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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Yeah, but ref was H9!! Had to hold back on cautious with the aggro. I hate games where it's only a single goal margin. Effectively it's playing to the home advantage, I think.
  2. Just changed mah kiiit. Win.
  3. One of two teams in teh entire league STILL YET TO CONCEDE A GOAL... Lols :P My keeper had a banging game - 11 skill. Shorty had more chances despite playing defensive. Weirdly there were no chances at all during the first half! Played three youth who didn't really shine at all, one got injured, too. My next game against silverdale will be interesting as VIP tells me we're pactically identical teams. VIP is so helpful - the form development graph is going to help me focus on getting a better team... May have to invest in it in future! P.S. Keeper and striker in X11, manager of the round, and a defender scored :P
  4. But a title to a movie is acceptable! You'll start arguing that the first lines of dialogue 'spoil' the last ones next. The title of a movie is a part of the movie to me.
  5. Sounds pretty good Dan. What mag? Had my first lecture on 'digital fiction' today. -Tutor has Empire of the Sun playing upon arrival (thumbs up) -Then we play a getting-to-know-each-other game where we have a card with a name on it, and we have to find our partner - so Tom would be looking for Jerry, only you can't just ask outright, you have to investigate in a 20-questions way. My card had JANE on, so I spent 5 mins asking people if they swang from the treetops, wore loincloths, etc. Turns out my partner was EDWARD. Further investigation - TWI-FUCKING-LIGHT. I was actually offended. -Then tutor says "my name is Alice and I am Angry! *clenches fists and shakes them violently*" ... Then turns to the next person who apparantly knew gistful things and said "Your name is Alice and you are *clenches fists* ANGRY! My name is Zoe and I am *twirls finger at head* ZANY!" And thus the list grows. I made THE BIGGEST FUNNY by asking if I was allowed to take notes. I was also a very sarcastic 'jolly'. -Turns out I'm not the only failure - another girl (Amy, if you remember her Shorty?) was in the class. She seemed annoyed that I'd broken the illusion of 'a fresh start'. I am her crimson spot. -DIGITAL FICTION isn't just fiction digitised, like ebooks and such, but rather more interactive, with the user/reader choosing what information to read in the order loosely held together by the author. One example was a picture of a body, and clicking on a part gave you a story, with some words url-ised that took you to other stories - essentially like a cross between those adventure books you read as a kid where you either went to PAGE 62 TO TAKE THE HIGH ROAD or PAGE 74 TO TAKE THE LOW ROAD, crossed with wikipedea. Group work for teh assessment, not judged on creative writing but creative use of the medium. There's lots of potential, and about 6 weeks to do it so it's alright. -Booked Hubs for Jugglesock. -Got home, hungry as fuck, and thought I'd bore y'all. Oh and the quick train is only like 42 minutes. You'd be a fool to ever get any other one!
  6. Am I correct in replying it's a week after the last match, to teh day? That's always what I've believed it's been with our league, at least. Not clued up on teh new-league stuff though I presume you can do it fairly snappy, unless you think a buffer 'transfer' period might be worthwhile! I set my tactics last night. These are the haunting hours before a game where I bite my psychological nails and try not to be tempted to even look at my tactics!
  7. My Tuesday So far; This is the first house I've LIVED where I can rightfully claim to own stairs. I've only just realised this. I've also started growing attached. My old flat, while it had the zeppelin love of Shorty and Nami (xbox and washing-up spring to mind), does mostly remind me of a very depressed part of my life. My room there was a hovel, a sty, a pit of despair, and I spent most of my time in it, wallowing in various suffixes of self. Tomorrow I (re-re-)start uni; a second semester in a second-chance year. It feels like christmas, and Muse's cover is playing perpeptually in my mind. New day, new dawn, new life. I do feel good. I've started writing again. Short, crap poems but still proof that there is intelligence in my mind - something I gave up on a long time ago. Too obsessed with the physiology of friends, too worried about how my face is unable to convey what I am thinking. Hope's a rare thing, but oh so wonderful. The permanence of life is so etched into my eroding teeth that I often forget how much more time I have to make an impact - to become someone admired, respected, loved, cherished, needed... wanted. There is chance, and it's not a lottery of ambition, it's a possibility. I just need to... believe. It's easier when someone else believes it to, when everybody doesn't remember me for the failures but instead upholds the positives. I too often read into what everyone else is thinking before I make up my own mind and that does nothing but put me on edge. I need to be more selfish, but at the same time less cynical and more respecting of other people's complexities. I wish shoulder angels were more real. I wish people were more honest. I wish for too much.
