' -- unless otherwise stated. - There's going to be a general achievement type feel to this, with some challenges gaining you points, as well as some unique, first-BISH-first-get ones. There is admittedly going to be a lot of repeat classic BISH ideas, but that does not mean you can simply re-submit that picture. New attempts, folks. - Interesting new rule - each time you submit your picture(s), you can submit an entirely new BISH for others to do in picture form -- that is, you can submit a picture of yourself (old or new), and label the element(s) of it you want repeating. = You can't submit a new BISH until at least three people have attempted your previous entry. = Only one of the people trying the pic will get the points. = You don't decide who gets the points. I do. = You can decide on how many points are up for grabs. But if they're not fair, I'll change 'em. = You will earn equal amounts of points if a full three people actually do the BISH you set. - So, does that make sense? This doesn't mean there's only one user-created BISH at a time, it just means one per user at a time. So all 9 of you can do this all at the same time! - I am also likely to add new BISHes if demand calls for it, or (more likely) if I'm drunk and think of something I really wanna see photographed. - If enough people think a BISH is ridiculous, unfair, or unevenly pointed, then I can change it! - I will try and keep a running total here in this first post. - More rules may be added later. - I may deduct points for no real tangeable, or fair, reason. - End date is November 16th The BISHes!
  22. I like your analogy But if we are to pursue this race debate then simply when did we stop evolving? If our skin altered due to environmental conditions, then what is to say that one race had a different set of 'problems' to solve than another? (personally I don't think intelligence is really all that importance in a commercial, money-driven world. If we were all about attaining harmony and solving world hunger and all that, then yeah, being smart would be roxor)
  23. SO the show's over now. Did anyone watch it? What's the next especial in the series?
  24. http://strangemaps.wordpress.com/
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