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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. - Went to meadowhall to spend a £75 voucher - Lost £75 voucher - Bought sea monkeys - feel sick
  2. Well I've started prestige :P Level 10 in about 40 mins, it's frustrating but not too bad in all honesty. O_W I'm on sparsely, it's more of a house account for MW2, and I'm pretty shit, but I'll add you next time I'm personally on
  3. Woo... Just got to level 70 ... Tempted by prestige... But might try and finish off a few weapon upgradathons before I reset them all, y'know, for titles and stuff. Just found out that the Halo 3 mythbuster guys have also done some mw2 ones Episode 1 (I love it for the music as well as the actual general awesomeness)
  4. So weird watching that. I kept thinking "go on, meleé that guy, it's faster than reloading!" The slowness of the turning speed might take some time to get re-used to, mind you. The doors opened pretty quick, yay for good loading times! Might make some of the timed challenges a little easier. More 'hardcore hidden stuff to look for' sounds like good fun. Bring it on!
  5. I've set my tactics, but I've noticed a trend - every time I've set tactics the night before a game, I lose it. It's only when I set them days in advance that I ever do any good. But my pre-emptive silver-lining-finder tells me that my player form/match experience should compensate for the lowly drift, points-wise. An ever repeating theme; I'm predicting a heavy loss. If my keeper can have an astounding game then we might get out of this alive. I finger my crosses for dyson not setting bruising tactics. See y'all in 5 hours!
  6. Without context it could mean many things. Either the above (+1 notch in bedpost, which girls don't really do), or a reference to teh "+1" 'add friend' symbol facebook has (+1 friend), or perhaps a reference to how some invitations to weddings/etc allow guests to bring a '+1', usually a spouse or loved one (in which case she'd be saying you're not a special person to her)... So yeah, selected reference material passed on to forumites that don't know the situation will garner little help :P But if you've fucked her then surely all this facebook charade is irrelevant anyway?
  7. Bard; I'm presuming you're going to read Hundred Years of Solitude? One of my fave books. Coetzee is also pretty good. Be aware that I've studied/passedexceedingly a module on the subject so I'll be overly aware if you use this topic as the latest basis for your rants. MY DAY! - Woke up fartooearly - let housematewithoutakey into the house. - Consoled him because he got dumped on v-day (wtf who does that? seriously!) - Made a bolognaise - Went to the 'local' pub - Trod on a dog's foot - Reached level 70 on MW2
  8. Gotta remember that your 'over the years' only really covers your own increase in knowing people rather than a true reflection on people's changes of opinion through the ages. I'm pretty sure we've always been an antiestablshment race in some way or other.
  9. Epic. I came in here to complain about neighbours playing bollywood loud enough for me, a deaf man, to wake up by it at 3am and not get back to sleep after I'd gone round to complain 'til 5 -- but your post makes it seem pretty trivial! Happy veeday, suckers!
  10. Sunday I will be working 11-5 then going to a girl's house, where she will cook me dinner and I will get us both drunk as we play chess and backgammon, and I try to get into her pants. Wednesday my ex is coming to m'hall and we're going to go see that shitty valentines movie and shop.
  11. Got raped! 3-1 defeat with 60+% possession. I didn't have many chances. I think playing with long balls was my mistake. Most of my team played to their skill rating, and my defender who got injured was replaced by someone who performed above theirs - I just didn't make enough chances, and didn't capitalise on the ones i did make. 3-1 is a bit steep though! Goals from all over the pitch. Don't know what was up with my keeper. Sitting above teh relegation zone again!
  12. Soooo... Get about 3 hours sleep before I hear furious banging on my window. I'm on the ground floor so I quickly think I'm going to get raped and killed, only to eventually see it's my new housemate. He's been for a 7 hour walk because he has an anger issue and pissed off his mate on his birthday night out. I let him in, and we've been exchanging hearts, and now we're waiting for netto to open at 8:30am to get more alcohol. It's going to be a shit day.
  13. (there should be a 'remove your thanks' to the left of where your name appears when you thank a post)
  14. in b4 lolz. Happy birthday, ReZ. I'd honestly say you give Coolness Bears a fair old bit of competition for the Happiest Person Ever title!
  15. Gentleben; I thought those candles were actually quite pricey? I went to the cinema to see The Road with Dan Dare. We were one of very few people in the cinema, which meant nobody saw how much of a leper I am in the dark! The film itself, while slightly out of focus and head-hurty to watch, wasn't as depressing to experience thanks to having read the source material already. Since getting home I've got some cider and some Lie To Me, to continue my perpeptual state of insignificance, surviving my own dystopia because I, like Viggo, have someone who needs me to carry on in order for their own purpose of life. So here I am again, playing solitaire 'til dawn with a deck of 51.
  16. When you say "the best movie i have ever seen" you're not saying anything anyone wants to read. You need to be able to qualify your statements with examples. "he decided to make a sequel which didn’t follow up. ", "it really should be made into a genre its got so popular" and "One of my favourite movies is Final Destination and the second followed, the third wasn’t good but wasn’t bad either but the fourth is the worst of the series and is seriously weak as a movie." are just bad bad bad. Stop saying 'seriously', people are assuming that you're being serious. Etc.
  17. Chair; oh. Spambot; yeah, that could work!
  18. I, too, feel kept over rugs. I have no idea what you said there, Paj!
  19. Chair can you put those pix in spoiler tags? My senses are shattering.
  20. So I just realised about 10 seconds ago that I've got a date on valentines day... The HGFW asked if I could come over friday night, and because I have work sat and sun I say 'no, but how about sunday night?' and she was all "yeah, that'll be cool". So even if it's not officially a 'date', there's doubtlessly going to be some moment of awkwardness when we realise the date. I don't want to turn up with some sort of romantic gift and spoil an entire evening if she's absolutely not interested. Maybe I can 'anonymously' leave her a card in her room as I leave? I dunno. I DUNNO! Going to see The Road with Dan tonight, going to see Fightstar at Corp tomorrow...
  21. Yeah, the dancing/music was brilliant! I might just learn it myself.
  22. RE: Bed Sizes Small, single, prince (small double), queen (double), king, superking, and some others then Caesar which is something like 8'!! I think my current bed is a 'prince'. My double duvet is far too big for it.
  23. ^Yeah they're outta people now, surely. Wilson wasn't in the ep enough for my liking. I'm still wondering when they'll get back to any of the institution characters! Has to happen. We've not really had much of a flow from episode to episode besides each one generally working a little outside the box (I mean, which other series had multiple episodes that didn't start with someone collapsing for an unknown reason?).
  24. That's possibly one of my favourite things ever, and I really have no idea why
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