  8. Ash; No. Make him do the fucking trip if all he wants to do is spill guts.
  9. You're so very scottish. You actually remind me of this stoner chav I know back in Brighton, lookswise and closed-eyes-happy-wise. I didn't actually watch the whole thing because it was too quiet and my headphones are over there somewhere.
  10. I hate the fact that without seeing the film I know that Summer is a bitch. NEW DISCUSSIONPOINT THAT IS SAID LOUDER THAN THE PREVIOUS ONE IN ORDER TO TAKE PRECEDANCE! Spoilers. Can a movie still be enjoyable when you know about it? Is there a line between blurb material and twist-destroying info? The books I've enjoyed the most are the ones I've not read the back of. Similarly, the best movie experiences have been when I was utterly unaware of what I was about to experience, be it a friend saying "just shut up and watch this (Waking Life, Primer, Cannibal Holocaust) or a £notmany film that I got because the cover looked cool (Koyaanisqatsi, Shoot-em-up... That's it, really) -- I genuinely cannot think of a movie that I knew even with brevity about the ongoings of plot/whatever and managed to be blown away by it. It may be the late night/drunk things that affect this, but I've just always preferred my entertainment, like an eel, shocking me out of the blue. Personally I think (tangent) that any post commenting on a part of a film specifically should be spoilered. As a mod I have to take credit as being One More Annoyed Than Most because I 'have' to scan threads even when I don't have an aim to post... So uh... yeah... Whatever. Shh now james.
  11. I will have you know it was only once, and besides blood is a food group.
  12. Move this to sexuality thread NOW. Any replies, just quote what you're referring to in the ST. Let's keep this all happy and emo-day-core, ok? I CBA doing the hard work and moving the relevant posts now, so just be warned; I will just delete rokhed/transexy posts from now on, even if they have some HWYD-related material. Go use the thread and let people get on with the voyeurism in here. EDIT: lol - time it takes me to post that and Ashley beat me to it IN A ME WAY!
  13. STILL on Vet campaign. Put in maybe an hour in the last 3 nights though, so I've not progressed far. Currently on the Mission I Felt I Lucked Through; The Enemy of My Enemy (the airplane graveyard one) and, especially after finally escaping the house with Ghost and that DRM, feeling like I'm reaching the end of my tether. I've always known I'm not especially great at gaming but I keep finding that after feeling clueless for ages I resort to something akin to 'cheating' -- each time I die I learn the positions of the enemy then take them out tactically the next attempt. Trial and Error springs to mind... but it's just not exactly what being good at the game should be, right? A lot of people say that the game was relatively easy to do on Vet... but then, I suck online so it probably is just me. Only 4 Intel to go then I can concentrate on the spec ops and the 1000k altogether awesomeness
  14. ReZ where's my PM for yesterday?
  15. Chairdriver I appreciate your recent astrophy of the dimensions of 'T' but Rokhed was more than just a dude who dressed up because he wanted to be a woman, or whatever - he was a guy who went out of his way to demand attention for it, and if anything he portrayed the entire transgendered 'world' as a massively self-involved, selfish, self-obsessed, self self self sort of place. We never disliked him for who he was, just a) that he thrusted it down our throats so often and b) that he would stretch the rules, also c) that while he would demand more 'open-mindedness' he would, at the same time, entirely object to different points of view. Or something.
  16. Fuck it. *jayseven dons cow mask and just runs around for a few hours* I have no real incentive/idea.
  18. Here you go, comrade *gives drugs to shorty*
  19. Good idea. ReZ is my talking doing anything :S DuD; see what he'll say to you while he's still locked up. He needs to understand your position, that you need some insurance, and some assurace. Highlighted for gaylols.
  20. I'm in the final league! 7:74 currently! Get promoted and meet meeee
  21. See? That's totally HARD GAY.
  22. DuD - if all the other inmates are afraid of Gray enough to stfu when he says so, then maybe three fo you aren't enough - be careful! "Listen -- LISTEN UP! We'll tell you anything we know if you can just let us talk. [proceeds to tell the cellblock what they know of the situation] "Who are you guys?"
  23. She's probably still reading this forum to see how you react. Hi, funny woman. You wouldn't have been offended if you hadn't read it in the first place! Think about that. Whoever told you to come here and read it -- THEY wanted you to be offended. They wanted to see you insulted because they don't have the balls (irony) to tell you that's how THEY feel.
  24. I'm looking at the long run. My current all-time top scorer is a defender, I'm looking to have a midfield elite and to spend teh season saving money and not being extravogent with my win bonuses.
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