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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. DudeDazz: Yeah, really :P Ash said something about some sort of confirmation from some show-maker-or-other. Smallville's feature-length episode... well, just wow! I knew nothing before going into this, and was greatly surprised but not only what events occured but the general mood and movie-like feel of the whole thing. The pacing was excellent besides maybe 10 minutes, and while I knew little-to-no history of the Golden Age of comics I knew enough to appreciate what I was seeing. While Zod's accent annoys me (because he's so clearly forcing it into an american-friendly one), the plot builds pretty well. The film-length episode is a great vessel for the smallville universe to show off its potential, and I hope they take advantage of it more.
  2. I like the theme tune, too. ReZ as I say it's about the combination of different comedy that wins. If you just do an entire episode of 2-second 'jokes' you'll not get any more positive comments. You need to keep your audience on their toes... You need an editor/producer/director, I think :P
  3. No, I can't afford milk or bread. :P It used to be chips 'n' dips 'n' cider, but alas being allergic to doritos makes a difference. The Thing I most eat these days is.... pasta! True story. What dan says is true! last time I had a spliff was nearly 6 months ago, and while I went through a patch last year of smoking a few times a week (by myself) I'm largely a non-weedhead, since I started uni. I've not tried to add you, but I still take offense. Though we've not met in person, we've done as much as many who have. :P
  4. The new countdown lady is terrible. She's way more hot than carol ever was so my scores have totally gone down.
  5. I think it'll actually be quite damn hard for this game to be shit! They could release Fallout 3 but with new skins and different dialogue and I'd still love it. That we're going to experience the game in a 'fully functioning city' is an experience I personally cannot wait for! Mundi's point about a properly 'playable' city is a good one. The repetitive sewers dragged and annoyed me mildly. Final point; I've tried to google for the original fallout 3 trailer but can't find it so I don't understand the comparison people are making. Does anyone have a link?
  6. I had some sort of 'revelation' last night. Today, this life NOW is just my future's anecdote. When I run out of milk, or bread, or cider, it's just something I can draw on for comparison. I am now effectively living my memories out until things are good and proper.
  7. Shitty Shitty Gang Bang was good, and I do like the nein nein nein nein nein jokes each week, and Dirty Naked ReZ In Bed character is... well, charming is the right word. AIDs movie and facebook of Eli were rubbish because there weren't really any jokes in either segment. Really Dark Knight was good because it was obtuse. Honey I blew Up The Borrowers is a good idea, but not executed. You could've taken the mickey out of the idea of trailers too. The rest of it was rubbish. Honestly. I wouldn't have kept watching if I didn't know you made it. So yeah, too much of the same sort of stuff. Comedy Rainbow's "strength" is in teh variety of "humour". Your best stuff is short, to teh point and unpredictable. The groansome jokes are excusable because they don't waste our time.
  8. Lol :P RE: alternate timeline stuff. If the island blew up in '77 (or whenever) then surely some other things would never have happened, like that mystic trying to convince Claire to go to LA, thus she never would've gotten on the flight? Hurley's numbers are now 'lucky', but his reasons for going to Oz are now not clear. In any case, the direction they've gone obviously gives us a lot to talk/think about, and that's what the show's about really. The whole Jacob/Abel (whatever his name is) side of things is going to be the answer-holding arc, hopefully telling us more about the island and generally giving us some reasons behind much of teh first season. I STILL want to know why the smokemonster didn't hurt Mr Ekko in teh jungle that time, and if it was him who possessed jack's dad which led them to the caves, and why.
  9. Haha :P We do count but I'm pretty sure that everyone else notices too. Gizmo; you are current Heir to the throne, but Dyson and even Paj (whether he likes it or not) are chasing you. [We should have an Emolympics. Who can cry the most/drink the must/bleed the most/write the best (worst) poem, etc.]
  10. I think too many people here assume they are part of the unwatched masses (see what I did there). We're all a patch in the great quilt of things. I agree with some of the self-perceptions above, but not all. In my eyes you are all cartoon characters with a role to play in my readings of N-E, elements of predictability that define your character but don't concrete what your actually say, nor does it reduce or insignificate what you say. There isn't a person on these boards that I dislike. That's the most surprising thing.
