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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. R_A do you shifties want a clean start with this, or a simple merge/rename? I suppose a clean start gives people new boundaries to compare themselves with, or something. I'm happy with getting fatter as I get older, so I suppose I'll pissoffnow.
  2. Actually arab, there are a lot more things that are more disgusting, like your grandmother attempting to fellate a donkey whilst massaging feces and puke into a baby's eyeballs. I'm a fan of E-Prime. ANYWAYONTOPIC! I am a smoker, but also a fan of the smoking ban -- to some extent. There are many positives to the ban; not smelling of the stuff -- even as a smoker, there's a noticable difference between smelling of my own tobacco and smelling of 150 people's smoke. I smoke less now that I have to forcibly get up and leave the room. When I do go to the smoking area there are people there that I immediately have something in common with, that I can have a conversation with -- the social aspect of smoking prevails. I don't get burnt by wailing cigarettes during gigs. But there are negative aspects to the ban! *dun dun dunnn* Some ridiculous places where there isn't really a reason to not smoke - train stations and bus stops. While it it a common sense or courtesy call to not blow smoke in the faces of nearby people, that an open-air train station doesn't cater at all for smokers is backwards. Many other countries do -- even if it's not a paper-based law, let the smokers go to the ends of the platform and smoke! I've had a couple of instances around the time the ban came into place where I had a conductor/train station employee traipse all the way up teh platform to see me at the VERY END of the station smoking to tell me to put it out because I am harming others, when I am so very clearly not. Work vans, where it is illegal to smoke in a work vehicle with another employee in there, even if they are smokers, is ridiculous. You aren't allowed to have 'smokers only' pubs/clubs. If a pub has a separate room (ventilationseparatetoo), then why aren't they allowed to instigate smoker's policies? The thing about 'laws' is that they never regress, only plod on. Situations for smokers are only going to get worse rather than fairer. People assume that smoking is worse than car pollution, which is silly. Since the smoking ban I've had more instances of members of the public accusing me of giving them cancer - either while i walk down the street, while I stand against a wall or -- what's worst! -- when sitting on a park bench miles away from them, where they walk all the way up to me ONLY TO COMPLAIN ABOUT THE CANCER I HAVE APPARANTLY GIVEN THEM FOR WALKING UP TO ME... But, after all this, I have to say if you wanted to make a thread/smoking thread you could've at least waited for something decent to arise in the news, as this is old news with nothing additional to any of the previous threads we've had. I'm just drunk.
  3. It's a retro thing. You'll grow to love it.
  4. No, me having posts repeating themselves. I've been considerably dumber recently.
  5. Moogle; that's been happening a lot recently. I really have no idea why.
  6. 20 max, but if you dip to 18 (I think!) you can't sack any more people. *cue a correction reply*
  7. I just find it utterly mental that so many americans seem to think it's evil. I dread to think how they even view our little ol' NHS, or even if they give a crap about how similar healthplans have worked around the world. "Grab a Mop" - isn't that what Obama said?
  8. I've been playing to my own acceptable standards for a few years now, villan. I have no desire to become obsessive/pro :P
  9. Why not just make a Glee thread? There's clearly enough interest!
  10. I did one ripping on Brave New world (rather than the 1984 boot-stamping above) but it's not funny. "Community, Identity, Stability. For the Good of Society" ... was mine.
  11. That kitten looks like it's had too much medical attention. I mean drugs. Anyway! Work was work. Forgot my shoes, wore trainers, nobody gave a crap. Workmate lent me a tenner so BOOOZE tonight! That's it.
  12. Always had a problem w/ guitar hero guitars. On my current one the blue/orange will only work if you squeeze the neck of the guitar into to body (if that makes sense). The tild is really undersensitive with the Rockband guitar, but similarly sometimes it'll go off as soon as I have enough starpower/beatlemania/whatever because of the angle I'm holding it. The whole tilt idea is stupid anyway. I always ALWAYS lose my note streak when I try to activate it. A nicely placed thumb-button or something would be nice.
  13. ^ I think I glimpsed a bit of that and just thought "Oh, it's Two Pints, but with kids in". So obviously following the same pattern. Big Love s04e01 Almost an OTT use of a dead body, forgot how much I hate nikki (but think this season will see her playing the "why won't anyone trust me anymore, I'm innocent I swear!" returning-to-good role), and how hot margerie is. MMMmmmmmargerie! And the daughter who's dating the dude from Breaking Bad. Don't really have any observations of the actual plot. Will watch the 2nd episode tonight.
  14. Ok, I'm officially Not Going To Do Well next season. I am going to fully focus on my youth, essentially 'start again'. Got an 18 4 from youth which I'm happy enough with. He's tough and has an unpronouncable first name!
  15. EEVILMURRAY: you forget how to use google/the internet, or something?
  16. I've opted for Fallout 3 so I've yet to even really know what AITD plays like... Had a save file for my level 7 nutterevilbitch, Katrina (waves of mutilation/hurricane of violence references). I've seen that there are 'easy' ways to get all the karma achievements by abusing the save system. Currently I'm happy to get this bitch up to level 20 while re-playing the game, as I've forgotten most of it. Really I'm aiming to get the speech challenge sorted - got 10 complete, need 40 more! also started to use the melee weapons more... and my god it's awesome! Knifing someone's face off, or using the powerfist to see their mind explode... and saving ammo! Genuis.
  17. Nah, I'm just poking my stick at the bear. You are my anti!
  18. Time for a classic. What's black, white and red all over?
  19. ReZ; my favourite episode was the 2nd one (I think). Up n' about more, with more of a mix of things. Relying on puns is more likely to get groans than genuine laughter. More role-playing, but MOST IMPORTANTLY you really need to figure out a way of addressing the sound issue, it's really, really, really distracting. Moreso than Claire's boobs.
  20. Because he's a normal person, bad spelling, ignorance and all.
  21. Harsh stuff dan, I'm just getting over that now - most unpleasant. Been t'uni, picked up finance form, found out my graduate account only lasts 3 years so I'm going to be getting charged 1.4 interest (or something like that) which is effectively £20 a month. Forgot to ask them what happens when the overdraft is maxed out - I'm guessing the due amount keeps increasing but any money I put in won't be available for me to take out. Time to move all transactions to my new account methinks! Got a bottle of cider so I'm going to live up to my reputation for another day. Girls can't catch, but boy they can sure look pretty trying.
  22. Well finished Arkham Asylum on hard - gotta say the bit I mentioned above (which took me hours) was definitely the hardest bit. Poison Ivy was surprisingly easy, and the Party, while it took four or five attempts, was really only so prolongued because I was trying to get that Freestyle master achievement thingey - do all moves in one combo. I managed eight of the nine, but got hit when I was on the RT+Y ground takedown. Massively annoying! Will do the extreme combat (endless one) to grab it later. Once I got that, then I have all achievements besides the challenges one and 100%. Pretty sure I'll be able to get a few of the bronzes at the least! What to play next, though? I've got Alone In The Dark to begin, but Fallout 3 DLC is looking most likely. *really wants to play Assassin's Creed 2... will hassle Dan Dare*
  23. I'm getting a puppy! ... Ok not in any immediate sense, but I'm totally getting a dog, and a black lab was one of my potentials. Molly - hands off. You'll turn my dog into a right perv with all this boob talk you instigate.
  24. similarly; the runs.
  25. Yeah I figured, but thanks
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