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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Ashley; chronological! Or do it based on black/white ratio. :| Jimbob; yah, don't do anything. Ask them for written proof, and don't give them your address just say that they/vodafone already have it. Don't budge. Steph; it's your house, you're allowed to have some say in the matter. At least demand he chips into bills and does stuff round the house. Or just invite someone to stay for two weeks and tell them to be as annoying as possible.
  2. Happy birthday to a fine pair of posters
  3. Oooh controversy! Well I am a guilt-ridden individual so if I'm facing that situation I feel really bad and apologise to the bus driver before I even ask for the fare, then offer them altertives like "I can get the change when I get off it it's easier for you?" sort of stuff. The situations are sometimes unavoidable, but he was clearly having a bad day.
  4. Hax fixes ftw. Reaching climax of my spec ops single player skillz. Got 38 stars, refusing to do anything below Vet (... except for a couple of 1-star missions my housemate did). FINALLY found someone willing to help me co-op them, which is great news.
  5. I love that show too much. Saw each boxset for £10 in a cash converters a few months ago and was soooo tempted. Really wish I had just gone for it.
  6. My manager skill is atrocious, 65777 of 74470. Very bad.
  7. DuD I'm genuinely afraid of our game more than any game so far... To whoever was playing a 4-skill keeper -- honestly you're never going to get any luch with that. I think the GK is the one position you should just fork out for on the transfer market, because tehre is little place for any below 6 in these leagues to gain experience and not cost you all three points. (my official team 'only' lost 2-1. I was expecting to get properly thrashed and played a half-hearted team and did alright. I should aim for more, methinks.)
  8. The blessings of youth, m'dear. Youth, and ignorance of the joys of alcohol!
  9. impractical. Tell him he has to chip in for the rent/bills - bills, at least, is only fair if he's going to be there for half a month.
  10. Refreshing is over - 0-0, boringest match - damn for your bruise tactics! Just because the ref's shit doesn't mean you have to be mean I'm the only team yet to concede a goal :P
  11. They're not embedding because you're doing it wrong - just put the watch?v= in future, e.g. JP5mSDfCPsU would go in the youtube tags in the above case.
  12. Oh, me too, Ell :P I've never ever received a good youth. My team sucks. You seen our league rating? 810. That's awesome The list of champions is a bit odd. Where are the other season winners?
  13. Poor Rover. Good thing it has no soul! Precisely what I said when someone status'd it on fb.
  14. Didn't know you were into stabbing people, Chair. I'm sure Oxford is big enough for two gays.
  15. I've been to Rome. It wasn't all that good :P Chairdriver; James is not a boring name! John is THE most comming and boring name, so shupyerface. :P Went to oooni tomorning. Started my existentialism & literature module. There are some proper morons in the class. Sure I'm going to love/hate the module. Waiting for x11 results, then pub with workmate in tafternoon. Tomorrow is shopping, house party, fancy dress corp.
  16. Great idea, ReZ. Bard; the one picture where you're on the other side of your girlfriend is where you both seem to be going "hey we're on the wrong side!!" to each other (2nd row far right) i've come a long way, baby.
  17. Yeah so I made a post in the wrong x11 thread and the forums are being too slow for me to move or delete it, ffs. (gonna lose 2-0, is my prediction)
  18. *tries cabinet again with his rubber shoes on his hands, probably still finding it locked* *follows power cable along the wall...*
  19. I'm predicting a 2-0 loss, f-y'all-i. POWER HOUR!
  20. I'll, of course, check the untouched filing cabinet. I'll also knock on the barred cell door!
  21. So a current housemate who is barely ever here is kicking a up a wee fuss about bills and rent and such. We agreed at the beginning of the year that we'd all pay even for the fixed-cost stuff (... rent and internet, then) so It's fair enough he doesn't want to pay for the month's worth of electricity/gas when he was only here for three days of it. However he's saying he doesn't want to pay for the internet because he wasn't using it which would be fair enough if he had given more notice -- the bill comes out of MY account, so I'm obv. a bit more touchy about it. On the plus side his mate has asked if he can chip in for rent and crash here when the other guy isn't here - thing is I don't think we'll see any of the money, and I don't really know how that will work bills-wise. My day is consisting of K cider and MW2. Going to meet another housemate to fork over council tax/electricity amounts, then grab a few bits of grub, try and do some reading tonight and then Existentialism and Literature tomorrow, woo!
  22. Damn. Well I guess I'll head to Ward A
  23. Yeah, it's mostly for your own benefit - and for going to youself "yeaaah I got more points on this game than this person! Unurface! They only have more points on that game than me because they clearly play games too much..." Yes, it's all conceited, silly, useless bollocks, and not really what should be the defining factor between consoles... So I guess I'll lock this later today, give y'all a chance to get any last cents off your chest.
  24. Gamerscores for the 360 are the simplest method. PS3 already complicated it - the only plus is the plats, so if you distinguish between dlc trophies and regular game trophies, then you have no debate with what the plat means, and whatever. I still don't get the difference/need for bronze/silver/gold, though I understand platinum standing for 'completed this shit'. Sense made?
  25. Why not have DLC have brand new trophy colours! Pearl, Diamond, Sapphire, whatever.
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