  11. Supernatural episode 11 Sam and Dean do a House and go to a mental asylum. Fairly standard Supernatural stuff, with the scooby-do/Midsummer Murders theme of 'whodunnit'. The show's quite good in that you think you're clever by going "it's going to be that person definitely, and if not then that person", then showing you, in the same order you guess, that you were wrong. Highlight of the show was definitely Dean's line of "PUDDINNGGG!!!!!". There's always a laugh to be had. Episode 12 was where Sam and Dean did a Freaky Friday episode; some stupid satanist teenager swaps bodies with Sam. This episode, unlike the previous, actually had some role in the series story arc, but Episode 13 was a revisiting to a quality episode from last season, and while they predictably ended the episode with a Smallville-esque 'memory wipe', it was nice for a few reasons; a) to see Mistah Eko from lost make an appearance, and b) Castiel's line "I don't get your reference, Dean". Dean is a bit like our admin Ashley, because every 2nd line he says is a cultural reference :P Smallville catch-up today with two episodes, including the hour-long, and then UFC 109 later, before catching up on Naruto a little, thanks to shorty's prods and prompts.
  12. ... irl or on here? I know I've done the "how are you unique?" thread a bazillion times, but hey, let's get metaphysical! I'd say you lot generally think of me as that cider-drinking belligerant in the corner who often shouts nonsense/ignorence. But how do you think you're viewed on these forums? What makes you more than an avatar/signature combo? In a few (three) instances it's the colour of your postings, in another it's the third-person talking. What about you?
  13. I watched the superbowl! And now I have an idea for a thread that will quickly die. Hasn't Wesley realised his own popularity ever since he started doing this? We all have gimmicks on here, don't we? I was about to post a list of people and their stereotype categories but I quickly realised I'd forget people and they'd feel offended/I'd feel bad for forgetting them. But I know my own gimmick! Ok so now I have two threads I want to make. Sorry in advance, forum.
  14. It's just before the bit where you are struggling to keep your eyes open/lost sense of gravity/wee in public/throw up near the toilet. Your speech is allowed to be slurred, and your vision does not necessarily need to be focused. But the whole 'happy' and 'not caring' thing isn't really what happens, more you get so drunk that the shitness of everything becomes hilarious in itself, essentually you fall into the sour trap of hysteria, finding it funny because IT'S NOT!!! Hahaha! Yeah it doesn't make much sense.
  15. Made my favourite post edit to date just now; no harm meant. *looks up* DAYS OF WONDER! No, not really. My teeth hurt and I'm cramping styles since '87. It's been a while. Even now I have to say I only ever think of this image when you say it. Sorry. It's been a couple of months since anyone ripped into you and paj, anyway. JAYSEVEN ANSWERS: You only got 'a bit tipsy'. That's where you went wrong! You are never again allowed to complain about not having money. Nor are you allowed to complain about your next job. THOSE BE THE RULES.
  16. My xpert team lost 4-3 in a ridiculous match. My keeper, who normally plays with 9+ skill, played a 6 and let in a long shot and two direct free-kicks. Nonsense. Annoying, and genuinely slightly angering.
  17. Turns out I don't have a match tomorrow, so I can relax a little!
  18. I figured she must've died, but when/where did she die? Hence the asking...
  19. Aw, ReZ, you hurt my feelings I think Walt just grew up IRL so they couldn't really use him too much in the time-fuckaboutings. What happened to Claire? I really just totally missed all that.
  20. Yeah, ReZ, naff off with that. True. Is this an issue for several/more of you? I have no idea when it is aired and in which country and who will be affected, y'see.
  21. If you're watching the show ahead of the UK airing schedule, then you gotta do what dan did above and put it in spoiler tags. After UK airdates, that episode is generally 'allowed' to be talked about. As Odwin says, spoil even slightly and you will be made to be sorry.
  22. It doesn't 'scream' at all, is what ReZ is saying. Too subtle, which is horrible for those of us who have facial recognition issues/are idiots. Odd post.
  23. Maybe I just respect the other teams here a bit too much :P The stats I can see with my beautiful VIP gift (thanks again Haden!) pretty much surmise what I speak of. I have become quick to adapt to mid-league life, and no longer feel like a Big Leaguer :P
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