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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. People have the whole saw saga pincered in teh wrong light. It was never meant to be more than the first film. The writer/actor was amazed that it did so well. Then he got high on hollywood and sold to the idea of cheap, shitty sequels - so we have 2 and 3 heavily focussed on the traps and the gore and the industrial soundtrack that combines with the right moment of pain[/i, and so on. But I think from 4 onwards the series is hugely overlooked for the efforts it makes in turning the story in on itself, in creating an actual saga that makes sense (lol... er... kinda!). Rather than just churning out a stencilled, choreographed sequence of events film after film, the series actually attempts to adhere to some sort of underlying plotline, and I think the hefty majority of modern cinema-going 'critics' are utterly shite at being able to accept a single movie (or episode, or season) as a part of a 'whole' creation. People are too cynical, and too eager to rip something to shreds before seeing it as a whole; people are too forgetful of the 'episodic' tool, and too willing to assume the money-cow option as a truism. Saw said years ago that it would film a second trilogy (and that would be it*), yet people ignore this line of press release and choose to not give the series a chance as a whole... But then I can't help but admit that they're not The Godfather movies... But I have to say taht I think people are too dismissive. Or somehting. Too forgetful of wtf I'm saying. *oh yeah - I guess saying tehy'll never make another saw is a stupid thing, so this is my disclaimer. fu.
  2. My favourite part of teh whole show was when dimbleby said something along the lines of "I don't want this whole show to be about teh BNP", despite the fact that he instigated teh whole thing by twisting the opening quote just to focus on them. We've had this topic a while - and while we've argued in our own way, we can see that each party has carefully crafted their own debate ahead of the show, and with each question we see all sorts of attempts to steer the talk towards whatever territory the MP chooses. The asian lady made a good point(ish), when she said to straw "you're not being honest" -- and I think this was very clever of her. She knew that everyone would be attacking Griffin, so took the chance to earn some bonus points for future debates. She was the most straight-forward talking, and while she slipped into the "well the audience liked that response, so i'll repeat it but using different words!" pattern herself, she did try to do more than simply attack griffin, and I respect her for that. ENTER BIG POLITICAL RANT HERE SOMEDAY. CBA RIGHT NOW. There's this thing called 'cohesion', and you're not it. Lol. I agree. As far as my feeble knowledge knows, the 'ancient brits' are pretty much teh welsh and the irish in 'nowaday' speel. I stick by my general life outlook and say 'people need to shut the fuck up about countries and borders. Fucking ignorant peons are bringing me down.
  3. new ep; Viewer frustration continues while we get a waste of time for an episode. MEH. Worst ep yet? Yeh. Too many lesbians fully clothed.
  4. Er... I apparantly bought a 31 8... Er... shit.
  5. Work was good because all the noobs think I'm a pr0, so treat me with +respect. Corrected the dab-hands a few times, and generally made my place known. Colleague owes me a pint due to bettage. (did accidentally turn up 20 mins late for work, but i skipped my break so it's all good) Then a party - got a little lost with the trams, but made it in teh end. Had a big argument with a sheff uni enlgish student about pig penises (he owes me a corkscrew). Was considering staying there then going straight to work in the morning, instead I joint-taxiid home, going to watch flashforward and wake up in time for an 8-hour shift, then par-tay, then sunday off. Good times. No need to cry, or get obsessed about the ex, right?
  6. I honestly don't remember that - maybe it was a memory -- but obviously it's way more interesting if he is actually having a relapse. I honestly don't remember that - maybe it was a memory -- but obviously it's way more interesting if he is actually having a relapse. EDIT: Wait! I remember now :P Yeah, I like to think relapse is a good cause. He's hardly going to be entirely in the clear. Sweet
  7. That's good for me I'll send an offer out on 25th!
  8. DuD; ooh a conundrum! Technically you failed to accept, but then there's no code of conduct regarding how early/late a friendly request can be made. WhatWillDysonDo? Mundi; when does your training end?
  9. I have a shit 5.45-9 shift later, which kinda ruins my friday night plans. It's a friend's birthday, so I am going to miss the meal and now i have to go all the way to her house for the party and can only stay for like two hours so i can get the last tram home, as I have work early tomorrow. Gaaaaaaaaay.
  10. Roo 1 - 0 Emo. Only events were the goal and my player getting injured. Sucks being knocked out in the first round (especially when so many teams don't even play and get a bye :P) Anyone other suckers want a friendly while we wait for the league to start?
  11. I always feel really bad for the people with their arms raised who get picked on (yay! I'll be on tv! I can vent and be angry and stuff!) only to have their 'question' completely ignored. And that greengrocer with teh 'tache and the nike jacket (around 33 mins?) -- wtflol! Bonnie Greer! Great woman. A pristine example of why art is far more important than logic in a society.
  12. I'm watching it right now, and I have to say, the entire episode is just a vehicle to humiliate the BNP via semantics and loopholes in logic. I can't imagine there's any one human being on the planet who could realistically upstand such an onslaught. Don't get me wrong - my posts in this thread should already explain where I stand on teh subject - but there was something almost borderline-bullying about this. Perhaps that's the only way about it? I don't know. I just found many of the arguments that won applause were, in themselves, equally flawed and biased. I really hate politics and its mixed identity. For the lols, of course.
  13. I'd say you should try not to get into a pattern of relying on aids like MP3 players. Just go without for a while, if only to prove to yourself that it is possible. I get nervous all the time but luckily when I'm nervous I talk, and I do stuff. I prefer imperfect people. I prefer the sorts of people who don't say a witticism, or a perfect piece of wisdom, or high hilarity each time they speak. Remembering that I am human, as is everyone else, and that with this comes a very large well of forgiveness, I tend to not get nervous too much. But that also means I tend to suck a lot, due to not having the pressure to perform as excellence embodied.
  14. Juggling society was good - had a few new people, but generally numbers were low. Got my plate-spinning skillz sorted, and now working on learning to juggle clubs. Got some events lined up for the future (circus trips, workshops, stuff like that) which should be good - even though a committee member totally resigned, which blows. Some good chats in the pub afterwards - turns out we have one of the best hula hoopers in the country in our midst (who managed to quickly show me where i was going wrong with the leg-hoop I was doing...) and I've been roped into doing some acrobalance next tuesday! Excellent So tonight I'll catch up with Question Time (as everyone is talking about it) then watch a bunch of Fringe, and maybe continue reading The Dark Tower, which is seriously seriously seriously soooo awesome! I also kinda sent a happy drunk text to my ex last night, but it was a nice text that gave me some closure, and hopefully is a step towards using the ex as an information bank for dating advice rather than the sexpool of emotions she currently is for me. AHEM.
  15. I suppose if it's a draw then that's the fairest way of deciding it, to avoid return-legs. Also means I'm fucked as I tend to get draws on teh end of a defense battering :P Still! Tactics are set. I am priming myself for three weeks of nothing.
  16. (Also I think the teams getting the byes should be the winners of each league. Not just because I'm playing the champ [i've beaten him before!] but because it seems more rewarding)
  17. Three years and a bit, so far. Still discovering good pubs for food/booze/entertainment (Fagan's/Sheaf View/Shakespeare respectively), and there's enough variety in the nightlife to keep things fresh. Town centre's not too busy, too, and yeah god bless the botanical gardens!
  18. Yeah it does, but typically I'll yank a few hairs out before remember this small detail! Cavendish food is fairly good value - monday night's good for cheap booze too! How are you finding sheffield, in general? I feel like an old vet of the city these days :P Also, if Ashley makes a promise to come up for my birthday (early jan) then he'll probably end up coming up late jan anyway. (but ashley! early jan is exam period so you won't have any uni note-taking to do!)
  19. Yeah but your essay's rambling and addressing secondary sources shouldn't necessarily be two separate things... *shrugs* well you seem to do alright with your essays anyway
  20. My electric shaver, when used with hair more than stubble, likes to yank the hair out rather than trim it... Another reason why I don't shave so much :P
  21. Serious Questions; - if it's a draw, what happens? Even if one team draws in one round it means the finalé is put back a round. I plan on drawing everything ever.. soo... - why are 3 teams given byes when there's only 12 teams going through? that means there'll be 15 teams in teh next round, meaning a team will get a bye next time. How will you ensure no team gets a bye twice? Why not only put one team as a bye (is it just 'by'?) then next round is 7 vs 7, then the next round is 3 vs 3 with one bye, then the next round is semi's... That means only one team gets a bye (BY!) rather than two teams. - Can we see the cup 'route'? See who we are likely to face in the future, rather than have to wait for teh draw each time?
  22. Oh, fuck off.
  23. On the plus side of what? I said the plus side! Jayseven can eat his nik-naks! That's positive! Fuck off!
  24. Dyson; seriously, complain. I did, about working 10-15mins after we close (in my FIRST WEEK) and they said "oh, the pay cheques usually balance it"... and so far it's been true. I get about an hour extra pay a week (on the assumption i'm working 5 days a week and it's a rough average of tiem!!) to cover for that sort of shit. I used to have to put up the new chart albums/singles/games at work. We'd do games after store close on thursday (but I was contracted those hours, so is cool) and we'd change album/singles charts on sundays during store hours. Fuck the customers. And fuck not being paid to do the work. Then don't do the work! The mind is boggling and I'm getting a bunch of Q's, K's and no vowels. Don't, don't, don't be the company's bitch. You have your own life to live so don't go about doing shit for free, earning the company hundreds of pounds per minute of your stupidity. Eenuh; isn't epillating ripping the hairs out? My shaver does that (as it's old as fuck) and it's just not natural. If flinky only loves you for the pain you endure, then you need to start slapping him and saying "oh, it's just to show how much i love you. TAKE IT ALL BITCH" Or something. My day = wake up too late to buy new trousers, and to shower, so I make do and buy deoderant on the way to work. By 6pm it feels like midday, by closing time I feel just about ready for afternoon crumpets. Housemate left a glass of coke on the floor, but I fought his annoyance with "well, dude, I told you before, I'm pretty effing blind so if I spill your coke on your laptop, it's kinda your fault." and he understood, and felt bad. So I WINZ. I am bunking uni tomorrow *shock horror!* and instead I am to cram my face off with the text book, before committee meeting/society session from 5pm onwards. Fingers crossed we get more than 13 people this week... I've also got my hours for the next two weeks and I'm looking at 34 hours next week and 28 the following - which is excellent! Ok I'm sick and tired of boring you faggots.
  25. Yes, rather well. But when people try and test me it fails because THEY OVER MOUTH THE WORDS. I can't really lip read without sounds entirely, but I can watch a TV show on mute and get the gist more than others. ROXOR! Essentially if i have my back turned, I'll hear "mmmbr dr dooo brr?" and if i face them i 'hear' "remember the two bears?" I've lasted 3(ish) months without my hearing aids (thanks nearly wholly to hospital shiteness) and it's been tiresome.
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